In Depth look at why playing as Mercy is Bad

If you want the short answer, it can generally be summed up by a distinct lack of agency over anything she does. If you want the long answer… well then buckle up because we’re going to go over just about every part of her kit and look at why it is a drag to use.

1. Her Healing

Mercy’s base healing is not bad. Not great, but its reliability makes up for its somewhat lower output when compared to Ana, Baptiste, or Moira. However that’s not where it falls apart. Mercy’s healing falls apart when her enemies start managing to land more damage than she can heal. Ana, Baptiste, and Moira can respond with Nade, Regen Burst, and Heal Orb. Mercy has no way to respond to that when it happens. Closest she’s got is Valkyrie which only gives +5 HPS and has an activation delay.

So, how does the Mercy player feel when someone inevitably gets gunned down through her primary healing? Well… helpless and powerless because there wasn’t really anything mechanically they could have done to prevent it.

2. Her Damage Boost

There’s a lot of things that can happen to make Damage Boosting useless and Mercy has control over none of them. If the boost target misses, Mercy is wasting her time. If the boost target doesn’t use their damage dealing abilities while they have boost, Mercy is probably wasting her time. Funnily enough, Boost used to be at least a little better from the perspective of Mercy actually having control over it. It used to apply if the boost was on when the projectile hit. So Mercy used to be able to pull things like hearing her Reinhardt throw Flame Strike and throw him boost for a few seconds to get more damage and ult charge. She can’t do that anymore. Now all she can do is give someone boost and pray they manage to accomplish something with it.

Does any of that sound particularly fun, interesting, or empowering for Mercy? No. No it doesn’t.

3. Her Resurrect

There are 4 things that can happen that can make using Resurrect impossible. First, Mercy’s ally dies in a spot that is just completely and utterly unsafe. Second, Mercy’s enemies are paying super close to her or where her ally went down. Third, Mercy’s allies don’t cover her when she goes for a Resurrect. Fourth, Resurrect has the longest cool down in the game at 30s. How many of those issues can Mercy directly influence? If you answered “None of them” then you would be correct. This is made all the worse by the fact that Resurrect is Mercy’s most powerful ability. Her most powerful ability that she gets almost no say in whether it is even possible to use. Cool.

Let me repeat that again for emphasis. Whether Mercy can use her most powerful ability or not is almost completely out of her hands. That’s a surefire way to have a hero feel like they have no agency and no ability to actually sway the course of a fight or match.

4. Her Chain Beams

Well, the most obvious problem with this one is if Mercy’s teammates split up, they are useless. The second obvious problem with this one is that a decent chunk of the skill of playing Mercy is giving the right person the right beam at the right time. Chain Beams being part of Mercy’s ultimate makes it so the reward for being good at Mercy is… no longer needing to be good at Mercy for 15 seconds. The third problem is that… in general auras (or projected auras in this case) always feel less powerful and more boring than they really are because the effects are heavily split up and its just difficult to see what the full effects of the aura was. In fact, Lucio had a whole mini rework for this exact reason. Lucio was crazy powerful but no one wanted to play him because his old 30m auras were powerful but boring, so they shrank and strengthened his auras and he’s been significantly better to play as ever since.

Well, we got ourselves a triple whammy here gentlemen. Any one of these 3 would be an issue. All 3 of these together leads me to claim that Chain Beams are in fact the worst designed mechanic in the game bar none. Yes they really are that bad when viewed from how engaging and interactive they are.

5. Her Blaster

Is actually fine. It is actually the most fun thing in her kit. It’s a shame that her most fun and interactive thing is the thing that she’s pretty much designed around never needing.

Don’t believe me? Why do you think Attack Helicopter Valkyrie is so popular? It’s because it is actually fun.

6. Her Mobility

Her mobility is actually still quite fun. However I do have beef with it.

Her rework added Valkyrie’s flight, the official Angel Hop mechanic, and the Superjump tech.

The first problem with that is… that’s a lot more mobility… which makes Mercy much safer. I am reasonably certain that the reason Mercy caught 14 or so nerfs post rework wasn’t always because of how much Value she could spit out but was instead because almost no one could stop that Value from coming out… which was largely caused by her gaining a crazy amount of mobility.

