Hey guys! I am a support/tank flex player but I mostly play Mercy. I’ve mained her since the 5-man rez era.
And just to start things off, I’d like to say that Mercy DOES take skill, but it is the MINIMUM amount of skill from all the heroes (except possibly Briggite). It’s pure game sense without any mechanical skill but she still needs it.
But that doesn’t matter since the way Mercy is played is very different than any other character in the game. Mercy is the only character in the game whose SOLE PURPOSE is to help her teammates.. She’s the only character in the game that is useless without her team and yet she is one of the best characters in the game. All the other supports can do useful stuff by themselves. Some examples on the top of my head are:
- Ana can deny enemy ults using her sleep dart
- Brigitte can carry games by herself
- P.S. I really like this character as well and I hope the devs fix her properly.
- Lucio can boop the whole enemy team off the map or stall the point forever in overtime
- Moira can kill enemies, even behind cover with her damage orb
- Zenyatta can kill the whole enemy team by himself. Especially if your name is Jjonak
All aspects of Mercy’s kit can’t be used without any of her teammates around. Heck even escaping the enemy requires at least one teammate in line-of-sight. Except maybe, the pistol. But that won’t carry games unless the enemy team is really playing badly.
Mercy players are not there to defeat the enemy. They are there to support their team. And that is why I believe that Mercy is the perfect support. So unless they make her literally unplayable, I’ll keep having fun playing as her.
P.S. I fully agree with all the nerfs that have been given to Mercy after her rework. I also felt OP playing as her during that period. Any broken hero should get fixed *cough*Brigitte*cough*
So for all the Mercy haters, please stop giving Mercy players crap. A lot of us actually enjoy being an actual “support” for you. Not just because we have bad mechanical skill *cough*Idohavebadmechanicalskillimworkingonit*cough*. Other Mercy mains actually have good mechanical skill, like Animetic.
EDIT: A few days have passed since I made this post and I've been reading more topics about Mercy in the forums. Right now my view about attacking the "whining" Mercy players which I have changed. Though I still stand about everything else that I've said above in my post. I, and maybe a lot of others, still regard Mercy as the perfect support and enjoy playing as her.Mercy HAS have her impact greatly reduced after the rework and all the nerfs. No one can really deny that statement. Even I experience more instances where I can’t save my teammates no matter what I do.
So now, just take this post as as love letter to Mercy and all players who still main her, despite her nerfs.
Original Post:
And for all Mercy players whining that she’s boring to play, maybe she is just not for you. She is a 1-star difficulty hero but has a huge impact to the game. The only changes that could happen to her without any nerfs is that she gets harder to play, which I’m okay with as long as she keeps her essence that I described above.