Mercy Isn’t Fixed 🤭

If is not possible saving your team with Healing because the Enemy team is using like graviton + Dragon strike, then is better take cover For Save your team with your ult instead of risking.
Hide and Ress was another thing, It was a bad strategy For bad Mercy and It consist on hiding even when your team wasn’t in danger but people forget that this strategy was used by the minority and even if the Mercy was only take cover For them was “hiding”.
I mean, i know that some Mercy was accused of “Hiding” (or hide and Ress) even when She was only take cover from an ult (like ult)

Sorry For bad english


I feel like people treating the style of the hero is not suited my way == It has to be changed.
NO, hero only needed change when it’s not balanced, and Mercy is totally balanced now, and no change should come to her, and Mercy mains who are not happy with the current version of Mercy should either play another hero that suits their style if there are any or just stop whining and play her.


what exactly does this mean lol?

In my opinion after playing mercy a while i think she’s in a good spot and i really love her changes. There is nothing wrong with her and nothing should be fixed! She’s NOT going back to that huge rez because it was too OP.

Why can’t people just leave her alone for once?

Is it just me who gets vibes of irony from such titles and threads ?

It is like I am listening to a fellow female trying to be passive aggressive instead of actually wanting to make a civil discussion.


Actually I quote, the last comment made on her ended in part with :


Mercy is fine, when will the whining stop.

Just because YOU are not having fun, doesn’t mean other people aren’t too! I love new Mercy 100x more than any old iteration she had! She feels really rewarding to play and is still a huge playmaker.

I don’t go on the forums and demand the devs to put angel wings on Doomfist and give him a staff to heal people because I loathe playing him like he is. I absolutely hate Orisas and Meis ultimates, they feel so boring to me (and Meis is just buggy and frustrating), yet I still play a lot of Mei and lately Orisa because I really enjoy their base gameplay. How can you get hung up by an ultimate, which is literally only a small portion of gameplay for a hero?
Every hero has something you’d dislike in their gameplay, you can’t find everything 100% fun, yet if you’re the bigger person, you can look past it and enjoy playing nonetheless.

Fun is subjective. I have 100% fun playing new Mercy. Mass-rez Mercy was toxic and I’m glad the devs said they are never going back!

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Ok , I want some changes to make her more fun and enjoyable , also more skillful hero:
1.Rez - no longer a regular ability, Now it’s an earneable ability( like Ultimate but less ultimate charge required). For example - for doing 1500 healing you’re granted one rez charge, the ability can be stacked up to two times.You can’t use them right after each one. If you rez someone you have to wait 10-15 seconds until you’re able to rez someone again.
2.Rez- decrease the cast time, it is 1.75 but i think they should lower it to 1.5
3.Decrease the movement slow while rezzing from 75% to 50%
4.Buff Valkyrie- most of the players think it doesn’t feel like an ultimate or it’s just really underpowered
P.S. it doesn’t have to be all the changes , i’d be happy if at least one of them is considered
That’s just my problems with Mercy

If we like it or not but Mercy is very strong at the moment so if we buff anything about her she will just be a must-pick again. Another rework would be good.


There are actually a number of bugs still, most of which are connected with her rez (rezzes not going through yet the cooldown starts, targeting issues when bodies are piled, difficulties rezzing in Valkyrie…).

I’m going to make a post with them in the bug forum as soon as I have everything on video.


Mercy was balanced before the Rework. She was Never a must pick. So, why She was reworked?


How could mass Rez Mercy be toxic? She was like that from the start and only a few people were moaning. For most of the time other healers were most picked. Mercy became only a “problem” after every other healer was made unviable and she was the last woman standing. The most toxic thing in the game are DPS with the mentality that everything should be centered around them. Yeah fun is subjective, I guess you have a lot of fun in spectator mode or being constantly killed while rezzing. Funny enough the devs once thought Mercy should be invulnerable while rezzing. The devs now think she shouldn’t be. I bet thhat is why the Threads want stop because Mercy is soooooooooo fun right now and you are so representative in your opinion.


Many just want a more engaging Mercy with a higher skill ceiling again, not the somewhat braindead and conflictive design we currently have.

Current Mercy design has a few issues:

  • ‘On fire’ is screwed up
  • Resurrect is too powerful to have as a standard ability, unearned, on a fixed cooldown
  • Resurrect causes you to disengage from the match for nearly two seconds, while being immobile, you can’t even defend your position or heal someone else nearby
  • Valkyrie in its current design can’t really potentially make those ‘big game-changing plays’ that the patch notes originally mentioned
  • Valkyrie is essentially Mercy flying around with autopilot beams, but can’t outheal even a small amount of burst damage, it takes away decision making and is currently an ultimate that’s almost usable at any moment
  • Her standard kit is more powerful than her ultimate ability

I member the days where I got screamed at for dying with rez. Where I got bullied because I rezzed at the wrong moment. Where people literally lost their s*** because I missed them with my rez.
Where I had to hide because I got focused down so much, even spawncamped a lot of time. Then still get the blame for the loss because I wasn’t there for the rez.
Yes very fun times indeed CATION SARCASM. I remember many threads where Mercy mains complained about all the abuse they got back there.

