Mercy is the perfect support

Of which he has a limited range.

If you’re going off the fact that he can do damage, then Mercy is just as viable with her pistol. you just need to aim with it. That comes down to the player, and not the hero. I’ve seen Reins die when it was just him more times than him carrying.

I never said or implied that you were.


No, Zen was the best support hero back then.

I adore Pharah in every way possible. That does not exempt me from playing other heros, not only the ones higher up on my playtime like Bastion or Junk, but sometimes McCree. Sometimes Hog. Sometimes Orisa. Brig sometimes. Zen or Lucio on occasion.

Most mains/OTs I come across play her because “oh, I get to help the team” not because you hold m1 and spam shift every 3 seconds. You can get that “I get to help the team” on any other support, not just mercy.

The people who do solely play mercy, are coming to the realization that she’s no longer the optimal support in every situation.

Just because this may be true for most you have come across does not mean it is true for all. I loathe first person shooter games, yet for some reason I enjoyed Overwatch for a while. It was 100% due to Mercy, because she plays more as a hero from a strategy game or mmorpg than a first person shooter. In her kit I can look around 360 degrees even while doing my job, I have a great view of enemy movements just like I would track phases in a MMORPG, and I keep track of team-member healthbars just like I do in MMORPGs when playing a tank or healer. Add to this her mobility that in itself just makes you feel good and you have the making of a hero that simply defies the genre that Overwatch is placed in. Mercy feels like a healer from a MMORPG, not like a healer from a FPS.

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I’ll be completely honest with you. I also really love Mercy having Resurrect in her kit. I don’t really care if it’s her ultimate or if it’s an ability. That’s one of the reasons why the first rework didn’t hit me so hard. And that’s also why I don’t like the idea that rez can’t be balanced and should be removed.

But I also agree with the decision of the devs to rework it since it is against her essence as a healer. Yes, people can play Mercy aggressively and never hide at all. But based on my own experience, and even a lot of people’s experience actually, she is most powerful when she is hiding.

But I also agree that you’re right in that they could do better. I also believe that they could have come up with a way to make a 5-man rez still impactful and fun to play while preventing the hide-and-seek method. Maybe the devs can make this happen in the future. One could hope.

But for what they come up with, I’m quite happy with it. We did get a very nice GA slingshot in our kit, which is currently my favorite part about Mercy.

But we shouldn’t look back to the past. There was a reason why she was changed. Look, others say that Valkyrie was Mercy’s ult during Overwatch’s development. Now that they brought it back chaos ensued. If we want to fix her, properly this time, let’s start from what she is now and move forward. Although, like you, I’d prefer if rez stayed in her kit.

P.S. I used to play a lot of MoBA’s before that is why I’m not too concerned with abilities being on a timer. But if it can be better I’m all for it as well.

Uh. Honey. Thats what people have been doing for the last year. Have you not read Titaniums thread? Ot any other Mercy suggestions threads? That take time to analyse what went wrong, and clearly explain the complains that people have. No ones REEing in the threads lol. Or only like. Tow or three people are. Not everyone by a looooooooooooooooooooong shot.

You sound like youre extremely disconnected from the discussions, which is what they are, not riots fests, about our general consensuses

No. She wasnt the most powerful when she was hiding,

The best Mercy in the world during mass res was Eevee, and he NEVER hid. Because it was bad. Making your team 5v6 is bad, and of course you’ll lose that fight.

They couldve easily tried to balance it as ult. I and many others have discussed this. They couldve added a line of sights check and gotten rid of invincibility, and then given her a NOT broken E ability thats so overpowered in that spot theyve even had to nerf her hps, along iwth everything about her ultimate and the E itself


Mercy is arguably weaker now than she was pre-rework. She can’t Rez more than 1 teammate at a time, is even more vulnerable when going for a Rez than ever before, heals lower than ever, and her ultimate is a joke. Even as a 1-star hero Mercy’s too weak. Pharah, Reaper, Rein, Winston, Roadhog, and especially Brigette bring more to the table than she does.

And even if it were all for the sake of balancing her out, it does nothing to eliminate the stigma that Mercy players are skill-less and rely on the rest of their teams to carry them to victory. For a team to determine you’re so horrible on any of the other heroes you play that you’d be more useful on Mercy is the one of the most humiliating things that can happen to you in a game. I don’t know how anyone can find that fun.

“Huge impact on the game”
Healing can’t secure lifesaver under any circumstances like all her main healing companions
Her damage boost is basically just a discord orb that also effects barriers, and Discord is on basically a DPS
3. Her Ult can’t stop anything
Rez is a skillcheck for everyone else.