The second problem with it is that mobility is what I would call a Force Multiplier. Outside of baiting enemies into attacking you when they shouldn’t, personal mobility does not have a direct effect on either your allies or enemies. It can make it easier to apply Damage/Healing/CC where it needs to go and keep the hero alive longer to output more Damage/Healing/CC… but that’s it. So… what happens when a hero has hyper mobility but then has their Direct Output nerfed 14 times? Well… there’s almost no Damage/Healing/CC to make more effective… so the whole hero falls apart and becomes useless.

The third problem with it I touched on in problem 2. The only way to get direct value out of Mercy’s mobility is to bait enemies into wasting time, abilities, and maybe even ultimates trying to kill her and failing.
This is actually really satisfying, but is unreliable because her enemies need to fall for it, and good ones won’t. This also leads to Mercy feeling a lot more like a weird evasion tank with healing abilities than an actual healer.

The fourth problem with it… might be just me, but it is that Mercy is primarily all about skill with positioning, awareness, and timing. Her mobility changes traded out requiring positioning and awareness for a bit of mechanical skill. This might just be a me thing, but requiring Mercy to have mechanical skill seems much like forcing a round peg in a square hole. That’s not what she’s about nor should it be what she’s about.

So… all around… yes Mercy’s mobility is indeed fantastic, but it is incapable of rescuing her from the rest of her problems. Unless of course the player in question just really likes flying. Then it might.

7. Her Power Fantasy

It really shouldn’t be difficult to tell what sort of person would gravitate towards playing as Mercy.

The Cleric. Or… the MMORPG healer.

You know the one. That character class who gives up almost all damage output (or hides it behind a weapon/stance change so soloing with them isn’t miserable) for unmatched abilities aimed at keeping their allies on their feet.

Mercy still has all the mechanics she’d need to fulfill that power fantasy. She has her only direct means of dealing damage behind a weapon swap. She has mobility to theoretically make it so she never has to use her direct damage and to make it so it doesn’t matter who she’s trying to heal, she can get there and heal them. Other than that one direct damage option that’s locked away, every other ability she has targets her allies.

Where does this Power Fantasy fall apart? The Unmatched bit. If you actually want to keep your teammates alive as long as possible… you DO NOT pick Mercy. Ana, Moira, and Baptiste are all better at that. Problem is none of them fulfill the role of Cleric either because they all need to do damage… either to get their full value or to just not die.

Prior to her rework, Mercy did fulfill the power fantasy of the Cleric. Why? Because of Mass Resurrect. If you got it charged fast enough and used it well, you felt like you could theoretically keep your team going forever. You probably couldn’t, but that feeling that you maybe could was super important. Then when she lost so much of her team sustain… well… there was no place for the players who wanted the Cleric feel in Overwatch to go. That’s a pretty large part of why there was such a large stink about Mercy’s rework. People told them to play other heroes but there wasn’t another hero who did what Old Mercy did and New Mercy didn’t do it anymore either. So… they came to the forums to complained, and honestly at this point most of them have probably left the game.


I think I do agree with everything you mentioned.

Why are Ana and Brig the most popular supports? Because they do a LOT of things at the same time. And Brig got mobility on top of that. Plus, everything they do is beneficial to the team… Mercy’s kit is either for herself only or one other teammate, and she does one or two things only.

Even Brigs mobility is a CC. Mercy’s GA doesn’t help anyone else. I mean TO ME… that’s my problem with Mercy. I love playing as her, but she just has… no effect at all on the fights lol.

Odd. Of everyone I know who plays her frequently, their hopes for the character are usually summed up as “mobile point-support with decent usefulness even during healing downtime without relying on aim.”

On all other points I mostly agree, though I feel she’s still far more viable at the majority of ranks than you give her credit for. She’s just quite situational.

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I’m not super surprised. Mercy hasn’t fulfilled the Cleric fantasy for a very long time now. Since no other character does, I suspect that most people who wanted that have ditched the game.

Viability has got nothing to do with this topic though. A lot of these problems I mentioned cropped up during the height of Moth Meta. Didn’t make them not problems.

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Would be nice if she could be a skillful main healer instead of a side kick.

I once saw a 20k poster bot ( a console player btw) post that Mercy should stay skilless because of the handicapped and impaired who want to play the game as one of their arguments. LMAO

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The devs really let the lightning out of the bottle when they reworked Mercy…

Looking at the direction they’ve been taking this game, I don’t think they ever really understood what made it popular in the first place. “Making wild guesses until they stumble across something that seems to work” has been their M.O. for balancing this game for the last four years, so it’s not exactly a stretch of the imagination.


