Mercy mains giving up due to overwatch devs

The whole point of characters like tracer and genji is to flank nd kill the Mercy before you push in. Honesly there is not that many viable places to hide and it just comes down to lazy play (much easier to nerf tothe ground). Just remove invulnerability, the current version doesn’t have it. Mercy became Far more op and a problem by adding res to a cooldown. It should be earned not just there.


I dunno, just the way things are being adjusted alone seem to point that way though. Whenever they make an adjustment it’s almost always either the wrong thing completely or it just ends up making new issues that never get addressed.

Of the 6 games I played with Riot workers and even a few other games people were never super toxic towards the devs that were in game. Funny thing is people were more relaxed and willing to joke and have fun.

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uh my own experience? i’ve been playing since launch and 5-man rez was really rare? in fact majority of my rezzes where 1-2. the fact that many mercy mains say they’d be fine with extreme changes to mass rez is also an indication that they never had to rely on 5-man rezzes to get value out of her as well

and with no actual data given as to why she was reworked you can’t say it wasn’t subjective either. bad gameplay has zero indication of statistics. if anything it just means ‘unintended possible gameplay’. no one ever claimed mercy was op, prior to the rework.

and the devs have clearly made mistakes in the past even with their own data. from the entire mercy rework to the ptr reaper changes that nearly got pushed (but didn’t because it was the player base that called them out on it). just cause they got the data doesn’t actually mean they’re not making mistakes / misinterpreting it


Because playing hide n seek is fun and engaging gameplay.

Also requiring you to have a genji or a tracer to deal with a Mercy hiding does not sound like good balance.


fairly certain majority of the mercy players dont think this. i personally dont even care for mass rez coming back, but even those that still ask for a revert want tweaks to mass rez to remove hide n seek


Just for context, I am only refuting the claim that Mercy currently hides more. Which is not the case.

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I never claimed playing hide or seek was fun, like I said not everyone played that way but if you did it was your preference and simply one of the things on the enemys attack checklist. Personaly I find with all the damage buffs, invisbility flanking turrets, ememies dropping from the sky and one punching you it forces you to hide most of the time.

It’s unpleasant having ability that is largely useless in the middle of a fight beacuse standing chained to a spot for almost 2 seconds in a fast paced game is a death sentance. Tracer and genji were just examples that were viable at the time, there is a wealth of other characters that can do the job. Also Genji is still used with nano boost in team comps.

These are all of course a matter of opinion. We could talk until our motherboards fry and not get anywhere.

The only point I am trying to make is that your supposition that she currently hides MORE then when mass rez was a thing was incorrect. I think we can both agree there is a distinct difference between the two now.

Current rez is not hiding. Its cover. Old rez had straight up hiding.

I had Mercy in one game, my Orisa was getting bullied by Brigitte, Mercy healing Orisa, Orisa died. And can’t rez Orisa because Brigitte would kill Mercy easily, Mercy stuck into waiting Brigitte is pushed back.


Why do people entertain Mercy threads anymore? Anyone with a brain knows she’s balanced now.

Please, other heroes need to be looked at.


Of course not, Mercy had the most OP ULT in the game by far. Literally the entire meta revolved around mercy because of how powerful her ULT was. Not only could it res an entire team, but it basically cancelled all the ULTs the enemy team used during the team fight before mercy pressed Q from whatever closet/hidey hole she was in.

Mercy’s OP ULT molded the entire meta around her. DPS were forced to play hide & seek to find her, because ultimately team fights would come down to which mercy died first. No hero should have an ULT so powerful that the entire meta revolves around killing one specific hero otherwise the entire team fight is for naught.

The mercy fanbase may not have wanted the rework, but the game – and everyone else – needed it for the game to be balanced.


Just gonna post a little thing here…

Remember that regardless of your opinion on Mercy, you all want the same thing: a fun and balanced hero. People just envision that goal slightly differently.

You all have the best of intentions for Mercy, regardless of whether you are for or against a rework, revert, or just minor tweaks. You all want the best for the game.

No one’s intents are malicious. You all just want to make the game more fun. Try to remember that.

I hope you all have a good day.

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Hold on, let me get this straight… So you’re saying that constantly nerfing a character qualifies as “catering” to the players of said character?


Listening to you =/= Listening to the community
Listening to you =/= Listening to Mercy mains


In GM, Mercy didn’t even have the highest pickrate among supports, and Pros only used her for Pharmercy… But don’t let reality get in the way of your story I guess.


I am not a Mercy main i play all heroes. Yes everyone has their favorites. But I don’t want to support the overnerfing from Mercy so i don’t play the game anymore. And now the have buffed Mercy just a litte bit and they think it’s done with her they buffed her but she is still bad and overnerferd.


It’s not my story, it’s what the Blizzard devs said. Whether or not their opinion is correct is irrelevant, because ultimately they hold all the cards – they decide if a hero is balanced or not, they decide if a hero gets buffs or nerfs. What I think/feel is irrelevant to this argument.

I have no incentive to “ignore reality to promote my ‘story.’” I’m just stating what the devs said. Maybe it wasn’t happening in your rank, GM, but it was happening at lower ranks enough that Blizzard thought it was a problem that deserved a humongous nerf and rework. That’s just facts.

But don’t let facts get in the way of your story I guess.


In that case, please provide a quote from any Blizzard developer saying Mercy’s old Ultimate was the most overpowered Ultimate in the game, and/or saying that the entire Meta revolved around her. Otherwise I’ll have to assume that’s just another story.


Agreed. It was even proven that based on forum profile stats, before forum profiles were recently hidden, that they never appeared to read the megathread feedback. I honestly doubt they even read any of it when not logged on to the forum. It’s quite a shame how poorly they’ve handled the rework from day one to date.


Where does this sense of entitlement all of you have come from? It sounds neat I want some.

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