Mercy Mains - Are you currently happy with the Rework?

Fun to know about your mom. :slight_smile:

But I think pickrate says a lot about balance, especially at higher ranks.

to my knowledge she got fourm banned from her other account due to I don’t know probably too many flags or something along those lines

Well her kit is 99% the same as it’s always been. So if shes boring how she has always been boring


It really doesn’t, and the mom thing was an example. People pick Mercy because she’s highly unique. She is a pacifist in a shooter, with easy mechanics, an appealing story and does literally no damage. She’s like a caregiver, something you never see in shooters. That’s why she’s picked, not because of balance


Overall winrate says a lot more than her pickrate. After her last nerf her pickrate went down 30-40% and she has 50+% winrate only in GM. That says a lot. Can’t post links to source but you can google it if you type “omnic meta support meta analysis”


The rework was a mistake, they should have reverted the week it was released. All these nerfs did was make her a rez bot who cannot heal, where as before she had a great, balance-able and impactful ultimate that was niche. Jeff promised us a “more engaging and impactful” Mercy…

T h e r e w o r k f a i l e d.


That wall is the only place left to go. We’re waiting for the devs to drop a ladder.

E rez won’t work beause putting an ult on cooldown = bad idea

Taking rez away completely would be like taking away Reinhardt’s shield, or Hanzo’s bow. Rez is one of the pillars of Mercy’s character design.

The only place left to go is Q.


Agreed! Also I am Clickbait Gengar from your Discord :slight_smile:

Bunny hop is the only good feature to come from this rework and it was unintentional bug turned feature lol.

Everything else can go screw itself.


Because people still lose patience no matter how much they love a character. You can love a character to death, but if they’re useless you can’t keep playing them. It’s like shoving a square into a circular hole and people are bound to stop. Alot of Mercy players love Mercy but stopped playing because the new design is bad but she’s a must pick. It gets tiring


Yeah it’s pretty normal, <50% winrate seems normal to you? You know it should be 50/50?


Influencers made people believe the witch is dead now xd And after mo(n)ths of having our Nerfcy in a tar, she climbed back.

But now with nerfed healing, being constant is not enough.


My patience has been lost long ago, at this point I would be more surprised if Mercy doesn’t get nerfed…


Zipping between players and shooting a Pharah out of the sky as Battle Mercy in Valkyrie are about the only two interesting things about the current iteration of Mercy. The rest is dull and somewhat frustrating, no strategy or thinking required anymore. Use the ultimate almost anytime for what effectiveness it offers, and resurrect is simply “is it safe to resurrect one person?”.

Even a monkey could probably play Mercy to some degree lol. Well, maybe, suffice to say she’s pretty braindead these days.


As my play style and actual in game time on her today are about 99.999999999999999% identical to how mercy 1.0 was a year ago…I’d say she’s exactly as fun as she was then…

.00000000000001% is not going to change her “fun” factor

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I never knew that you were a Mercy main, Baja.

Which is strange, because I thought I specifically asked for the opinions of people who actually main Mercy to share their thoughts on her in this thread. I’m shocked with how many people who don’t play her are deciding to waste their time trying to force their thoughts on her over the other Mercy mains in this discussion. I could be wrong, but believe that’s considered trolling and harassment, no? :man_shrugging:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Here we go again with another of these posts.


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When the 17% healing nerf went live she became unplayable, sluggish thrash to me. She feels like a chore to play.

Tbh, she’s more of a off-healer rather than main healer now.

And you can get more value while playing Ana/Moira, cause it is so hard to keep anyone alive as Mercy. Not to mention healing tanks as Mercy takes eternity even though you heal only 1 of them.

The problem was within a REZ and survability via valk, but ow team got what they wanted. Mercy stopped being must-pick, but on the other hand became not far from being useless and unplayable. The rez is still there and for me this is the only reason of picking her now, but it isn’t worth it, since it isn’t easy to pull off and mercy is completely not fun to play.

Personally, I moved to Moira, but I still miss Mercy.


no, rez was fun before rework


Not really. I was happy with the healing she has before. But now she’s just a heal bot she turns to Lucio for her ultimate her res is so risky too use that I don’t even bother using it anymore. She is so boring to play I couldn’t even pick her in her current state. It’s nice to see mercy die as a top pick but not as a hero herself.

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