Mercy Mains - Are you currently happy with the Rework?



I… I am going to be honest with you guys, I didn’t see it in the comments lol

edit: it is ok though, everybody makes mistakes

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Absolutely not… The rework was an udder failure and putting An ultimate on a normal ability and destroying the rest of the characters kit because free Ult is so broken is NEVER going to be healthy for the game at all.


Ah, Xavvypls returns.

… Loaded question and a half.
Mind if I chip in, despite not really playing Mercy? Just for the sake of it.

To be honest, it’s a tough call. She’s “fine”. (Dependent on your definition). I don’t ever want mass rez back. I don’t care what statistics or whatever back it up, I just flat out hated it. (Besides, it didn’t make her viable). The best option to me is to either leave her, or try for a 2nd rework.

She’s good for rezzing and damage boost, but her healing is underpowered imo

You can argue that for any mains, really.

It just seems that way because this forum has a disproportionat amount of mercy mains.

(Seriously, read some of the “buff X” threads. Some of them are asking for SSBB meta knight levels of broken)

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She was always the versatile one, that’s why people played her, she was useful in all situations even before her rework.

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No, simply because the goal of the rework isn’t there.
“more rez” -> No
“More engaging” -> At the first maybe, when i could istant rez and come down to res and come up, but not now.

We need another rework if they don’t want to revert.
Make Rez ultimate and give up Valkyrie mess

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Well, I was always a healer main, not necessarily Mercy. I have, however, basically given her up entirely since Mercy 2.0 hit. They could buff her to godlike status or nerf her into oblivion, neither of those will change how often I play her without another rework/revert because her new style is just so uninteresting and uninspired.


I would rather have Mercy from 2016 than this piece of garbage we have right now.


Mercy doesn’t feel like a hero anymore. She has no standout moments, and once you get the hang of juggling beams and managing GA there’s nothing left to master.

Old Mercy was really rewarding to play if you liked risk/reward assessment and planning several steps ahead. You felt like a real chessmaster when you were playing at the top of your game.

The rework took away the rewards for taking risks, and didn’t offer anything in its place. New Mercy is all about “better safe than sorry”, which is the polar opposite of old Mercy’s “yes doing XYZ is a risk, but if it works it’ll be so worth it.”


With Mass rez, I had the ability to pick and choose when to pop it and it felt rewarding. Valk is just a glorified spectator mode.


The great majority of Mercy players want her to be fun and engaging to play tho. Right now she just is nothing of that.
Rez is clunky and takes so long to pull of (if you don’t just straight up die during) that your entire team is likely dead by the time you bring back that dreaded first pick.
Her heal can’t even protect your from Winston’s tickle gun, not even in her Ultimate form.
Her Ult in general encourages hiding much more than the broken SR exploit called “Hide and Rez” ever could.


Dude, that Mercy was considered underpowered lmao. Maybe take the 60 HPS one and without invulnerability


So they made her have no impact. Great balance /s

The existing design is a dead end, though.


Because Res is an ultimate forced to be an ability, and Valk is an ability forced to be an ult, thats not great game design


Pickrate is nothing because Mercy is popular. My mom likes Mercy and she hates shooters. Pickrate means literally nothing for balance


Not really. I was ok with it until the most recent nerf, but now she just feels not too helpful and boring to play.