Regardless of what heroes you want buffed or not buffed. I wonder, is Mercy “fixed” if there’s still a mega thread for her that’s been reborn maybe 4 times now after hitting 10k+ comments. I think to say that she needs not a (single) thing is a little ignorant to fact that the thread isn’t just there to talk about favorite ice creams. You just may fear her potential buff… idk. But at least be polite on the forum platform regardless of opinions. Drop a compliment in someone’s thread today.
Mercy just feels like she’s in a good spot, what’s underpowered about her?
and the mercy mega thread is probably the trash bin for people wanting mass ress back
Her ult’s probably the most underpowered thing about her, Valk just isn’t a good ult, you can basically negate it by not focussing more than 1 target which makes Valk have the same effectiveness as Mercy’s regular kit.
Well taken from a Mercy main who doesn’t mind mass res removal, being that you see it as a trash bin, how does the team then separate nonsensical feedback from those who notice more “valid” problems. I just feel like things could be better managed.
You guys are so vague with your mercy complaints.
Please… For the love of JEff, stop these mercy threads. I play her quite a lot and she feels fine.
I do agree they should be better managed but even though i was being blunt i do think it feels like a trash bin because it definitely doesn’t feel like they’re going to act on any of it
You say she isn’t fixed. What’s broken or bugged about her? Almost every hero has one bug that isn’t being addressed. What is Mercy’s?
The Devs have already said that she’s in a good spot now recently, what more do you want?
She’s perfectly balanced and very effective ingame. I hope she doesn’t get changed.
Mercy complaint threads ResidentSleeper
ITT: “I dont like having my ult denied by another ult, so new Mercy is good even though others find her boring to play! More fun for me and ONLY me!”
Her ultimate isn’t underwhelming though it’s an enhanced version of her regular self like torbjorn except for healing, unless you chose to be battle mercy
Actually I quote, the last comment made on her ended in part with “we have to wait for the dust to settle and then see.” So what I want, is a polite mature open forums. Where people can use it for its purpose, without being side remarked or insulted. No negativity or “shut up if we disagree” attitudes.
The problem here is when Blizz post saying they feel she’s in a good spot and have no changes planed the “revert Mercy” clan will explode and riot like they have been for almost a year now. They can’t accept that Mercy is pretty good right now.
It doesn’t heal more per person, it just gives AOE healing, which is less than Moira’s AOE healing. If they gave her ult more healing output to a single person I think it would be more like an ult because currently it’s just too easy to negate Valk.
I’d be okay with it healing a bit more that’s actually a good idea
Actually it was the best thing about her, being able to spectate your team and shot call is a major advantage, while deciding when to hit right click and start the snowball.
Mercy could shot call before this rework? I don’t see your point?
Mercy’s right click is significantly weaker than the healing beam. You know how people say Super Charger is bad? Well Valk does 20% less damage amped, has a smaller range than super charger, when Orisa supercharges 6 people can use it while Mercy only at most lets 5 people use it and you effectively lose a healer while you’re damage amping. The only time it’s good to use damage boost is to pocket a DPS ulting but you’re probably wasting your 15 seconds since you can do that with her regular kit.
Also Mercy can shot call with and without her ult, yes it’s easier to shot call with Valk but it isn’t that big of a difference.