Mercy isn't a must pick

People told me that Mercy is fine literally just few weeks ago. Tell me, what exactly has changed since then that suddenly made her such a problem?

Because from what i can tell, people just randomly decided that now Mercy is no longer ok, when they realized they have another opportunity to complain about her.

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except mercy allows for a mistake to happen and lessen the impact.

she is a reactive hero.

ana can sleep a tank and team can kill others while they are out cold. (or kill tank if so choose)

while MErcy is the “easiest” to effectively use…that was how she was designed.

she was a healer and a booster. no other gimmicks. That was for other healers.

hence why she is so consistent on her effectiveness.

and when it comes down to players skill…this “is” a competitive game. there will NEVER be a precise equal skill with all heroes.

i mean a pro tracer can easily deal with mercy… dash in, stick bomb, recall.
you now have the enemy at a large disadvantage for the next couple seconds.

can be done on other heroes as well (not many as effectively but can be done)

okay first off…the mercy main who didnt ever absue her in mercy 1.0 KNEW mercy 2.0 was an OP monster…we tried to voice it…they didnt listen.

Rez as a normal skill is not good for anyone. It has no reward liek mass rez did ( “oh…i brought someoen back…yay…” instead of “i just rez’d 3 people and saved the point. heck yeah!” )
and imho valk is holding her back more than any issue with rez. (never liked it since day 1)

cause mercy mains know she is not as godly as people see her as being…
and the issue (atm) is that some heroes who DO counter her are not picked casue of current meta. This is players choice thoguh not design flaw. (though widow and hanzo are still effective at murdering her effectively and are popular atm)

and OFC there are 5 others protecting her…its a TEAM game after all…
but you have FIVE people to help you kill her also.

People liek to QQ about anything Mercy related…it was lie kthat in mercy 1.0 and 2.0 made it worse.

Mercy could be totally balanced with every other healer and community would STILL b*tch at her for simply existing. People dislike Rez. It undoes their effort for killing a target. That annoys people.

Dps and tanks rarely do that, maybe mercy is a must pick for the pros but anything under the pro level and pretty much all the other healers are viable

When they made Mercy’s regeneration take 1 second to trigger instead of 3 seconds, I felt that was a massive mistake. Still do.

I mean considering the entire enemy team prioritizes her over everyone else she kinda needs it

Or, you know, she could occasionally require some help from the other healer. Sort of like Ana? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not like ana because people still focus mercy like they did before the rework

Because it was so ingrained in people’s head everyone will still hunt her like the plague, plus she’s the only healer who cannot defend herself, and whilst she does have mobility, but it relies on her team, and if she’s in a situation where she needs her own survivabiltiy, her team isn’t near her, meaning she can’t use mobility, and Thisbe happens often cuz it’s matchmaking

Every healer gets focused.

Agreed but not like mercy, everyone goes for mercy more then any other healer. Even I do it as support like when I’m lucio. I probably wouldn’t chase Ana the sameness way I do mercy just cuz it’s so ingrained in my head

Nobody is saying she is unkillable??? Where has this even come from? She is a must pick because what main support is better than Mercy? Ana? No, has been good since season 4 at best Moira? No, she is just a very niche hero. Lucio? Again at best a niche hero. What healer besides Mercy and Zen are viable in this meta?

Lucio is the king of KOTH don’t even get me started in his value

And Moira can be better then mercy in many situations

Lucio isn’t you know why? Because Hanzo and Zarya are also really good on Koth maps just like Lucio which make the grav dragon even more of a problem. With grav dragon combo being a big thing in this meta a weak ult like soundbarrier that can’t do which its intended use isn’t going to save you from grav dragon if Zen’s ult doesn’t work most of the time as well.
All you are doing is claiming things that don’t have and evidence or any analysis to back it up. If this is true why are you just claiming things without giving a proper argument for it? The main reason is because you don’t have any evidence to prove that because Lucio is “good” on maps like Nepal and Ilios or that Moira is better than Mercy in “many” situations. Explain these things then this would maybe be a real argument.

I still think lucio is better then zen on KOTH, speed boost allows you to get the combo quicker if done right and allows you to play the game in a way the enemy can’t without a lucio, and this works best on KOTH.

Moira is good because mercy still requires peel, something 99 percent of the community still don’t do. Moira can also sustain your team in those games where you know your team is taking too much damage due to bad positioning and you can’t do a thing about it. Moira can outheal that damage In a way mercy can, and Shen doesn’t needn’t peel

Moira is basically better when you have bad teammates, and we are playing ow

Bad teammates are everywhere

Mercy has been a must pick in which feels like years now. Even after the release of Moira which is a lot more fun to play for most people. Zarya hasn’t been meta since the last deathball meta which was multiple seasons ago.

We have a fairly tanky meta right now- with rein and zarya being near must picks, and heavy emphasis on snipers as the Dps picks means keeping together with shields is huge.

At high levels of play moira sees a .8% pick rate.

Why is that? Is it that they lack imagination? Or is it possible there’s more to the story?

(Edit and just to clarify- This is an honest question btw, as I don’t know)

Nearly 100% pickrate -50% winrate- for ~9 months across ladder and professional play is nearly the definition of a must pick. The team without a Mercy, should one be so foolish, is at a severe enough disadvantage they put themselves in danger of losing.

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she isnt required to win but the other main supports (moira and ana) is simply weaker in almost all situations except for like quad tanking

Sigh… please read my post you are responding to again.

Mercy hasn’t been must pick since last nerf. Moira has been equally good choice of healer for months. She is now back in meta because of the nature of current meta itself. We even have response from Jeff saying she is fine and balanced.

I swear people just want Mercy to be deleted from game.

Lack Of imagination, I just ran triple tank lucio Moira on KOTH and we stomped the enemy hanzo zarya comp, her heals were crazy something mercy couldn’t dream of doing

the group mentality on forums is she is unkillable due to beign small, mobile, and havign health regen, especially during valk.

Lucio is always goign to be the niche-est healer…he requries a group to stick together for full effectiveness. (not likely to happen in a match outside of tight capture points and/or payloads)

this is how it is with EVERY hero…
the popular meta at any moment dictates who will excel and who will flop.

thats players fault given THEY change the meta and heroes do not change just casue a meta changes. (do you know how much work that would be to update every hero every meta just so they can be used?)

also brig to answer your question. (much to everyones dislike it seems)