So yes I who had 150 hours on Mercy with no regrets except maybe my last hour but couldn’t find any fun left after the nerf
Me who played her 3 second regen and no invuln variant that was a troll pick
Yes this hero isn’t for me. Uh huh
No blizzard screwed up and I’m going to find a way to get them to fix it, a new rework


she shouldve been given an E that had some kind of skillshot to it. I always liked Titanium’s Pacify idea. Itd be hitscan so not as hard as sleepdart.

But yeah shes DEFINITELY worse than before she was reworked. Her winrate and pickrate is worse. With the pickrate REALLY being worse. Because people dont enjoy her in her hollow state. When she was a trollpick in season 3 she was more popular than she is right now


Exactly man. I couldnt agree with you more. Mercy mian since the very beginning, but not anymore. All I have left is to keep the topic of her poor state, both in numbers and enjoyment. Hundreds, I I mean HUNDREDS of hours in comp, scrims, and qp, and I cant find the spark of life in the hero she used to have.

Its sad. They messed up.

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And I find incredibly funny that always that someone uses the cute spray and says that he had it when Mercy had mass rez, EVERYONE starts talking about how much they miss it and how bad this revert is. Oh, and here are not only opinions but real facts. Numbers are not opinions, deep analysis about how a design works is not just an opinion if everybody plays it that way.

And no, my opinion is not a source for balance, but the opinion of the vastly huge majority of Mercy players (and a lot of no Mercy players too) is.

Nice try to twist my words. When she had 50 hp/s she was pure trash and had pickrates below 5%. You don’t need a half brain to understand that such a thing was being deeply underpowered, when Lucio and Ana were around 85% pickrate and Pharah was in her highests since forever. It was so much trash that they had to buff it because Ana was outperforming her in every type of healing.

Her rez is the most unfun and the most unhealthy ability in the whole game. It rewards bad game from your teammates instead of making people work better. It’s self game breaking, it forces hide and rez, it takes no skill at all since everything 100% relies on hiding, it’s unbalanced, it’s op, it’s unbalanceable, it forces Mercy to have a trash ult which best use is just to exploit the points by flying above them out of range/LoS. That’s being a real cancer for the entire game, not only the character. E rez and valk MUST be removed for good exactly because of the past happening again.

I stopped playing her when she was op because I hated her, so excuse me if I laugh at this :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oh, and it’s very funny how you ignore the fact that I’m complaining about current Mercy being so ridiculously easy to play just for that personal attack :rofl:

This shows that you have no idea about how any game in the world should work. Not a single character in the game should be better than another at everything that really means something in the game. Ana is an overall better support than Mercy and that’s bad balance. I’m not saying that grandma needs nerfs, but Mercy is just awful and needs a rework. The revert has failed, because it was doomed since its creation. It never had to happen.

She took a lot of skill before because she needed game sense, a lot of decision making, more than the huge majority of the other heroes in the game (unless you were exploiting her, and as even Seagull admitted that “was just a bunch of Mercys hiding”, unlike now that hide and rez is mandatory), resources tracking, a bit of aim if battle mercy, and a large etcetera. Yes, she was easy to play because you could limit all this to just hold M1 and press GA and Q from time to time, but if you wanted to play her well, you had to work very hard. That doesn’t exist nowadays.

The point is that we are already at Mercy’s earliest past, so this “rework” wasn’t a step forward, but a giant step backwards. It wasn’t going to work since the beginning, and tbh, what people are doing now, calling for a new rework with a new and better for the game mass rez and a real E ability is not looking back, but trying to make the devs to move forward. Sadly, it seems that they are castled on their opinion, but as my experience with other Blizz’s games showed me, that usually changes after some time.

I’ll tell you another case, very similar to Mercy’s but in other game. It was Heroes of the Storm. There, long ago, one of the most popular characters was Nova, a sniper that worked similar to Widowmaker. She was just a mediocre pick for her team, but she had a specific build of talents that made her to oneshot even the tanks, so people started complaining. Instead of fixing that issue (lesser problem indeed), they entirely reworked her. They removed all her damage and based it all on a new talent called “Master Sniper” that enhanced her damage with each successful sniper shot against a hero. If other thing but a hero received the shot or if it failed, she lost all her buffs.

Well, Nova died immediately. Her popularity plummeted, same as her win/pickrate. She started receiving small buff after small buff month after moth for a long period of time. Talking about her in the forums became taboo, as no one wanted to know anything else about her and the people complaining about her (aka specifically calling for buffs). It didn’t matter how many Blizz buffed “master sniper”, she still sucked and there were a lot of dpss that could do exactly the same as her but easier and better. For a lot of time, she wasn’t even a sniper, as her sniper shot was really weak. Finally, she ended being forgotten.

