Mercy isn't a must pick

Mercy is just too safe, there’s no reason not to pick her unless you have a Lucio on your team. Then either you’re doing a niche lucio/moria tank strat (incredibly inconsistent in uncoordinated play) or the one who picked Lucio is too meta numb to pick Zen or Mercy.

Moira can be way better then mercy at least in matchmaking, she’s got really good dps and can heal way better then mercy

Moira I said actually really good especially since she can heal your teams mistakes and has value that doesn’t rely on your team

A Mercy change/nerf is imminent and coming. I hope it’ll be a minor thing like Zens little nerf.

I could see them putting her healing on a resource like Moiras which can be filled with damageboost or assists.
I could also see them giving the staff some kind of overheat function like a minigun sort of where, if she keeps healing continuely it’ll overheat and heal less. So she’d have to use dmg boost or her pistol to let her staff cool down.

I personally hope they don’t nerf her mobility, it’s what I think most people (me included) enjoy the most about her.

It’s sad how this point gets glanced over by everyone, including devs. The fact that also spans across multiple meta’s just solidifies it.

Well if she gets nerfed it will be because of the communities lack of being able to think for themselves

One person said mercy was too much and it spiraled out of control and now no omen attempts anything else despite the fact that Moira’s is just as good and Amanda isn’t too far behind

mercy has been picked the most since launch cuz she’s more popular

The general playerbase prefers mercy regardless of her viability

Thanks for being the example of my point. Also season 2 and 3 would like a word.

Edit: and I believe season 4 for that matter

Thats my point

Mercy was way worse the ana in those seasons yet she still was
more popular

You can nerf mercy all you want her pickrate won’t change too much bevasuee believe it or not the majority of the playerbase enjoys mercy

Except her pick rate was lower, what are you even talking about

I remember jeff saying mercy was picked more

I disagree strongly with you on this topic.
Mercy is statistically overperforming. She has a really short CD on a good mobility skill. She has the best and most consistent healing in the game. She has the best ability (rez) in this game. She has one of the strongest ultimates in this game which basically turns her already strong basic kit into a super-version of it for 15s.

Moira can never keep up with Mercy at all in any case. In no case ever, I’d pick Moira over Mercy. If you’d have to deal with an insanely good Genji/Tracer on the enemy team, it’s wiser for one of the DPS to go Brigitte and shut them down efortlessly while Mercy just goes around healing and doing Mercy stuff uncontested.
Ana is anyways trash so the only reason to ever pick her is if you wanna counter a quad tank Moira setup.
With the “bugfixes” coming to Moira where she won’t be able to heal through shield and her fade will not contest points anymore, she’ll fly right into troll tier in ranks diamond +.
The only reason she’s not troll tier below diamond is because the DPS at those rank cannot outduel a Moira and get wrecked by her. In ranks above diamond it’s easy for DPS players to shut her down fast. It’s easy for tanks to deny her recharging her resource, because they don’t run around like headless chicken anymore.

In QP, I agree with you. All 3 main healers feel like they are on par with eachother.
In QP you have almost 0 teamwork, you get random comps like attack Symm+Torb, you will never have a “good” teamcomp (count yourself lucky if you get a main healer + shieldtank) and everyone just plays how they like.
In competitive though, Mercy outshines all other healers by far. She works best when people try (not even suceeding, but at least trying) to coordinate, staying grouped up and pushing together. Especially in higher ranks. We want to be able to play Moira and Ana in masters too, if you do though, you are effectively throwing the game because Mercy is so much better than any other healer atm. That’s why snipers run rampant. Mercy cannot be contested by flankers anymore because of Brigitte, flankers are Mercys only weakness though. The only way to actually kill her is to OHKO her with a sniper because as soon as you run Genji or Tracer, the enemy team WILL switch to Brigitte making your Job to actually kill Mercy impossible and erradicating Mercys only weakness by 1 pick.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a Mercy main, I do not want her to get dumpstered. I will 100% stop playing her if they nerf her mobility, even if it’s just a CD increase of 1s. I want a reasonable nerf for her, one that might actually raise her skill ceiling somewhat. Like ammo/resource management for example.

Yes Ana was great until the majority complained and wanted her nerfed. The Devs added “Ana was too powerful for a healer” and they nerfed her. Now people complained about her (what a surprise). It’s like this with every change in the game. People complain, they adjust, and then people complain again. Imo close the forums except for technical and LFG section and focus on something they haven’t done for two years, matchmaking.

I play some Moira, and I find her just a sym good as mercy and even better in a lot of situations, I strongly believe people see the game with a closed vision that has been shaped by the hate towards mercy and it has seeped through to every player

Mercy hasn’t good mobility, that relies on her team, and has no way to survive without it

Moira doesn’t need the mobility because she can just kill whoever comes to her. single target rez is great, but most of the time Moira could have just save s them with her insane heals

Moira can heal people in a way mercy can, and in the midfight she’s really good with her AOE heals and the ability to kill things

She’s 3/4’s a dps and double the healer mercy could ever hope to be, mercy an daughter her rez plus mobility is what makes her slightly better then Moira, but Moira with her superior heals and damage is not far behind at all

However, Moira’s heals are very limited. Plus, Mercy has DOUBLE her DPS, and that’s only with bodyshots. Also, if a flanker can’t kill you in four seconds, either their team is awful and deals zero damage or the flanker is just plain terrible.
Don’t underestimate the value of Resurrect, either. High burst heals cannot compete with either focus from a dive comp, or a one shot kill from a sniper (or a very stupid Doomfist if he doesn’t have his ult).
The Moira nerf may truly put Mercy back into must-pick territory; you can’t heal anywhere NEAR a barrier on the PTR, due to the large cone hitbox of her healing spray.

Ptr nerf was not needed, burn pre nerf Moira’s was/is still just as good as mercy, mercy has more raw dps, but hitting every single shot will never happen, and mercy can’t heal and actively fight, Moira basically can’t miss and can heal while fighting seamlessly

If a flanker is killing you as mercy you go Moira, if your team won’t do enough dps you go Moira, if your team is dying too often that resign one person isn’t enough, go Moira

Or just insta lock Moira, she just as good