Mercy is "unfun"

when do you stop changing a hero based on fun?

she is getting improved but you cannot go around demanding heroes to be changed simply because they are unfun for you

Yeah. Because people playing against Mercy vastly outnumber those playing her.

I refuse to play Mercy because of the fact that I find her dreadfully boring to play. That said, I don’t mind that other players love playing Mercy. If everyone wanted to play the same hero, we’d have another CoD clone on our hands… :expressionless:

I’ve seen clips of Mcree high noon sextuple kill the enemy team, ever seen a Valkryie do anything before?

Even worse when people who don’t even play the hero or understand it ask for changes without considering his/her mains playstyle! :slight_smile:
Is just disrespectful to how the changes were done without considering the noises of the Mercy players community, and only the non-Mercy players’. After all, the hero is alive in the game because there are people who actually play her.

The problem is that the character was drastically changed compared to what she was in the beginning of the game. Lots of players ask for changes because they once liked her, but not don’t because of how she was treated and how her current state is.

Anyways, I just wish Mercy is changed so I can play her with desire and fun again. Meanwhile, I’ll just play with the other supports lol

Well, if we are talking clips - yeah, I’ve seen battle-mercys getting 6-kills in Valk. So?

valk is a healing ultimate

healing keeps the team alive which is way more useful than high noon

Even if she was balanced, in her current state she is very unfun to play.

-> Latch beam onto one ally.

-> Stun self for ~2 seconds behind a wall or have a HUGE chance of just dying

-> Hit Q and fly and latch beam onto one ally.

This is not fun. It’s horrifically basic.


I enjoy the cat and mouse aspect of her play style while trying to keep your team alive. 50 hp/s is too low for her to be effective though so I’ve stopped playing her for the moment.

Frustrating, not unfun. I get frustrated while playing Dark Souls but it’s still fun.

Wow amazing that a DPS ult can…kill people. Now how often does that ult end in disappointment? Just because you saw a clip of someone pulling it off does not mean that is going to happen very often if ever again.

I like playing Mercy, I hate using rez and valk I find they make her less fun to play

if she is unfun then…don’t play her

i don’t find widowmaker fun to play but many do so i simply don’t play her rather than trying to change her kit for my own fun

There is no other hero in the entire game that represents a dedicated support playstyle.

Only Mercy.

I don’t have that option.

It has a chance at doing something impressive though, Valkryie is a disappointed by design with no hope of it being fun.

When he is fun to play. That should always be the most important consideration by far.

how is that possible when fun is subjective

I find Mercy’s play style with GA fun but find E Res unfun and clunky and Valk infuriating as it’s boring unless you battle Mercy which feels counter to her design.

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Mercy since Beta

As opposed to:
Hide, come in and turn around an EARNED team kill with the press of Q?

Hide and hit Q, revive up to 5 teammates.

Mercy has been pretty basic since Beta, my man.


Mercy in Beta had the ability to make a big play to save everyone, just like Lucio can, just like Zenyatta can. Mercy can’t do that anymore.

There, all fixed for you.