Mercy is viable honestly

Why? Players on ladder, below say, Diamond, have never aspired to play meta. They didn’t in Dive, and they’re not in GOATs.

Also, both Jayne and Elk were talking about Contenders Season 3 Quad DPS. I’m sure what they said was true then, but the strategy as evolved a fair bit. Most importantly, it’s not a one-point tactic that you swap off once you’ve lost one fight (which was how Stormquake played it). It’s a real comp with a real strategy that gets real results. And it’s also played with Wrecking Ball instead of Orisa.

excuse you, how does that doesn’t apply to what you do? because as far as I can see you jump in on every Mercy thread to start complaining about her even if the thread is in a positive light towards her current state or not

The only difference here is that Megadodo doesn’t resort to any sort of personal attacks and has a very specific point of view, check your card at the door please

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I haven’t misquoted any statements - the statements I have quoted have not been altered in any way

The reason stated by the devs for the rework does not match what you have described here

They stated that they had observed behavior wherein Mercy players chose to deny healing to their teammates, and encouraged them to die; with this behavior incentivized by mass rez. They indicated that they did not wish for such behavior to continue, and as such, they removed mass rez from the game

Actually, I dont think thats possible

For one thing, there are many players who do not want mass rez to ever return. If it returns, while they make the revertmercy crowd happy, they then make this other group unhappy

For another, many of the folks in the anti-mercy faction want mutually exclusive changes…some want mass rez to return, while others want rez in all forms to be removed for the game. If you make one group happy, you upset the other

I dont honestly see a way to make everyone happy - and I think Blizzard understands this…and knows the best they can do is make some players happy

It’s still true – stack healing with another off-healer like Zen, pocket the Pharah, all that jazz.

Same strat, different tanks, with the exception that Wrecking Ball has escape tools to allow him to get to those juicy fat health packs.

Elk’s point is that Mercy works best in plays where the emphasis is getting first pick, and cleaning up afterwards. That’s the extent of the strategic thinking behind it – no pathing, no special rollouts, just play at and around the point.

I’ve indeed watched many high level matches with no GOATS at all

When? Sounds like last year to me.


The on-fire rate issue is not a Mercy issue - it is an issue with the tuning of the engine in the game that determines what characters are on-fire

No changes are needed for mercy to resolve this particular issue


Hongzhou’s something something (pandas lul) main tank player doesn’t play Reinhardt and they refuse to play Goats at all costs and instead they choose to play to their strenghts which are comps centered around Hammond

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Analysts acknowledge they play their own game, and not the current meta. Are they doing the playoffs this year?


A 20% increase on a non-zero value is a highly significant change

This set of 2 significant buffs greatly boosted Mercy’s overall power

I dont always reply with the same statements, and I have never used a combination of upper and lower case lettering in statements like the one quoted above

In any case, I have never told anyone they are not permitted to speak their minds on any matter, which was the gist of the statement I originally replied to

Our experience differs

I see experienced Mercys having no trouble healing their teammates with her current rate(s) of healing.

There are a number of high level players successfully maining Mercy in the M, GM, and top 500 tiers.

She is also picked in meaningful pro matches

As such, I see Mercy as viable in the high ranks as well

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Sorry but what you quoted was a direct reference to Goats not being the only comp being played which is true, they do play something else (and will with the changes on the ptr do so even more) when they want to strategize around, if they win or not is besides the point because you can bet that if you were to face them and you were playing goats on your team they would still faceroll you, Goats only works when heavily practiced because it’s coordination based gameplay, nor you or I or even people on GM have the means to achieve a perfect Goats setup

What I’m trying to say is that you putting goats that high up there means nothing, you can’t play it, you don’t play against it either so why are you even worrying about it?

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The point of my post is that meta is what players aspire for. The whole promotional campaign for OWL is “Watch the best of us” – which is why looking at it from an angle of why Mercy is meta in OWL season 1 and not meta in OWL season 2 is relevant (Edit: and even why Hangzhou to runs it, too).


True but I don’t think the meta is what players aspire for, at least not on this game and the reason for that is very simple, again, Goats being the most efficient strategy depends on coordination and you don’t see people going nuts for achieving perfect coordination, they go nuts for picking what they see being picked without any sort of knowledge of what to do or when

The meta in overwatch league is only the safest option to play and win because you know, it’s their job? but when you play in ladder this sort of pressure isn’t there, you’re not forced to (and even if you were you couldn’t) play goats, what players should be doing is try to practice specific gameplay and strategy, Mercy can and should be played a ton more but players seem to focused on numbers that they cannot understand

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Hige, I’m with you on this one. Despite being a tank main, I like the kids who love playing simple heroes like Mercy, and picked up Mercy as my go-to hero in this alt account.

You are right, it’s the job of teams to win since it’s their job – but it’s also a profession, and as a profession, they have to ascribe to certain values so that what they do has relevance to the greater society other than the entertainment dollars that it brings them.

I resonate with you on this one, and the time I seriously picked up Mercy was during the first PTR when Valkyrie was being tested. My conclusion? They wanted a pocket Mercy that would be a force multiplier once Valkyrie is on. I didn’t like the pocket rez to reinforce her usual pocket healing, and I acknowledged the fact at that time that E-rez is a huge buff that would enable her to be used by pros (I posted as Stoic in that first Mercy PTR valk megathread, and changed my handle since then to the present one).

The sort of Mercy I like uses GA to multiply her presence over all heroes in her team, not just DPS but also tanks as well, and the current iteration doesn’t allow for that unless the main tank is Orisa and her inherent damage mitigation via fortify. This is the sort of playstyle I like, and I continue to support any changes, no matter how wacky, that would encourage that sort of playstyle and add a bit of carry potential to her existing kit.

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Personal attacks? Where are the receipts? Hunny try again.
Also I hardly jump on “every”, just ones that are relevant.


While yes they helped her, overall they didn’t do anything but fix up a previous nerf.


That’s what you ellude to anyways. If anyone disagree with you you just shove the Sam etching back in their face.


Factually, these were a set of two significant buffs that considerably boosted Mercy’s overall power

With apologies, I do not understand the point you are attempting to make here

I dont find the statement I made suggests, implies, or explictly states that one is not permitted to voice their opinion

I do think it is a reasonable course of action to move on to another character when one no longer enjoys playing said character, particularly in a game like this where a character can be changed at any time

I dont feel it is reasonable to not move on and to instead continuously complain for going on two years now about a change one dislikes in a game where change is a constant

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