Mercy - Jack of all trades, master of them all?

So what you are saying is, you want to look at heroes and balance them over what they could do, not what does happen, but what could happen.

Well too bad, cause it means a lot. According to how you think, Ana doesn’t need any changes. Ana can do tons for her team, and it doesn’t matter how hard it is to do so!! Getting dived by a winston? Too bad! put your back into it and kill him! Doesn’t matter how hard it is, it has been done before so you should be able to do it 24/7 !

I honestly don’t see what’s the point with Mercy beeing the character with the worst damage output…

You’ll have to forgive me, it’s late in my time-zone and my head is a bit tired, but what is OSU!?

Ana doesn’t have magic eraser and her only damage boost is an ultimate.

I think taking away rez will be kinda hard since it is a core part of Mercy. If you ask me dmg boost can go and give her dual wielding instead.

But back to Mercy 1.0 she also had both and was considered underpowered with it. They even tried a 50% dmg boost buff on the ptr which never went through because that would have made certain characters OP.

This has nothing to do with my post lmao.


Actually it does. Ana being hard to play has nothing to do with her powerlevel, she objectively is worse than the other main supports because she doesn’t bring as much to the table, not because she’s hard to play.

I can agree with this. Was just trying to see the issue from a different angle.

Although I have more qualms with Valkyrie that it removing weaknesses.

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What does Ana do that Mercy doesn’t do just as good or do more consistently?
All I can think of is Burst healing.

Ana has cc in the form of sleep, she can do damage, and she can deny healing…

Ana has a sleep dart that can shut down ults and sleep people who are after her – of course, it takes a good amount of aim to do this.

On top of that, she does not need to waste time switching between healing teammates and damaging the enemy.

And she can heal a lot farther than Mercy can, assuming she has the LOS.

Edit: And as mentioned above, she has an anti-heal, which can actually such down Transcendence.


I like how you mention the little things that people don’t notice. Like the infinite ammo during Valkyrie. Having a Mercy attacking during Valkyrie when she already have everything else is annoying as hell and just has you asking why does she need this on top of everything else she gained.

You usually lose the fight versus a Valkyrie battle Mercy.

But I believe her kit was given all this to compensate for losing the 5 man rez but the trade off became way better and the main reason why I do believe she got all this so Mercy players won’t quit since there’s so many.

Like in that Seagull interview…

“If you change Mercy you are fighting the internet.”

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Technically Ana has better utility (or used to anyway before E-rez). The issue is rather that she’s forced to use her best offensive utility on herself all the time, which really is a criminal waste, and her sleep dart is easily disrupted by her own teammates (not to mention very difficult to land in the first place).

I’d rather not discuss Ana in depth here though, she really is a special beast with just as many issues as Mercy but very different ones.


Earlier you said that the difficulty of something doesn’t matter, but now you are saying that Ana is weak, when I have seen many high tier players do wonders with her.
Just admit it, the difficulty of something is very important.

This isn’t correct. Ana’s difficult to get value with and can be easily countered. Compare that to Mercy who is hard to chase down and has solid self heal. Mercy has no direct hard counters because she can play around them but the same does not apply for Ana.

The difficulty argument is very valid. Her ease of play for value gained is what puts Mercy on top. Ana is in the ground because she can’t get the same value and can be countered easier.

Sleep dart is terribly unreliable, her damage is weak, requires solid aim when shooting unscoped and she can’t move at all when scoped.

The grenade has massive utility but it has a long CD for her most reliable heal and it has a horrible arc/travel time. It’s also her only form of self heal, burst heal and offensive utility…

I just wanted to detail why Ana is not very good. Especially when compared to Mercy. I didn’t mean to call you out.

i’m not trying to argue that Ana is bad, I’m just using ESymphony’s mindset to argue against him.

I’d say the opposite.
Ana has one of the best kit because she has a ton of utility, she’s just worse than other main supports because she’s hard to play and works better in tank meta which isn’t the meta right now.

Outside of nanoboost, Ana still has a lot of the utility she had back in the tank meta though, maybe less potent but still there.
What was really gutted was her Healing and Damage output. Who swooped right in once Ana was nerfed into the ground?

And Mercy could be Wheelchair bound Genji levels of hard to play, she would still be picked if her kit had the same effect, the ease of use is just icing on the cake.

You know what, here’s what I think👌

I think Mercy currently is ok, at least at the moment. The other healers need some small buffs👍

That’s just my opinion.

Also, Quizzybunny, stay amazing❤️

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If Mercy would be super hard to play she wouldnt get that much playtime across all ranks. During S3 Ana made the tankmeta but she got picked more the higher you came rank wise. Meanwhile Mercy was the healer for lower ranks thanks to her being way easier to use.