Compare it to current Mercy? Nearly no abuse at all, except the odd DPS main who runs in solo and complains about healing (which all supports get). People seem genuely happy when they receive a rez, I get people trying to help me getting a rez off and I seldom get the blame for the loss anymore.

Perspective. I play very selfish, so I barley get killed anymore when I rez (avrg 3 deaths per match). If you die when you rez, you made a stupid mistake and you deserve to get punished for it. Learn to read situations better (which Mercy mains always emphasize that it’s sooooo important to be good at with) and you’ll see yourself die a whole lot less.
As for the “spectator part” might be true if you want to see it that way. Mercys gameplay is very passive, so I personally feel like a “spectator” when I play her outside of her ult too. That’s her strength, observation. Mercy is the only healer that can focus on everything and everyone else on the map. Learn to use this for your advantage. I like to use Valk to scout and inform my team, I pushed an account from 2900 to 3400 in 7hrs gameplay with a WR of 74% on Mercy because I barely die and my comms are (according to others) on point.
The fun in Valk for me is to jebait ultimates and snipers. I also love to use it for sneaky rezzes and I still feel powerful when I dmg boost my team and watch the enemy team just melt away.

The devs finally figured out that this was a huge mistake. They reworked her because most people played her in a way they didn’t want Mercy to be played. Mass-rez had almost no counterplay for the average playerbase. Rez should be high risk/high reward, which it currently is. If you mess up, you die.

Counterpoint: These are discussion forums. Mercy mains want to discus about Mercy. There is no problem with that, since discussion doesn’t hurt. Devs don’t need to change anything if she is fine.

Also, Mercy mains aren’t going to stop making threads because their discussion is actively silenced by community and megathread, and probably because megathread description says following:

We are very active on the forums and read your feedback daily. Thank you for providing us your accounts and experiences, as it provides insight to us on how we can improve Overwatch.

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The difference between being blamed back then and less though today is pretty simple. A rezz needed thought back then, you were in total control and that meant responsibility. Not saying that being blamed was right but at least that showed what Mercy had back then and doesn’t have now. There are two possibilities, either you only rez who is safe to rez or you take a risk and you fly in, press a button and die. That has nothing to do with reading situations, it has to do with the lack of balance. Mercy isn’t allow to have a proper ability that just works, she has to either be lethargic and selfish or brave and suicidal. Barely anyone will moan because… well what should she do? Mercy can only stand there, waiting two seconds and move a tiny bit. Of course there is a way higher chance to survive with a coordinated team but same issue you stand there doing nothing, no healing, no power, whoever is behind a wall is screwed anyway. No responsibility anymore, thus barely any blame. Not a good sign.

Yes Mercys playstyle is more on the passive and spectating part all in all but Valkyrie is the extreme of it with a free spectator camera involved. And that is the issue. The ultimate is her usual playstyle on crack, thus uncreative and unrewarding. The old ultimate was different, if that popped up you had choices and responsibility. And that is what I call fun, the chance to have a real impact. Not doing the very same thing as usual just amplified - including scouting, which is also not Mercy’s job, flying through the map locating movement, that’s what flankers are there for, Sombra can locate people by her vision and on top of it scouting, that’s literally Widows own ultimate. So… basically you are implementing ANOTHER ultimate here for Mercy that already exist in a better form. Valkyrie has nothing for it’s own, it’s not unique in any way and it has no impact on the game. Something happens but for damage boosting you can use an Orisa, for healing you can use Zen, Mercy is pretty useless and still her main usage is centered around rezzing people, even though it’s inconsistent and bad. The moment other healers are buffed again, Mercy will vanish like she did nearly the whole time she did before when Ana or Lucio saw 100% usage.

Last but not least. The devs figured out nothing. People played Mercy how they want to play her and the moment they nerfed all other healers unviable they start nerfing Mercy and reworking her because she is the only one left. The devs are god awful at balancing that game right from the start and there are enough examples of it. Also Mass-rez ALWAYS had counterplay and that was simply prioritzing targets, situational awareness and positioning. People were too stupid too kill a 200 HP character with a lousy pistole, so she got nerfed, so the DPS get their precious POTG. A rez isn’t cool, saving lifes isn’t cool, mass murdering and fast gameplay cool. Supports are simply second class players who should shut up and stay in the background.


You can’t prioritize a hero hiding INSIDE the spawn during the teamfight to come in afterwards and revert everything. :slight_smile: (Anubis point B for example). Mass rez was definitely a problem.


Saving lifes is cool, instant rez is just not fair.

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That’s because most of these complaints secretly boil down to “Revert to pre-rework” or “Revert to Valkyrie 1.0 aka God Tier Mercy”. Some people seem incapable of accepting that the current Mercy is balanced and a revert will never happen.

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Well, I tried making a bug-fixes/QoL-changes thread for Mercy, but it got thrown into the Mega-void…

There wasn’t a single peep about Mass Rez there, I assure you.

There is one important thing to mention here. Face the fact that Mercy is relatively easy to play. An easy to play hero should not have huge affect to the game overall. Ana and Lucio are harder to play therefore they should have big impact on the right hands.