Mercy is viable honestly

She has far more utility than Moira, who has none. Rez is probably the best ability in the game and damage boost is really good. She has infinite amount and consistent healing, great mobility etc.

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this sounds very religious. as of now, Mercy is our goddess. all heil Angela!


Yeah but shes boring

Also if you try the fun is subjective excuse, you lose automatically

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The good news is that many of us dont find her boring, and for those who do, there are over 2 dozen other heroes to choose from

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I am glad that some of those who are unhappy with Mercy are finding different heroes to play, to allow them perhaps to finally move on

That excuse sucks as well

Being viable doesn’t help to make mercy mains stay in the game. (Not all, but i’m sure a lot have left).

In b4

“G0oD, iF y0u d0nT 3nJ0y th3 g4Me, d0nT Pl4y”

Well, overwatch need players. Anything that makes player leaving the game is not good for it, trust me.

Mercy situation isn’t the only thing that makes some mercy mains left, but it sure is a big factor that decides it. Sure, maybe some can change to baptiste. But i’m sure sooner or later some that change will feel that it’s so different.

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She’s viable sure and I still love Playing her(cause of GA)

Though I don’t see any problem giving her at least 55hps, maybe 60hps. It’s not gamebreaking and really wasn’t to begin with

This is not an excuse - this is truth

I dont enjoy playing Genji. I dont come to these forums to complain that the devs need to change Genji to suit me personally…I know as any reasonable player knows that there are over 2 dozen other heroes to choose from, and perhaps another will be more enjoyable.

If one doesnt find any of the others enjoyable, there are many other games to choose from.


Cool. Wish we could address her other issues though.

Realizing that there are a lot of folks who want more healing for Mercy - typical ask is 55 or 60 - would a player like yourself find some value in a bit of insurance?

Say for example that while the beam is attached, the player gets somewhere around 20% damage resistance, helping to ensure that the character isnt beaten down by incoming fire quite as much while you as Mercy are healing him/her

Don’t market your words as “truth” when it’s an opinion…

Except most people unhappy with mercy are or was, mercy mains. In your example you don’t really touch Genji at all.
Keep in mind Mercy also got reworked and nerfed 14 times so we are dealing with a very different hero here, as she has been more fun, and on all ends of the balance spectrum.
Apparently if you have an issue with a hero nowadays you’re not allowed to say it as they’re 29 other heroes.

This is just dumb, they are allowed to play, and have issues with whatever game they wish. So don’t recommend to them to stop doing what they wish to do, just because their opinions differ from yours.

You don’t say. :thinking:


This, I couldn’t agree more.

What if people like Mercy tho

Mercy has been changed. Those that play Mercy don’t like what Mercy has become. What you think if those that play reinhardt lost his shield don’t have a right to complain? Just because you like current Mercy doesn’t mean current Mercy is fine. To say that an old Mercy player should stop playing their favorite hero and move onto another hero because you don’t want the current Mercy changed is honestly insulting.


the statement that I made that started this part of the discussion

“The good news is that many of us dont find her boring, and for those who do, there are over 2 dozen other heroes to choose from”

is truth

there is no marketing involved or needed

I was a Torb main. They reworked Torb. I no longer play Torb.

If you prefer Torb as the example, so be it

I find it interesting that you didnt mention the significant buffs at the end of last year

Again, players who no longer fun character x have 2 dozen other characters to choose from

I have never claimed that you (or anyone) is not allowed to speak your mind

Reasonable players know that in a game like this, characters can and do change over time; and make decisions to accommodate their play to the changes applied to a character they like or move on


In that case, I would assume they’d be playing her, not complaining about her for going on 2 years now

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Ok, better example

I liked old Hog because of his power and his dangerous appearance that matched with it

I dont like new hog now because his gun feels like a confetti blaster and his healing with damage reduction goes against his kit

There are many of us, myself included, who not only like Mercy as she is, but prefer the current state over all other previous states

After 2 going on 2 years of complaints, and multiple assurances from the devs that no revert to Mass rez is going to occur, I would think a reasonable player would move on in some fashion - different character(s) or different game(s)


But I am hardly alone in feeling this way…and more importantly, those who have the right to make the determination of her state of balance - the owners of the intellectual property that is Overwatch - have repeatedly stated the same. Every individual is entitled to make their own determination of whether they are wrong or right, but in the end, Blizzard makes the call on what Mercy is and does.

There are reasonable choices. Adapt, move onto other character(s), or move onto other game(s).

There are unreasonable choices, entitled choices like insisting that Blizzard isnt permitted to change a beloved character and they must change said character back to what said character was

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And they have opted to leave her in a neutered state for the sake of appeasing nobody but themselves.

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