There are two things I want for Mercy.

  1. I want her to be more viable as a main healer. I think it goes along with the fantasy thing you brought up. She doesn’t provide in damage much and she doesn’t have the consistent utility of other supports that help swing fights. She at the very least should be good at healing and she is mediocre at best.
  2. I want Mercy to have more of a moment. Regardless of people’s opinions of Mass Rez or OG Valk, Mercy had her moment to shine in game and change it around. This is not me saying Mercy needs either of those things to be her moment, she just needs something. People found Mass Rez and OG Valk fun because the player directly impacted that fight. She needs some oomf.

I’m not entirely sure they don’t know what made the game fun… I think they just have zero idea why the Meta is what it is and how to shape it.

What I do think is that Blizzard has been hyping Overwatch and OWL as a fast paced game… pretty much forever. But… what has the meta been for a really long time? Double Shield and Goats. They’ve been trying so hard to make the game “fast paced” by slashing and burning any defensive abilities that are good… but that doesn’t work. It seems like it would… cut defense, offense should thrive… but no. What the meta has been doing instead is doubling down and grabbing as many decent defensive options as it can get its hands on.

I don’t think the Blizzard Devs have figured out that people are more likely to play fast and take risks if they know they have good, solid safety nets in place to catch them if/when their risks blow up.


I agree with some points with you.

Her mobility is fantastic and the new GA techs added a lot more depth to her positioning. Baiting enemy CDs is crazily strong, you can create immense space for your team by just juking GA.
Blaster is fine as well as her healing is also fine.

I agree that Rez has had it’s time and it feels bad for the Mercy to use a part of her kit only 3-6 times a match. I thoughrouly enjoy the mindgames and baiting you can do by making enemies thing you’ll go for the rez, only for you to cancel Ga and them shattering, graving the air, but it’s not worth the small times you can actually rez. Don’t get me wrong, I always enjoyed rez, but rez cannot compete with IF, Nade, Sleep, Bash, Repairpack, Moiraorb anymore.
I think rez should be replaced with an ability she can frequently use. Healing amp, cleanse, damageredution bless, whatever. There are many fantastic ideas. Move rez to Valk. the ability E gets replaced with 1 charge of rez in Valk.

I really enjoy damageboost. I personally feel like part of Mercys skill, which differentiates a good Mercy from an insane Mercy, is her use of dmgboost. Knowing who to damageboost when is crucial and can win you teamfights. Identifying if your target can actually hit, is determined on your gamesense.
I personally (but that’s a perference) like the proactive dmgboost. It’s fun anticipating when the Rein will throw his flames, or Moira her orb, or Ashe her dynamite etc. It takes more gamesense and hero knowledge to anticipate and know when they will throw their projectile rather than just reaction to it. Everyone can react, not everyone can proact.

As to Valkyrie, I was never a fan of the chainbeams. I think though that if you’d remove them and just amp her main heal, she’d be effectively worse. In a game where every healer has an AoE heal ability or ult, removing Mercy’s would certainly mean her descend into Bastion tier.
I am all for fixing QoL stuff in Valk like beam not breaking upon activating, faster weaponswitch. I am also all for an experimental card where they buff the mainbeam to maybe 70hps and nerf the chains to 50hps, so Mercy would still have to juggle her beam.

I also think they should enhance sound and visual effects for Valkyrie. I think the reason it can feel so “dull” is because it’s just her normal gameplay, but flying.
S76, Genji, Zen, Echo and lot’s of other transformation ults have a background soundeffect, flashy visuals on the players screen and maybe even additional SFX to give the ult the certain “oompf”.
Mercy is definitely lacking this, I don’t know why her beam dosen’t sparkle or makes a louder/different noise so you actually hear that you are healing more. She could have glowy particles while flying, or amplyfiyng her GA sounds, so you also get the audio cue of being faster.

I don’t have any hope of getting half these problems even acknowledge by devs, it would seem they want Mercy in that sad state. They may actually, honestly and with full sincerity, believe that “Res is so powerful, gives the player that moment of triumph” when Res is just a wet fart in the rain.

I do hope for chain beams to be addressed though. That one is an undeniable travesty.

We shall see. I mean, you are probably right that the Devs won’t actually do anything to fix Mercy’s terrible state, but they for sure won’t if no one brings it up. Also I made this so I have something to link to the next time I see one of those people who are somehow convinced that Mercy is fine.