Mercy mains giving up due to overwatch devs

It’s probably wise that they didn’t say too much. They’d just invite personal attacks and every word they say will be nitpicked to death if they say something that the other side doesn’t agree with.

Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. At least if they don’t say too much, they don’t paint a bigger target on their heads.

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At this point…
Just give her 60hp/s for main healing…
I don’t care what happens to rest of kit…


they were arguing against your point that mercy players are the most catered. not her balance. because really, reworking her despite her own playerbase not asking for the rework resulting into a year long series of subsequent nerfs just to balance her was not for the mercy mains. just cause a hero gets changed a lot doesn’t meant it was to ‘cater’ to the hero’s mains


You are a prime example of making presumptions to fit a narrative.

You can dislike what has been done to mercy. That is fine. However, assuming these changes were made by people who do not play mercy is clearly motivated by a bias and not fact.


Actualy the current mercy involve a LOT more hiding than the old mercy ever did. I mainly did 1 or 2 man tepo res, 3 was a big res for me.


She does not hide. Now. Its called taking cover. Taking cover at the fringe of the fight is VERY different from purposefully hiding and waiting for people to die together.


No, no it doesn’t. The problem was that Valkyrie became high-impact, higher than intended, as something to take the place of the impactful mass rez.
When they tried to bring her pick-rate/impact down, they started picking things to gut, and I particularly feel angry that they gutted her aerial mobility and shooting upgrade (she had improved bullet speed for a brief moment in time) early on to try and keep some of the other aspects of what Valk gave.
I imagine they were told to keep cutting back when her pickrate didn’t drop far enough.

With each successive nerf, my faith was taken.

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Her playerbase asked for an E ability, you know LIKE EVERY OTHER CHARACTER HAD.
The self entitled pigs!

I jokingly commented that ‘press e to suicide’ would at least do something, denying the foe ult charge (since she tends to, you know, die, under intense fire, and she won’t be getting shield generator or armor tokens any more, thats for sure)

that was a joke,
I didn’t expect them to take me seriously, and keep the one thing I didn’t want, giving the foe charge for killing you whilst self-stunned.


But, they still overnerfed her anyway…Besides, if you need to nerf a hero more than twice in a row, then the problem is that other heroes are underpowered. After the second nerf, seeing Mercy still toping the support picks, they should have started buffing other supports, and reconsided whether the rework was actually successful.

Eh, I’ll beileve that when I see more buffs happen.

But she’s way less fun to play than she used to be. The whole point of the game is to have fun, and it’s not fun to be a sitting duck for basically 2 seconds to res one person.


You are awre that they fixed the hide and res thing SOME and I mean only SOME mercy mains (please don’t generalise) were exploiting by adding line of site to res just before her rework. And there are plenty of instances were dps mains also go into hiding before an ult (reaper, Mc cree, soldier phara if they are wise) so that is a bit of a double standard.


Mercy mains, just sayin’, if you need to get your German-speaking healer fix, Team Fortress 2 is right there, and Medic mains are far more appreciated than Mercy mains.

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The game cannot be changed around subjective OPINIONS.
Before you say it, Mercy wasn’t reworked due to how “unfun” she was to play against.
LOS etc MAY have fixed the main issue, we don’t know and probably will never know.


Hide and Rez was not about line of sight. You do realize that right? (see I can use the condescending toned question too!)

The issue was that she was INVINCIBLE the moment she started casting it during her final iteration. Meaning she would HIDE and then wait for her team to die and burst out of hiding and start casting rez.

Hide and Rez was not about being in hiding WHILE rezzing. It was about being in hiding and not actively participating in the fight and THEN coming out and changing the whole thing.

Could they have done things to fix this? Of course. But trying to compare current cooldown rez and cover vs doing nothing in some hidden alcove waiting for EVERYONE to die is no where close to the same thing.


Lol, show me someone that thinks being a sitting duck for 2 seconds in an FPS game is fun.

I know that…the rework was to fix a “problem”, that was exaggerated and not really a problem.


Show me someone who thinks having kills reversed with a single button in a FPS game fun with no effort involved.
See how that works?
The whole fun/unfun thing can’t be used as any argument on either side.

Res currently may feel like crap to play with, but thats a consequence of how powerful res is.


even with ‘hide and rez’, mercy’s stats never eluding to anything overpowered/overtuned. so if it wasn’t an object reasoning due to statistics the only other reason to change her was due to subjective reasons of the playerbase.


Or…the reason given by BLIZZARD that it was encouraging a bad playstyle for a HEALER. Nothing to do with subjective player feelings.
It makes no difference that Tempo-res was better.
LOS may of fixed it, we don’t know.

Maybe remove the offending ability ALL TOGETHER and start from scratch?


How would mercy players feel if they can exchange 33% of their ult charge to spend on an extra raise, or temporary heal boost.


that’s not inherently objective. that’s basically opinionated. what does bad playstyle in comparison to the fact she was fine statistically.

objectively, and not subjectively, hide and rez was rare. tempo rez was better and it was used much more by the majority of mercy mains.

bad playstyle is literally a subjective matter


Prove your claims???
Lets not start making claims based on no information.

All we can say is that Blizzard saw it as enough of an issue to remove it from the game. We have no data on it.

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