I want more players to like Mercy and if the devs improve her gameplay, then I’m all for it. And as I’ve also said before, I do support the other Mercy suggestion threads to improve her gameplay. Valk is very much like spectator mode, and although it’s subjectively “fun” for me, I understand the hate and a change to it is fine with me.
Now that’s out of the way, I want to say a few more things that might make a few more players like Mercy better, even in her current state:
I see a lot of people saying that Mercy is not able to zip off anymore because of the reduced healing. But I think that’s just not true.
- You don’t have to keep everyone in 100% health during a team fight.
- Contrary to popular belief (based on my experience), “TICKLING” all critical teammates with a bit of heals each is usually enough in most circumstances.
- Focusing a single teammate with all your heals MIGHT save that person but that’s useless when the rest of your team is dead.
- 1 person dying is better than 2, especially since Mercy has Rez and can revive that 1 person.
- A lot of times, focus healing won’t even work, and you’d end up with no living teammates left.
- An exception to this is focus healing the critical Rein to at least half health even when everybody else is critical, as long as everybody else is behind the Rein shield.
- If that’s not enough and everyone dies anyway, then what makes you sure that the other healers can help you win that fight anyway.
- NOTE: I acknowledge that the other supports could, I’m just saying that it also depends, please don’t just blame the Mercy.
- Focusing a single teammate with all your heals MIGHT save that person but that’s useless when the rest of your team is dead.
And finally:
I also hate the idea of EXCLUSIVE pocketing as much as the next Mercy main.
- A bit of exclusive pocketing is fine in certain situations, like when your Pharah wants to do a sick flank play behind the enemy.
- I DO agree that pocketing is boring as well.
- But my main issue is that I think exclusive pocketing goes against what makes Mercy the perfect support.
- Keeping 1 person in perfect condition while the rest of your team is dying is the exact opposite to what a support should do.
What I do instead:
- Keep your key target alive and in perfect condition (i.e. heal and damage boost depending on the situation).
- In most cases, it’s the sniper or the Pharah.
- Keep track of the situation and support the rest of your team when needed.
- But still keep an eye on your key target.
- If you leave your Pharah to heal your main tank, you should be able to return to her in a moment’s notice.
- But still keep an eye on your key target.
- You can return to your key target depending on the situation:
a. The rest of your team becomes safe.
b. The rest of your team has died (R.I.P.)
c. Your key target gets in danger.
- Keep your key target alive and in perfect condition (i.e. heal and damage boost depending on the situation).
And guess what. I win more games with this method than when I exclusively pocket someone.