Mercy was fun to play. In essence her most fun gameplay was juggling. But with the hps nerf, juggling is all but a dream. She’s still viable as a pocket healer, but pocketing anyone is not fun
This. Moira might have somewhat an inconsistent healing due to her having a resource meter but it’s not expected to heal all the time. Even mercy has to stop healing to use Damage Boost. Plus even with the resource meter moira’s got her healing orb. It’s totes possible for moira to outheal mercy.
The last nerf is ridiculous, how do you keep on the main tank during a team fight? It is not convenient to play mercy, only at low ranks is convenient. Too little hps, moira and especially ana with their healing burst mitigate the damage to the main tanks much better.
In addition, the last nerf was not necessary, it was a problem of meta if you always pick mercy, with the double sniper meta mercy is the best solution even with 50 hps.
Fun is subjective so nothing to say.
LOL. Moira had a higher pickrate in the last week,and the gap will probably continue to increase in her favour.
Moira will still have a very low pick rate. Because moira apart from the healing not from anything else to their team. Main support badly, as well as brigitte. wake up blizzard.
problem with letting her get her 60 hps back is that ana/moria/lucio will once again be trash.
Furthermore, ana, moira and lucio received some buffs (rightly).
Honestly, even 60 h/s is not enough most of the time to heal up tanks in the direct line of fire. What you really need is dual healing on a main tank to keep them up and I think that is mainly where people have noticed mercy get shut down.
60 h/s might have been just barely enough to keep an entire team up herself and no other support at all provided you had a shield tank or other characters with self-sustain.
The 50 h/s hit tipped it just enough where you really need another support and most people don’t recognize that and just move to Moira.
lol here have gif my friend.
But at least you have fun which is nice.
It is his weakness and must remain so. Also with 60 hps you have constant healing greater than all other support (which the blizzard wants that they themselves have stated). Too bad that data in the hand on this moira has exceeded it widely. 60 hps as you said, it is not enough to keep on the main tank, but this does not succeed in it, even ana or moira, the point and that must mitigate not cancel. But 50 hps is too few for your team to react to the damage. The best thing if you want to keep yourself mercy in team, and put it side by side with another main support (ana or moira, moira would be better). But you have not ultimate the defensive, so you lose the match for sure if the opponents are awake and coordinated.
It feels like I’m playing a different game. Mercy having a huge impact on the game?
I mean, if you said Moira or Ana then yeah there’s potential to have a huge impact, but Mercy… .
Ana makes an impact but she never got POTG. I remember back in the day Mercy used to own POTG with mass Rez.
Anyhow POTG doesn’t prove anything.
And you know it and you have it. So you don’t need a Potg.
And now Ana has MORE changes to get Potg, because at least she goes on fire and doesn’t have a 2% on fire time.
Ofc, we are still waiting the Potg 2.0 system
I want more players to like Mercy and if the devs improve her gameplay, then I’m all for it. And as I’ve also said before, I do support the other Mercy suggestion threads to improve her gameplay. Valk is very much like spectator mode, and although it’s subjectively “fun” for me, I understand the hate and a change to it is fine with me.
Now that’s out of the way, I want to say a few more things that might make a few more players like Mercy better, even in her current state:
I see a lot of people saying that Mercy is not able to zip off anymore because of the reduced healing. But I think that’s just not true.
- You don’t have to keep everyone in 100% health during a team fight.
- Contrary to popular belief (based on my experience), “TICKLING” all critical teammates with a bit of heals each is usually enough in most circumstances.
- Focusing a single teammate with all your heals MIGHT save that person but that’s useless when the rest of your team is dead.
- 1 person dying is better than 2, especially since Mercy has Rez and can revive that 1 person.
- A lot of times, focus healing won’t even work, and you’d end up with no living teammates left.
- An exception to this is focus healing the critical Rein to at least half health even when everybody else is critical, as long as everybody else is behind the Rein shield.
- If that’s not enough and everyone dies anyway, then what makes you sure that the other healers can help you win that fight anyway.
- NOTE: I acknowledge that the other supports could, I’m just saying that it also depends, please don’t just blame the Mercy.
- Focusing a single teammate with all your heals MIGHT save that person but that’s useless when the rest of your team is dead.
And finally:
I also hate the idea of EXCLUSIVE pocketing as much as the next Mercy main.
- A bit of exclusive pocketing is fine in certain situations, like when your Pharah wants to do a sick flank play behind the enemy.
- I DO agree that pocketing is boring as well.
- But my main issue is that I think exclusive pocketing goes against what makes Mercy the perfect support.
- Keeping 1 person in perfect condition while the rest of your team is dying is the exact opposite to what a support should do.
What I do instead:
- Keep your key target alive and in perfect condition (i.e. heal and damage boost depending on the situation).
- In most cases, it’s the sniper or the Pharah.
- Keep track of the situation and support the rest of your team when needed.
- But still keep an eye on your key target.
- If you leave your Pharah to heal your main tank, you should be able to return to her in a moment’s notice.
- But still keep an eye on your key target.
- You can return to your key target depending on the situation:
a. The rest of your team becomes safe.
b. The rest of your team has died (R.I.P.)
c. Your key target gets in danger.
- Keep your key target alive and in perfect condition (i.e. heal and damage boost depending on the situation).
And guess what. I win more games with this method than when I exclusively pocket someone.
I am a Moira player, but I even have to admit, Mercy right now takes more risk and is more rewarding to play.
The higher the risk a hero is to play, the lower the pick rate.
Compare to Brigitte.
Really glad to see one Mercy topic that’s worth reading in the sea of countless low effort topics about her.
The OP is really knowledgable about her and seem to have a good gamesense
Moira trying to heal Genji, Tracer, Soldier or any mobile hero is pathetic.
She’s only good for supporting tanks and other stationary heroes.
Mercy on the other hand, is your dps best friend because she can pocket reliably and she can damage boost whenever the need.
More Utility.
And yes, I still disagree with Mercy’s last nerf. But she still manages to stay relevant.
Oddly specific and quite wrong tbh. All she needs to do is get close up and start spraying.
She’s a main healer? All main healers are supposed to be good at healing tanks.
So she’s only good for pocketting? That quite literally still doesn’t prove your assertion that Moira’s heals are bad. They are, in a competitive environment, way better than Mercy’s heals.
And Moira has a long beam that infinitely does 50dmg/s. Also, now Mercy has to use dmg boost more sparingly because of her heals nerf.
Resurrect on E is indeed good utility however it is almost always used before or after a fight.
People are starting to call her an off-healer now.
Obvious. If it has 25 hps less than ana and 35 less moira, without combos. With the combo of ana and moira, the distance becomes abysmal. And with the damage of OW, mercy is now an off support, but has no ultimate defensive or damage to do the off support.
This nerf is stupid.
I play Moira a lot in Quick Play recently because I’m achievement hunting so I have a bit of experience with her. Not enough experience as Moira mains, but enough for me to have an opinion.
This aspect of Moira is more difficult, and does require more skill to accomplish than Mercy. I can do this from time to time but not reliably since I don’t have much experience with her. But I can see how a skilled Moira can do this no problem, especially with her healing orb.
I like that you’re trying to bring Mercy up as well, but we can do that by bringing her best qualities up rather than bring the other supports down