Mercy is viable honestly

I and many others, and Blizzard themselves, do not see her as neutered or anything remotely like that

Blizzard is a business with a focus on entertainment.

They make money essentially by entertaining people

This is their goal, more or less the same as any for-profit business operates, which is how it should be. To make a profit.

Not all entertainment appeals to all folks equally, or to some, even at all.

Any entertainment enterprise understands this. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and all that

Mercy does not have the second most healing in the game she has the third most behind Ana and Moira.

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Easy for you to say. You’re happy with her, I’m not. So screw me? I don’t care? I should just deal with it? How about you deal with it.

How’s about Blizzard make an attempt to appease everyone instead of ignoring that many Mercy’s don’t like what she has become.


I felt the same about Torb when the horrendously bad (imo) rework came about

I was unhappy as well.

I said my piece and moved on.

What other reasonable action were there to take in a game where purchase only gives on the right to play the game as Blizzard defines it to be, and no rights to control the content of the game?

A game boycott? A toxic and entitled revertTorb movement? Continuous complaints for months on end?

Blizzard will make the decision that they determine best ensures a continued flow of income from the game. As a business enterprise, that is exactly what they should do.

They know they cannot please everyone, as does every entertainment business; and they also know that a change they make to appease an unhappy customer like yourself can be a change that upsets two or more other customers.

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I get gold healing in almost every game I play as Mercy with a second healer - any healer - on my team

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also mercy is good in coordinated teams? she might as well be only good every February 29th

Eh 20% becomes quite strong the higher ramped the damage, that’d be a bit more than I think she needs. A simple buff somewhere, either base heals or Valk heals, is enough to tie her as the “go to for raw consistent heals”


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Invisible numbers my favorite! What other fortune telling secrets do you have!


Enough people aren’t happy with her current state. This is obvious by the fact we have this discussion every other day. People have a weird habit of loving to shut down any discussion of her for some unbeknownst reason.

Valkyrie sucks. It’s boring and mostly ineffective. Save the “you’re using it wrong!” speech because the fact it can be used wrong at all tells you everything.

Also, for someone who does basically nothing but heal and no damage, shouldn’t they be doing great healing? Rez is on 30sec and is used rarely, what else does she have going for her?


True…but let’s say the devs are hardset on 50HPs/s, so could you see the value of some damage resistance to help ensure that Mercy can sustain someone under fire better than she currently can?

There was no fortune telling or invisible numbers involved in the statements I just made, including but not limited to the piece you quoted

While you are correct, this is also bait. A prime example that a thread doesn’t have to be wrong to be bait. (Although it is good to let the mercy’s vent their salt every once in a while).

No facts can support that, because it’s a convoluted argument that doesn’t make any sense. Meta, pro or otherwise, is related to viability. I like how you used a single word to cover for the 20 character limit for posts, btw. :wink:

Up to your usual non-answers again, I see.


Most of the threads/discussion on this are from the same people.

Valkyrie doesn’t suck and fun is subjective, plenty of people prefer it over res since it requires input and has a good duration. Every ult can be used wrong, one that can’t would be a problem.

Mercy does provide great heals, she averages out to providing the second most healing after Moira.

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Then. Use. The. Hero. Example. More. Applicable. To. Your. Example. As. Your. Example. Thx.

You mean the 2 buffs that did very minimal for her health?
“15% faster ult”; this was just picking up the pieces of the unnecessary 50 hps nerf.
“60 hps in valk”; a slap in the face for some, as for those who aren’t as observant as the average, they missed it was under the Valkyrie section, so they got exciting for something that yet again, was just picking up the pieces from the previous 50 hps nerf. It seems a lot of her more recent issues have derived from this one nerf huh.
I find it mildly amusing you describe these buffs as significant when they literally just were picking up the pieces of a previous nerf. Even the devs admit it was, as the notes for these buffs were something along the lines of “these parts of her kit were left broken after these nerfs, these buffs will help combat that” or something to that effect.

And yet whenever they say something is wrong with a hero you bring back the same old “there are 29 other heroes so shut up” kind of argument.

This is basic knowledge, it’s like saying reasonable 4 year olds don’t jump in front of buses as they know it will kill them. It’s just something you know. I’m not going to hide before I Rez like I did with mass rez nowadays am I? I’ll also know that I have to heal more due to the 50 hps nerf. It’s common practice to adapt to nerfs.


I think Mercy’s a blast to play, provided you have the teammates for it! I do think that there are some parts of her kit that seem kinda counter-intuitive to her design, but overall, I don’t mind her too much. :frog::sweat_drops:

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What input does Valkyrie require? If she’s so viable then why are players who pick her asked to swap whenever i watch Overwatch streams? Even notorious mercy player Animetic almost never plays her. Doesn’t seem very viable to me.


I don’t know the definition of the term ‘enough’ in the context of this statement

I do know that there is a very, very large group of people who like Mercy as she is in her current state, and I also know as a general truth that folks who are unhappy with a given thing are something like 10 times more likely to complain than a person who is happy with something is to give praise

I don’t think it tells the whole tale to simply highlight the unhappy folks

What is also obvious (to me) is that many of the Mercy-related threads opened these days --including this one - are an indication of folks who are happy with her current state

I and many others find it to be a strong and versatile ultimate.

You are of course entitled to your opinion same as anyone, but the opinion as stated above reads as if it is stated as a fact, which it isnt.

Every ultimate in the game can be used in a wrong manner, and as such, I don’t know what bearing this has on Valkyrie being bad or lesser in some fashion than other ultimates

In my opinion, a good Mercy uses her whole kit, which includes her vastly underrated pistol and her damage boost. Proper use of these two, as well as melee when appropriate, help ensure a good Mercy play doesnt have “no damage” at the end of a match

The good news here is that she is a strong healer with many advantages other healers dont have. I almost always have gold healing in every match I play when another healer - any healer - in on my team

I generally use it multiple times in every match I play, and this is true in other matches I have watched at all tiers. I wouldnt call use of this ability as “rare” at all, personally.

Um, you can’t critique me for stating people are unhappy with her state and then use the argument “i know many people are happy with her.” Do you not see the contradiction?

Honestly, defending Valkyrie is not a hill i’d want to die on. Mercy players and the devs can do better. Maybe one that actually requires some level of skill and impact. Perhaps you enjoy an auto-pilot ultimate after a long day idk what to tell you.