Mercy is viable honestly

Do you know how trivial your answers are? All of them are generalities which doesn’t address a single issue, and isn’t responsive to any of them. It’ll be shorter if you just say: I’ll play my game, you play yours.


I don’t believe there is a requirement in the forum rules to use any one hero as an example to illustrate a point.

20 percent improvement on a non-zero number is highly significant, by any reasonable standard. For example, a salary increase of 20%. A stock you own goes up by 20%. You get a 95 on a test instead of a 79. Etc etc.

It was indeed rather shocking when some folks reacted this way to a significant buff.

Some players wonder why the devs dont seem to want to engage the community, an when they do I point to “this buff was a slap in our face” as Exhibit A why that is. It was (and still is) an embarrassment to the player community that some highly toxic and entitled folks acted out in this manner

I stand by what I said…to me, such a statement isnt identical (or even remotely close) to “if you have an issue with a hero nowadays you’re not allowed to say it”

That’s been the tenor of your arguments: you play your game, I’ll play mine. It might not have been explicitly stated by you, however that is its implicit conclusion.

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Well there are many, many folks who find her NOT fun to play. Her not being fun was the reason to her getting a rework in the first place so her being not fun to play “argument” still stands since the developers have set that precedent. There is no reason why they shouldnt make both sides happy.


I invite all readers to perform an experiment

Best done in the training room or a custom game so one does not disrupt someone else’s game.

Select Mercy, wait for her ult to fully charge, and click the button to start the ultimate when it does. Once you have done so, let go of whatever controls you use to control Mercy when she isnt in her ult. Observe and record what Mercy does for the next 15 seconds. Report your observations back to this thread.

I have only been asked to swap off Mercy once, ever. I declined. We won the game handily, I had gold healing, and the person requesting the swamp was dead silent.

I dont see anything notorious about her, and I only rarely see her play any other character except Mercy as she has risen from M through GM and now into top 500 while maining Mercy

I am not sure how high level players are able to successfully main her if she isnt viable, and one also wonders why she has been selected in meaningful pro matches if she isnt viable

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You mean right now, in the GOATS meta?

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It’s not as if GOATs is literally the only comp played. Mercy has her niche.

See, that’s the thing: Mercy is niche – niche to what exactly in the current meta?

Triple & Quad DPS comps.

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If Mercy is “viable” and “balanced”…

Then a LOT of heroes need to be nerfed.

Let everyone have a sub 50% win rate.

Let everyone have a 2% on fire rate.

Let everyone have two prominent stats that are abysmally low (Mercy has terrible damage and kills).


This is a public thread on a public forum

When one posts in a public thread on a public forum, one implicitly invites comment/replies from others

I see no contradiction whatsoever, as both types of people do exist - those who are unhappy with Mercy’s current state, and those who are unhappy with Mercy’s current state

What I often see in these forums is folks in the anti-Mercy faction mentioning only those players who are unhappy with Mercy’s current state without acknowledging the existence of the players who are happy with her current state

I dont think any deaths - whether on a hill or elsewhere - are necessary. This is just discussion. No need for any fatalities.

In regards to the alleged “autopilot” aspect of Valkyrie, I propose a quick experiment, one any player can perform . Go to the training room, select Mercy, wait for her ult to be fully charged, then hit the ult button. At this point, let go of whatever controls one uses to control Mercy. Observe and record what Mercy does for the next 15 seconds, and report back to this thread with the findings.

If you prefer a more engaging Valkyrie, have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?

It would’ve made much more sense to use torb as an example than genji. As you said you mained torb, but stopped playing him after the rework. Genji has never been reworked. Also I never said there was a rule that said that, but if you choose to make your argument worse by not using applicable heroes to the example, then that’s your problem.

Yes but that example is out of a base 100, Overwatch has much more than that and is much more complicated. Also it really isn’t that significant if all it did was pick up the pieces of a previous nerf.

If anyone disagrees with you, you just say “tHErE’s oTheR herOeS jUsT giVe uP oN tHis oNe”


but its not really ok when she’s struggling to find a spot as a healer in a regular 2-2-2 comp. Mercy needs a small buff to her healing for sure.

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So you’ve resorted to misquoting people now? “You can’t critique me” wasn’t the end of that sentence.

Like that other user said, you’ve done a pretty bad job at responding to any points made.


Brigitte is also pretty crap in 2-2-2 comps. So is Moira too, really.

Dodo does this, they will go onto any mercy thread an praise anyone whp agrees with them and bash and argue with those who don’t then stop responding to the person when they bring up valid arguments.


brig is just a mistake in general, she for sure needs a rework. but I think moira is a very strong character in lower ranks, she works very well in 2-2-2 comps.



Well, sure, but if we’re talking about lower ranks, I’d argue Mercy is equally viable. It’s higher up where they both fall off quite a lot.

Jayne did a video on that, and popped a quiz about which Mercy factor made quad DPS work in Route 66 attack. The answer wasn’t healing, nor rez, nor damage boost, it was mobility.

Fast forward to an Elk video featured in Jayne’s channel, and his commentary on quad DPS work in Route 66 attack is that it’s pros doing quick play – no pathing, no special coordination, no focus fire, just attacks from multiple points with Orisa at the center doing her best to survive via the combination of barrier and fortify usage.

And once that formation dies via an enemy kill, the meta is to switch off to a team-oriented comp using rollouts, common pathing, coordinated initiations and engages, and focus fire once more.

The dive meta in season 1 where Mercy is commonly used is better because it truly was a meta – rollouts, common pathing, coordinated initiations and engages, and cleanup after a pick against the enemy.

Why do I emphasize this? Because meta gives the playerbase something to aspire for – the goal being towards best play. If Blizzard wants Mercy to be truly viable, she has to be meta for something in the same way she was meta in OWL season 1.

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