Mercy is "unfun"

if you dislike playing mercy simply because of that ult change then you didn’t like playing mercy in the first place


You got unlimited ammo. Let loose. Don’t just be a passive heal bot be aggressive make yourself impressive on your own merit.

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People that say she’s fine is a vocal minority.
Problems with Mercy

  1. Doesn’t benefit from drawn out effects from Valkyrie where other main healers give massive healing in a shorter amount of time.
  2. Resurrect challenges the design philosophy of Mercy by giving her self inflicting CC.
  3. Her healing in base kit doesn’t amount to the healing/damage/utility of other supports, so she’s considered an off-support/pocket hero.
  4. “Off-Support” Mercy doesn’t even have a defensive ultimate like the other off-supports do. It’s a secure the fight ultimate. Not an ultimate that changes the outcome of an already won fight. Imagine a DPS ultimate needing to be used after a genji blade tears through the enemy making him look godly and you get some measly damage spread to multiple enemies doesn’t sound that fun or engaging.

Anyways rant over.


I would say do this…but haven’t you seen all the “ban/report Battle Mercys because they’re throwing”.

I mean I’m in full agreeance-USE the ammo and be aggressive-use your mobility to split and stagger enemies into chasing you…

Too bad that there are so many people ready to use that report button.

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I mean I hate to be the voice of reason here but I find valk more fun than most ults. I don’t play Mercy much, but I know that flying around, bouncing from teamate to teamate, and switching between boosting and heals is a bit more fun than popping trans and floating for a bit. There are a lot of ultimates that aren’t fun, like Zen, Brig, Lucio. I don’t even find some dps ults fun, but the point of the ult is to make an impact, right? And Valk is a pretty good ult. 60hps on every teamate or a 30% damage boost on every teamate, all while staying cough McSoldier cough safe. Its better than rally in most situations, and pretty underappreciated as well.

If you can juggle both and res people along with it I don’t see the issue. If you have Valk and have that chance to take down the Ana or Widow why not go for it?

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No, no she isn’t. Are you a Mercy main? You’re literally grasping at straws.

Again I agree.

However there are a lot who will just report any Mercy who dares to pull out their pistol and call it throwing.

There was a post earlier after the healing nerf about somebody saying they played with a Mercy like that and the first like 4 replies?

Report them.

I mean I see Mercys using their infinite ammo or pistol more as ones who are adapting her to a more aggressive playstyle and I can’t see anything wrong with that.


It would just end up being false reporting.

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Is it so much to ask that I can one day play the hero I fell in love with playing at the start of this game and not feel like the dainty little sidekick once more before the game dies? Is that so much to ask?

Yes, she is. She doesn’t provide enough healing to be considered a “Main Support.”

The way I see it is that Mercy is where she should be. She was never supposed to be the #1 healer, but she was and Blizzard put her back where she was intended to be: the beginner’s support. A lot of new players can’t play Ana, and Mercy is easier, so in lower ranks most people play Mercy and in higher ranks people play Ana, and thats how it should be in my opinion. Its harder to do with DPS without making them like Junk, who had the same problem.

You do know it isn’t just about how much a healer heals, right?

Umm yes it does lol? A main healers job is to heal. If Mercy can’t provide enough healing to keep her team alive on her own then she’s not a main healer she’s an off-support or a secondary healer.

To heal and provide sustainable utility. Last time I checked, she does both pretty well. Mercy can still solo heal.

There is no “healer” class. There are supports, and “support” includes healing, speed, dmg boost, etc.

Thats why Sym was originally a support. The main part of Mercy’s kit isnt her healing, its the dmg boost, and that pits her in the niche role of a pocket healer. She was overtuned, and thats the only reason she was a main healer before the nerf.

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Mercy can’t solo heal wtf. Feel free to join a comp game say you are going to main heal Mercy (Making sure you have a Brig/Zen/Lucio) as a secondary support and report back to me with the results. Sure you get the most healing because (that’s literally all she does) but was it enough to save teammates being focused fired by an enemy which is what it’s designed to be?

You don’t play Mercy at all, am I right?

Here are some stats for you. Mercy’s average healing: 10,700. Average boosted damage: 700.

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I never said there wasn’t lol.

Dude I was a massive advocate for Sym for being a support hero. I like her more now, but there was a reason why she was support. Lol.

Damage boost a widow, and you can 1 shot body shot a tracer. Its only 30 extra damage, but that nothing right?