Mercy Mains - Are you currently happy with the Rework?

Valk is awesome. Haters like to hate because they just fixate on the healing, but there’s way more to it. The mobile teamwide damage boost is so underrated, especially for barrier busting and following up on engages. In fact, it’s often better to just damage boost your team so they can focus down threats than try to heal them through incoming damage. Or you can just Battle Mercy and kill things yourself when necessary. Nobody seems to talk about how hard Valk counters Pharah.

Plus there’s more to Mercy’s gameplay now than just holding down the heal button until she has ult. Resurrect on a cooldown gives her more decisions to make.

Mass Rez was awesome and sometimes I miss it. The rework is fun too, though, and has a healthier design.


I use it only to damage boost when our team is pushing. Guess I’m fixated on the healing. I still hate it btw, it should be an E ability with 4s duration and 12s cooldown.

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Why do you only have 19 posts? Weren’t you one of the super mercys on the forums or do I have you confused with someone else?

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Yeah, I like how she is right now. I love 2 fly.

Anyone also noticed the OP is biased and named “RevertMercy” and especially talking to mercy mains because they are giving him right?

What does OP mean besides of Overpowered? Please help me lol

OP also sometimes means “Original Poster”

Ohhhhh damn I was so confused because of this lol. Thanks for clearing this out for me :slight_smile:

No way. She still has an OP ability “balanced” by her awful healing and no impact outside of Rez. Worse support ult in the game that can’t outheal an f-ing Winston primary fire, and Damage Boost can’t even be used half the time because you’re too busy healing to do anything. Mercy is awful, revert her already


Mercy is my second most played hero and I flex to her often, so I’ll take the liberty of answering this.
More or less yes, at the moment. I don’t feel ineffective.


Since the rework she has received 14 nerfs. What is there to be happy about? lol


I don’t really see how they’re biased they asked Mercy mains a question about Mercy… Also their name has been that for a long time. Even back on the old forums iirc

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Have you seen Hoshizora’s video from today? There was a guy asking Jeff to stop nerfing Mercy, and he responded “Do you think we are done?” Like I am just staying here waiting for the GA nerf lmao

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Jeff didn’t say that, he said “We’re done!” Implying that they’re done with nerfing Mercy.

Lol no he said “I think we’re done”

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She used to have a huge impact on fights and even the game (with Resurrect as an ult), but now I feel she has zero impact on win or loss.
Her ult is spectator mode. It’s the most un-engaging thing in the whole game because she isn’t really involved in the fight. She sits in the skybox and holds left click or right click, she has no decisions to make because they are basically made for her.
Most of all, I miss the critical thinking that I had to have to play old Mercy. You were always thinking, always asking yourself important questions, that’s what was engaging about Mercy: making decisions. Keeping track of ults and abilities was so much much more important when your ult negated them, or when they could be used to wipe your team again. Should I solo rez my Rein to create space, or do I save it for after they’ve invested ults? If I rez do we get an advantage or does it make us even? Do we have ult advantage, or will we still lose the fight by rezzing? Do they have grav? It was literally always about making tough calls and paying attention to everything going on around you.
This is why I’m not happy with the rework. They took a character that required a lot of thought and turned her braindead like people always claimed that she was.


Lol no, he said “you think we are done?” It is even in Hoshi’s video

Eh, no? Just because Hoshi did a typo doesn’t mean Jeff actually said it, you can literally hear “I,” not “you.”

What if he didn’t do a typo? Besides, the thing that matters was that Jeff was trolling either way