Mercy is "unfun"

“Actually im a child and i cant stand not getting thw potg”

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Wih how few main supports there are in this game intentinoally balancing one of them to be inept above gold or something is just dumb.
But sadly Blizzard have shown themsevles dumb enough that it wouldn’t shock me if they did actually think this way.

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But the majority of the player base is gold, so if they all use mercy, and diamond+ all use ana, then why is that a problem?

Because you’d think Diamond players want more then 1 hero o play ever and again 3 supports (and Moira’s even worse at high tiers right now then Mercy) so there ya go.
Plus again balancing one hero with the outright intent that they will be useless above a certain rank is concrete as hell. It’s one thing for power to shift it’s another for the actual intent to be F tier. For a hero with a playstyle that dosen’t actually trasnfer it seems rather redundant. If she’s not even going to be viable.

It’s not nothing, but it’s not the main part of her kit, she is a healer first according to the stats, the lore and the playerbase. And she was always intended to e a main healer - Moira and Ana didn’t exist when Mercy was released and for a long time she had the largest single target healing by far.

Ana is currently a lot more popular in Gold than Mercy.


And what about tanks? Theres what, 3 options for main tank and 3 for off tank? For supports, theres Ana, Moira is good with deathball, and Mercy is good with bunker comp. Seems pretty balanced to me. Maybe 6 supports isnt enough for you, but then why isn’t anyone complaining about the 7 tanks?

“Unfun” is so subjective…

I am a Mercy one-trick (maybe the last on the planet) and people keep telling me to pick Brigitte to climb the ranks better, but I still want to only play Mercy.

So, I guess I am having fun? There still are some Mercy mains out there, though probably no one-tricks.


You do realize I was responding to you saying that Mercy should only be effective as a "Starter hero " (which make szeo sense with how little of her kit actually transfers to othe heroes skillsets)

I’d have the same comment if someone said “Orisa takes more skill so rein should just be a starter tank only usuable in lower ranks” or some non sense like that.
There are two few in either category to limit ourselves even further by intentionally balancing so as to not be effective in certain ranks

Mercy’s kit is just heal, damage boost, and rez. Rein takes massive amounts of game sense and great positioning. Theres no way to make mercy a viable hero at high levels without creating a completely new hero and putting mercy’s name on it. From launch, she was intended as a starter hero, similar to soldier, to get people used to the game. Since then theyve added 3 supports, and people still complain

And Mercy has the least amount of self defence that isnt just running and her mobility is dependant on knowing hwere everyone else is"
You know Mercy 1.0 could have easily beeen made viable when competeting against Ana back during season 4. All they needed was some extra utility on her E, maybe make it something that has a similar skill as Zarya bubbles t to rais the skill cieling at the same time, maybe no projectile though cus that wouldn ot work for console players

Still it’s one thing for power to shift naturally as people get better, its another to advocate for someone to avitvely be intentionally gimped so they can only work when their competition can’t work and the latter is what you advocate.
Please never make a multiplayer video game.

Im sorry what

So Mercy, meta for 9 seasons, was “intentionally gimped.”

Does it make sense for a hero with low skill to give a high reward? Because thats what happened forever. Blizz nerfed Mercy to put more skillful heroes at the top of the meta because skill should result in a higher impact. Im sorry if u dont get it, but mercy isnt a skill hero, and will never be, so she shouldnt be on the same level as skill heroes.


I was agaisnt this rework from the get-go on all fronts so don’t go putting that mess at my feet. But do you think it was intentional that she was so OP? That they inteintionally kept the other two down to make room for Mercy? No they didn’t, but that’s what you’re advocating for for Ana (who else is the high skill healer)

The ult isn’t fun as it is, not necessarily because it doesn’t grant more rez, but because its support impact is really weak. You’re better off flanking the enemy support with it.

I wasnt advocating for Ana but sure, if it helps you sleep at night. Mercy was reworked for the sole reason that she was towering over the other supports. Now she is used at low tiers and for off heal/pocket healing, and Ana is top tier for players who can unlock her potential. If they cant, they sure go play mercy

Sure. By saying Mercy was nerfed because she was too easy, I was… actually i have no idea what you meant by that statement

Oh hey, I was saying that too. Thats why Mercy was nerfed, to fix that problem

TL;DR Mass rez Mercy never got past C tier in high ranks so when you say

You’re just plain wrong and an idiot
Allso if you can actually get to that video on Yotuube links were in the description but for someone reason I can’t post links even thoug h i can post videos

And no you started this whole conversation by saying

To which i responded by saying that making it so a heo is impossible to get value out of comparitively is bad design decisioning and that for someone to be that low on the totem pole above a certain rank should not be the intent.

The nerf I was talking about wasnt the rework, it was losing the valk rez, losing instant rez, and healing being cut to 50.

Ooh look at your big words. Ouch that really hurt

It is still possible to get value out of Mercy. Ana is a skill hero, and if you have the skill then you should play Ana. Why play mccree when you can just play widow and get more value for hitting harder shots? Well why play mercy when you get more value hitting more difficult shots? Mercy is still seen as an off support helping to prop up a widow or hanzo or something along those lines, but main healers have been added to the game that have de-throned mercy. Mercy isnt currently a main healer, so while maybe shes played as one in lower tiers, she cant beat ana at her own job. Mercy is niche now, stuck somewhere between main healer and off healer, and ignoring that is just plain silly.

Ana does more healing with a sniper rifle than mercy does with a lock on beam. Kinda like how widow does more damage with a sniper rifle than winston with an aoe cone. That seems right to me

It does, and it’s a near-instant full health revive with a negligible cooldown. The limitation is that the same person can’t be revived more than once in a short period of time.

You said reworked in your post so uh, yeah your mispoeaking caused a misunderstanding.
Yes I know she got nerfed because she was towering over other supports, I mean I"m against this rework as a whole because Fun adn balanced are mutualy exclusive in this build so we’re on the same page

I think the reason the fun argument is being used is because the ”unfun to play against” argument was used against her before her changes where announced. I believe fun to be subjective from person to person and that reason alone shouldn’t guide how a character is balanced, but a can of worms was unscrewed that day and now this is the end result. If not fun to play against is reason enough for people to ask for change ,then the not fun to play anymore reason should be expected.

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