Mercy is viable honestly

She just isn’t META.

Viable =/= META.

She has great heals (second most in the game, just a little behind Moira), great utility (rez is AMAZING!), and for some people, myself included, she is very fun to play because fun is subjective.

No other support has the consistent reliable heals she does, heals that don’t require aim, reloading or resource management mind you.
She needs 50hps to balance out such a consistent and reliable heal, and she DOES heal enough, but not in this tank META which is fine. She IS NOT a triple tank healer and she shouldn’t be one in the first place.

Also, she’s viable.



well said.

there are many, many folks who find her fun to play


Tho I don’t have that much experience in the game. I played Mercy and Moira for a while, and I must say Mercy is definetely my go to healer. She is fun to play, and I really feel comfortable and useful playing her.


Yeah, people rely on “meta” far too much. It just isn’t relevant if you aren’t playing at the tippy-top tier.


I have recently experienced a moment of clarity that finally made me see the truth about Mercy, she is fine. That moment of clarity happened when I had a team that actually played with me and not against me, my ults were actually valuable!

having experienced this I can say that Mercy’s biggest problem is her team. She is great in comp where people communicate and try but in QP she is a troll pick since the team won’t come together no matter what.


are you saying you were a “change mercy, mercy sucks” etc etc type of player before the match in question?

I play QP only (since I mostly just do placements and forget about it) and other than the unlucky game here or there I have a great time!

I guess I just lower my expectations way down while still playing seriously. It helps!

I feel no shame in admitting my past sins. I assure you that the old me is long gone. Mercy is fine.


The ultimate, brutal, absolutely honest truth about Mercy. I agree.


What region do you play on? From my experience the EU region is just awful but I might just be unlucky.

I mean, this is a correct statement.

But she’s also extremely dull, with a playstyle of “hold one button, and don’t die” for 90% of the game.

Followed by “Let me stand here like a giant bullseye and see how dumb the enemy team is”


Nor should you

Welcome to the side of light and good, its great to have you with us :slight_smile:

We are seeing more and more folks stop believing what the anti-Mercy faction and/or the toxic and entitled reworkmercy/revertmercy (same thing, different packaging) is spewing and instead figuring out what Mercy is for themselves, and coming to a similar realization

That said, and while I too dont want any changes for Mercy, would you object to the following changes that I wouldnt see as significantly changing play for players currently happy with Mercy?

see: the dodo compromise rework


I will check the thread and leave a reply. I hope there is something that increases the skill ceiling of Mercy without making her OP

I play on NA.

Well playstyles vary. You can choose to play like that or you can play more aggressively and change things up. If there’s a will, there’s a way.
Sucks you find her dull though. Guess you can’t please everyone.

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I leave that for you to decide.

Some consider the BigMainLittleChains piece of it to be a nerf, though I personally do not

yeah that might help. I don’t think NA has as many language barriers as EU does.

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That’s true! Although most of my games are quiet…
Idk, EU’s a mess honestly

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I want to start by saying I agree that mercy is viable, but I don’t understand why people always say this cuz like why would you even try to play mercy in goats or a tank heavy comp? Mercy is never played in those comps and the people who say she doesn’t have enough healing or complain about her in general are mostly talking about in 2-2-2 comps. “It’s just not her meta” ok but I’m in plat and no one plays goats we all just play 2-2-2 and every time I’ve seen mercy played in my own experience and in streams I watch it’s never in a 3-3 comp (obviously) cuz it’s just like… not optimal and everyone knows that. No one is saying she is or should be a triple tank healer. She’ll never be amazing at healing tanks like ana and moira even if we buffed her healing to OP levels. But I personally feel that 50 hps isnt enough to sustain even two tanks throughout a match, and I think that when goats inevitably dies and the return of dps hopefully comes this issue will still be a problem that’ll become even more obvious when she’s played more. That doesn’t mean mercy isn’t viable, I still play her and have been climbing with her and I think she’s fun, but I do think it’s a problem personally, and I prefer to have an ana or moira by my side because of it rather than zen or lucio despite their ults. That’s just my opinion though.


She needs a revert


She needs no changes at all, in my opinion, with a revert being among the very worst possible changes for her