Mercy - Jack of all trades, master of them all?

Was about to type this out in a much longer reply but this did it much better and simpler.

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And here is your bribe!

(This is actual footage of me right now)…


Her only utility comes from the sleep dart and grenade. The sleep dart is terribly inconsistent and unreliable. The only targets an Ana can reliably sleep are tanks…

The grenade does have great utility but it has a long CD for just how many uses you need it for. She needs it for burst healing allies (they need to be close because of how bad the arc and travel time are too). It’s her only form of self heal and it’s her only consistent offensive utility. That’s a lot of her kit riding on one ability.

The grenade was responsible for most of her healing potential as well. Once the grenade got nerfed she’s struggled heavily as a main healer. Sure the damage nerf sucked but her consistency has been falling just because it’s harder for her to heal, damage and use her utility.


I mean, Neptuno might disagree, And Ark, and Kariv… and… well, you get the point.

Someone please start an Ana thread and let’s talk about Mercy here

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Yeah, no I phrased it very oddly and didn’t quite get out what I wanted to lmao…
Of course there are situations where you go to pistol whip some blind widow, but in a teamfight or before a teamfight you would get more value out of healing or damage boosting.

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If only someone had made a thread discussing possible changes to Ana… :thinking:


You know what, QuizzyBunny, you are so awesome.

All of you are❤️


I swear, you probably eat sunshine and rainbows for breakfast Jelly! :laughing:

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Jam would not like that, lol😂

You guys keep me happy, lol

A Mercy shouldn’t have rez as its the ultimate burst heal? Resurrect is one of the most iconic things in this game and its what makes Mercy Mercy, say what you will about her, but a Mercy without resurrect isn’t a Mercy.


I agree with the overall message of the original post. Thank you for writing about Mercy’s absurdly broad usefulness compared to the other healers. I’m on the figurative fence about her needing a nerf or rework again but she is by far the most solid healer choice; The other supports might just need buffs to make them worth picking over Mercy (excepting Zenyatta, who is really a damage dealer and in a good spot).

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That’s what it felt like to me, except when I have it and the team needs to make a push, but they’re not willing to die for me.

Yes, arguably two of the best skills in the game that can swing a losing team fight individually. And Ana has both. You make it sound like they’re the worst things to have. I promise no good Ana main would trade either of them.

This is the simple truth. A decent mercy averages 12k healing, and can be pushed up to 14-15k. The best Ana’s can only do about 8-9k and 10k while sacrificing the use of their utility to do so.

The problem isn’t that Ana’s healing average is low though. Mercy’s rework gave her chain heals which pushed her average healing and potential healing up.

You know what they should do with Ana? Move nanoboost onto her e, replace her regular shots with sleep darts that only sleep for .5 seconds, and make it so when Ana uses her ultimate she can fly and self regens for 20 hp per second! It would be great!


I might actually quit if they did that.

Mercys healing stayed more or less the same even after the rework and the chain healing. Titanium has a list… maybe Plarpoon also got that list with the healing stats.


Honestly I think that’s why they are scared to buff Ana, her normal abilities are debatably the best abilities in the game, the only thing that really comes close is resurrect in overall impact. If you look at the rest of her kit, its ok at best. Even her ultimate seems to only be as good as these.

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I wouldn’t mind if they added Nano to her main kit, let it give 50% dmg reduction for 2,5 seconds on a 15 second cooldown, and then give her a new ult. But I guess that would make her main kit too bloated.

(Curses, now I’m off topic… I blame you sweet nana!)

That’d be hilarious to see in play. Mercy would still get picked more often for her mobility, though.

Genji trying to Dragonblade:
Ryuuuji” zzz… “jin no” zzz… “ken wo” zzz… “kurae!” zzz…

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