Mercy - Jack of all trades, master of them all?

I’d actually be really curious to see that if anyone has a link.

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Please move the Ana discussion on another thread, thank you

Baby D.Va is ignored for stagger reasons.

Baby D.Va also shares the same hitbox on her pistol shots as Mercy.

Thank you for commenting, the original post is easily lost in the middle of other discussions.

Good to see people actually bothered reading despite it being fairly long. :slight_smile:

Which is perfectly understandable, and a lot of the reason why a lot of people don’t think Ana’s trash. Dive countered Ana hard, there’s no question about that. Winstons bubble was the bane of Ana. Now that Winstons not getting played as much people are starting to realize Ana isn’t that bad, she just had a hard counter with winston being meta for 5 seasons.

She does need some help to both her average healing output and damage output, but that’s mostly to compensate for power creep since they’ve added chain heals and Moira. It doesn’t need to be anything crazy like 13-15k healing, but something to close the gap a little more between 9-12k.

It still bugs me that genji’s transformation ult still gets completed if you sleep him mid transformation. The big ultimate change that happened in the game was specifically made to stop genji from doing that, then they turned around and made him the exception.

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You forgot the 1.75s cast time and 75% slow when using nanoboost.

Was searching for it and found it! This is a copy from Titanium.

You mean the healing that has barely changed since season 5, mechanically and statistically? The only mechanical change in regards to her healing since the rework was the introduction of Valkyrie, and her average healing is actually lower than it was before the rework despite this:

Average healing/game as of June 28th, 2017 (pre-rework): 11905.
Average healing/game as of August 12, 2017 (pre-rework): 11912.
Average healing/game as of March 21st, 2018 (post-rework): 11926.
Average healing/game as of May 31st, 2018 (post-rework): 11603.
Average healing/game as of June 30th, 2018 (post-rework): 11752.

Also here is the thread if you are interested.


Anyway, I’m done beating around the bush since no one is catching what I’m trying to say.
Blizzard should have taken Mercy’s head off like they did Ana because she’s easy to play.
If you just look at Mercy’s kit, it looks more powerful than the other supports, adding low difficulty on to that just amplifies it further because that means you can play at near max potential most of the time, so that max potential should never be as high as it is on Mercy.

I thought by saying Mercy being hard to fight with is irrelevant, some people here would look at that and think it goes both ways.
Mercy has trouble defending herself because it’s to use that part of her kit, but she has zero trouble outshining and out doing the other supports because that part of her kit is very easy to use.

Now all I can imagine is a rickety old grandma Ana just trying to aim while her arm shakes for 1.75 seconds.

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It doesn’t say where they sourced those stats from. Not that I’m saying they’re invalid or anything. Its plausible for sure. I would argue that mercy’s potential healing was still pushed further though. Also I’m pretty sure that’s overall average and not GM, where they utilize that advantage more.

The more powerful kit on healing is enabled by the fact of her being almost totally disabled on the offensive side, it has nothing to do with how much she can use her 100%. She shouldn’t outshine the other healers but it’s normal that she is better then them at purely what she is made for…

I think you also have to remember that Mercy players actually die more in general now after the rez nerfs - only anecdotal evidence here, but I’m pretty sure the average used to be 6,5 and now it’s 7,5 deaths/game. More deaths result in less healing done.

Sorry cant tell you that since I didnt research all this by myself. You would need to ask Titanium for the source and stuff. But since Titanium is quite known for big threads with tons of numbers and research behind it I would say those are legit data.

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That’s actually a very good point. Kind of like the same reason Ana’s average healing went down just from Winston being meta enough to be in every game.

At no point are Ana and Moria considered to be better picks than her.
At no point does anyone say: “we need anti-heal and sleep dart over Rez and damage boost.” Moria lost the only thing that let her contend with Mercy.

Titanium has said whenever he uses those that he got them from one of their older threads on the old forums where the stats at that time were attainable.


In Ana’s case that’s only because her kit overall isn’t strong enough. Anti-nade is actually one of the strongest abilities in the game, it just can’t be fully utilized. I had a game once where the enemy Ana constantly naded us and was healed by her other healer… they messed us up good because we didn’t really have anything to deal with it.

So it has potential, she just needs to be able to use it more frequently.


I’m not sure your point here… i don’t believe i said they were? Rez is undeniably the best skill in the game. That doesn’t mean sleep dart and nade are trash though.

I don’t think Moira ever had the healing advantage over Mercy. Maybe in the short lived quad tank comps during spam meta. But now that’s no longer viable with tank buster hanzo buffed.

That’s still really odd to me too. All Moira has going for her is healing, yet somehow Mercy averages a higher healing output then Moira.

This is correct. The statistics stated in that post are no longer attainable, as Overbuff (my source for all of these statistics) does not store values long-term. However, I was able to reference some of my older posts from when I documented the values back then for some calculations.