Mercy Mains Want Rez Gone

I do agree with this, but I will say, Mass res did have counterplay before invincibility on it.

Once they gave her that, she was 100% broken.


We can’t deny the fact that rez is a unique aspect of her kit. The forums aren’t even majority of overwatch players. It doesn’t make much difference if a few people on the forums want her rez gone.

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Umm, I don’t want Rez deleted from the game. Successfully pulling off a Rez and not dying from it wins team fights as long as no one else gets picked during casting. It’s literally the only thing she has at this point that can influence a team fight.

What would they rework her into if they take away her Rez? Yet another Damage dealer support? No thanks.



I don’t think so man. Damage boosting to secure a kill is pretty influential AND it doesn’t prevent Mercy from easily going to the next person to heal/damage boost like res does. I’m not saying hey guys let’s delete res, but this argument right here is pretty irrelevant.


I want it GONE

It doesn’t fit with her kit that is heavily based on being fast with your movement and your decision making, It’s slow and clunky and I personally believe that it is what’s holding her back from getting any changes or buffs to her current kit because they’re afraid it would make her too powerful and other healers weak.

DELEte REZ !!!l


I’d rather they just put solo rez on ulti and put valk on e like it should’ve been since the start of this rework.

no real reason to delete rez when we can still fix it so its not detrimental to her kit as a whole.


I agree with this. 100% this is what I meant by a change. It would fit into mercy being a fast character. An ult which is an instant res. That’s it.

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Numbers win matches some games, damage boost is good for certain characters but if you’re playing into shield meta and don’t have a shield buster DB is not gonna win a team fight.

Mercy is not a hero that can carry, she works well in certain team composition but if you don’t have that comp, Rez is very important to make sure you have the numbers that can withstand a push.

Yes it will. You can take that shield down very quickly with damage boost on any hero.

Double shield meta is our current meta. One shield goes down, another goes up.

Just get rid of rez as an E ability and give her a CC/damage reduction ability. Rez should be only available in valk, something like 2 insta rez only in valk.


Exactly this. And res doesn’t change that. Half the time when you CAN pull off a res 100%, that hero could have walked back because the fight was either close to spawn, making it safe, or the fight was already in your favor, making the res safe.

I understand not all res’s Happen this way, but in its nature, it’s most common.


And also why wouldn’t you have a shield breaker? What type of scenario is this?

And even then we wouldn’t be picking mercy because we would be playing Ana. Res isn’t needed if no one is going to die and if people are dying, it’s already too late.

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And let me clarify that I do not think her other abilities are worthless. But all of the games I have won have all been with well executed Rez’s.

On console, people in my rank do not pick sensible characters. Because hero changes effect every platform, that is a valid concern.

I also play on console and Ana is very very very easy.

Mercy is never the pick when it comes to res, because if your team won without your healing while you were Rezing, that meant it was never needed in the first place.

And if others die during that time, you lost anyways.

What happens if the person had ult and the perfect time to use ult was when they died? That wins team fights.

She’s literally the same hero, but more interesting. What do you think she used to be?

The timing of the Rez is what makes it valuable. I don’t use it during team fights unless I’m desperate or in Valk and can do it safely.

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I do agree that rezing someone who was out of position is useful so they don’t push, but you can’t fix stupid, and they’ll die again if they were out of position to die before a team fight.