Suddenly, because of a lot of bad numbers, Blizz decided to rework the entire Heroes of the Storm. Some devs were replaced. New maps were added. The game started to win popularity once more because of a huge renovation. Some mechanics and characters were reworked too, and this included Nova. At the beginning she received some changes that helped her, but even that wasn’t good enough. When the stealthy heroes were reworked, she was changed too. At last, she ended being a good pick for her team. She recovered her identity as a sniper, but she could be played yet like during her horrible rework, by spamming abilities. She could do her job again, and she started being fun again. For some time, she was even mandatory, but Blizz only needed one easy QoL change for fixing that situation, not 13 like Mercy or previous Nova (can’t remember how much she was changed then, but she received a lot of buffs). She ended in the best spot she has ever been. What happened with “master sniper”? Well, now it’s passive and it only removes her buffs if her shot completely fails, she can try to break towers or clean lines with it. It’s not a talent anymore and that helps her to increase her damage with the rest of her talents. She has won versatility too, since she can try other things than just ambush enemy heroes. However, she is not easier than before, quite the opposite.

So… why all this story telling? Because Nova and Mercy’s rework are very similar and different at the same time. Both had minor problems that could have been perfectly fixed but were reworked into a disaster (one was up, the other op). Both were harassed by the community (I can confidently say that the Mercy community is stronger than the Nova community). Finally, the same as Nova ended being reworked for good and placed in her best spot since forever after a huge time of being horrible for a lot of people, the same could happen to Mercy. She doesn’t have to loose everything she has now, she can keep some things (like the bunny hop). So when people calls her for having her old ult back with some changes and a new E ability, that’s not bad, and that’s not looking backwards. Simply, she has things that don’t and can’t work where they are. I hope that that will be eventually changed.


The point was that easy heroes also can’t be so powerful. I never said anything about you specifically. I’m busy at the moment, I’ll give you a response later on. Anyways, apologies if you took that as a personal attack, that’s not what it was really meant to be

You’re encouraging something that isn’t healthy for companies and businesses. Sure, they’ll still get revenue and other crap, but they’ll lose a lot of people if they ignore feedback from the people who play her more than anyone else.

They need to listen to the community more. They’ve ignored us for an eon and it’s getting obnoxious and people are leaving because of that and how Blizzard is changing Overwatch. It’s becoming repetitive, and nothing is creative with the events. They’re just recycled.

If they’d listen to fan suggestions and feedback, they might learn a thing or two about what would be fun for us, the people who actually play the god damn game.

How to make Mercy fun (IMO):
1.Change Valkyrie (we all know it’s not going anywhere)
2.Change Rez
3.Remove Rez entirely
4.Bring her old healing output - 60hp/s

And this time for God’s sake - please don’t turn her into OP monster for 1 year , I want to be able to play Ana more.(and Moira)

Look, I understand that when a hero is op, it needs changes, no matter if it’s easy or hard to play, but this revert was a huge mistake since the beginning. It brought back to the game not one but three bad designs from the past. The result of each one of those designs was already well known, so making those mistakes again expecting different results was simply insane. Valk was removed for great reasons that Blizz’s devs already explained long ago, before game’s development. Stationary rez was removed too because of the same things that are happening now. Trash 50 hp/s was buffed exactly because of the same things that are happening now. Yes, Mercy needed some changes, but none of these changes were what she needed. Her current design is now unbalanceable, so that requires a new rework. I was warning about that months ago, but hey, “wE lIsTeN yOuR fEeDbAcK”.

Tbh, I don’t think rez could be removed, since it’s too important for Mercy (signature, 1/3 her identity, 1/2 her set of sprays, poses, potgs, statues, lore, main reason of why she is known in and out of the game, advertising call, etcetera). I think that they should swap rez and valk, balance rez from that point, and the same for valk or in this case even remove it and bring another E ability. The healing buff I think it’s necessary too. She needs to see balance in her abilities, not in her overall game, that was never needed. If they do it right, other supports should be available like they were before this huge revert (you can and should play Ana and Moira meanwhile, since Mercy is dying fast).

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Stop spewing these idiotic fallacies “oh but that hero does taht why is mercy like this”
Mercy will always be picked ahead of Moira because of rez. End of story.
And how does Moira heal more, she doesn’t even have the healing potential of Mercy, her healing is limited by a cooldown and a meter.
I disagree with the last mercy nerf, but stop acting like Mercy is “unplayable”, I still see her in almost every game.

Funny you’d say that when her winrate is the lowest in the support category.

I don’t find her healing fun as it’s hard to keep anyone alive anymore. I can’t zip back and forth anymore as the healing is so slow. I don’t feel impactful at all when I player which sucks because I did a little bit before her healing nerf

Moira - 80HP/s + lingering effect


Mercy - 50HP/s

I’m sorry but Moira having a resource bar really is not a good enough excuse for 3 reasons.

  1. Last I recall, it got buffed.

  2. Her beam that does damage is extremely long and has an incredibly forgiving hitbox. That by itself makes the idea of resource bar limitations for Moira less likely.

  3. Ticking the enemy is the easiest way to get more charge for your heals. Anyone can do that effectively.

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