No character will ever be perfect for everyone who wants to play them. Mercy being popular with a lot of very vocal users isn’t doing her any favors since even though she’s now in a state of good balance for gameplay people still are commenting on how they don’t like how she plays now yet they refuse to play other characters. …
She’s balanced gameplay wise. She might not be fun for some but she doesn’t need as much work as some other characters.
This means she can be put on the shelf until something either breaks her enough to warrant attention, or the amount of fires being put out are low enough to spare her some adjustments.
You don’t detail the car first when the wheels are flat or the brake fluid is gone. Things need more attention than mercy right now.
Mei: i’m putting a rock in this one!
I’m obviously a DPS main defending my own good here /s
Mercy is my second most played hero. People need to stop with this DPS boogeyman logic that only DPS players would defend current Mercy.
I still enjoy playing her a lot😁
Sure there’s room for improvement, but I like her for now👍
This is just my opinion.
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I mean, shes “fixed” right now, but she most certainly isn’t as good as her former self.
I honestly didn’t think old Mercy was that powerful, especially when people have romanticized their reasoning that she would get 5 man reses off every game like it was a common occurrence.
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It was a common occurrence, it wasn’t always 5 it could be four or three but it always there when there was a mercy and i’d trade mass ress for her bunnyhop after guardian angel any day
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Like many have said, her ultimate is underwhelming. Mercy would not be picked as much as she is if there was another primary healer with strong mobility in this game.
We must be playing a completely different game because I’ve only seen 5 man reses maybe 4 or 5 times in my entire time of playing this game.
If anything, I see res as an ult for and ult, since ultimates are meant to be powerful.
Yeah her mobility is sooooo strong. Her survivability in fights is toooooo good. That’s why she is picked soooooo much.
Mercy already had really good survivability in the first place and they just tripled her survivability which is making her too good of a pick to pass up.
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The problem with mass ress is it’s an ult for three ults
zenyatta lucio would better fit your description
And it also encouraged mercy’s to hide and let they’re team die
If is not possible saving your team with Healing because the Enemy team is using like graviton + Dragon strike, then is better take cover For Save your team with your ult instead of risking.
Hide and Ress was another thing, It was a bad strategy For bad Mercy and It consist on hiding even when your team wasn’t in danger but people forget that this strategy was used by the minority and even if the Mercy was only take cover For them was “hiding”.
I mean, i know that some Mercy was accused of “Hiding” (or hide and Ress) even when She was only take cover from an ult (like ult)
Sorry For bad english
I feel like people treating the style of the hero is not suited my way == It has to be changed.
NO, hero only needed change when it’s not balanced, and Mercy is totally balanced now, and no change should come to her, and Mercy mains who are not happy with the current version of Mercy should either play another hero that suits their style if there are any or just stop whining and play her.
what exactly does this mean lol?
In my opinion after playing mercy a while i think she’s in a good spot and i really love her changes. There is nothing wrong with her and nothing should be fixed! She’s NOT going back to that huge rez because it was too OP.
Why can’t people just leave her alone for once?
Is it just me who gets vibes of irony from such titles and threads ?
It is like I am listening to a fellow female trying to be passive aggressive instead of actually wanting to make a civil discussion.
Actually I quote, the last comment made on her ended in part with :
Mercy is fine, when will the whining stop.
Just because YOU are not having fun, doesn’t mean other people aren’t too! I love new Mercy 100x more than any old iteration she had! She feels really rewarding to play and is still a huge playmaker.
I don’t go on the forums and demand the devs to put angel wings on Doomfist and give him a staff to heal people because I loathe playing him like he is. I absolutely hate Orisas and Meis ultimates, they feel so boring to me (and Meis is just buggy and frustrating), yet I still play a lot of Mei and lately Orisa because I really enjoy their base gameplay. How can you get hung up by an ultimate, which is literally only a small portion of gameplay for a hero?
Every hero has something you’d dislike in their gameplay, you can’t find everything 100% fun, yet if you’re the bigger person, you can look past it and enjoy playing nonetheless.
Fun is subjective. I have 100% fun playing new Mercy. Mass-rez Mercy was toxic and I’m glad the devs said they are never going back!
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Ok , I want some changes to make her more fun and enjoyable , also more skillful hero:
1.Rez - no longer a regular ability, Now it’s an earneable ability( like Ultimate but less ultimate charge required). For example - for doing 1500 healing you’re granted one rez charge, the ability can be stacked up to two times.You can’t use them right after each one. If you rez someone you have to wait 10-15 seconds until you’re able to rez someone again.
2.Rez- decrease the cast time, it is 1.75 but i think they should lower it to 1.5
3.Decrease the movement slow while rezzing from 75% to 50%
4.Buff Valkyrie- most of the players think it doesn’t feel like an ultimate or it’s just really underpowered
P.S. it doesn’t have to be all the changes , i’d be happy if at least one of them is considered
That’s just my problems with Mercy
If we like it or not but Mercy is very strong at the moment so if we buff anything about her she will just be a must-pick again. Another rework would be good.
There are actually a number of bugs still, most of which are connected with her rez (rezzes not going through yet the cooldown starts, targeting issues when bodies are piled, difficulties rezzing in Valkyrie…).
I’m going to make a post with them in the bug forum as soon as I have everything on video.