Mercy is fun, fun is subjective

Let me rephrase being a battle mercy is highly frowned upon in the overwatch community. This does not mean she pulls out her pistol to finish a kill, I am referring to not healing your team and playing as if you were a DPS.

What I love about Mercy is the ability to Rez its what sold me on the game :slight_smile: plus the feeling in the game I get from her :slight_smile:

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“Name her having a direct impact. But you don’t get to name this direct impact because I don’t think it should be used that way”

Good lord. And you don’t healing multiple teammates so they all survive is direct impact? You don’t think that damage boosting multiple teammates so they all kill their targets faster is direct impact? Even shooting the enemy can be direct impact. For instance:

Junkrat is low on health as is your McCree who is fighting him. You can either try to heal McCree, or you can finish off junkrat yourself. In the first way, you heal the McCree a little bit, but if junkrat gets off a shot to kill him, it doesn’t matter anyway. But if you kill him before he gets off the shot, then you just saved McCree’s life. Going battle mercy would have the bigger impact.

The point is, the impact the ult has is the ability to switch to what would be best for the situation multiple times on demand for the 15 second duration. It’s impact comes from its versatility. It’s not big burst impact like Ana or Zen. It’s medium impact over a long period of time.


I more so talking about playing her like she is a DPS. I think it’s safe to assume that if your Mercy on your team is literally only pewpewpewing and you are literally dying that it’s trolling. I do not mean pulling out your pistol in appropriate times. You can argue killing a widowmaker is direct impact, sure but every hero on the roaster can kill that widowmaker. Not everyone can stun an ulting reaper, not everyone can sleep an ulting winston, not everyone can negate an ult with heals or shields, etc. Healing and Damage Boosting is not direct impact, it is indirect impact. If I pocket a widow, I am only enabling the widow. If the widow misses her shots, it means nothing. A Mercy’s impact depends on her team. She does literally nothing herself. Again sure you can say pulling out your pistol to shoot someone once in a while is direct impact, but like that’s pretty pathetic to call Mercy finishing off a low junkrat is enough direct impact.

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Yes it is. I don’t understand how you can possibly assert this. With this statement, Zen has almost no direct impact at all. Nor would Ana or Lucio. In fact, this statement is pretty condemning to all healers except brig.


Said members of the community are wrong - the pistol is part of her kit, usable the same as every other part of her kit, and quite underrated as a weapon

This is a player/community problem, not a Mercy problem

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Last I checked;




adjective: condescending

  1. having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority.

“she thought the teachers were arrogant and condescending”

You’d really have to go out of your way to see it as such


How so ? Ana, Lucio, and Zen all do things on their own. Have you ever heard of booping someone when they are ulting ? Have you heard of sleeping someone when they are ulting ? Have you heard of completely negating someone’s ultimate ?? This is direct impact because I do not need my team mate to do something in order for my impact to go through. If I sleep an ulting reaper, it doesn’t matter that my winston is AFK at spawn. If I am damage boosting someone, I am not directly impacting anything because who I am damage boosting needs to actually do damage. Healing is also not direct impact, it is indirect because again, healing someone does not ensure impact, healing just means you are helping enable your team to do something. Indirect impact is not an insult, indirect impact is just impact that isn’t direct. Only having indirect impact is problematic. Every hero should have a bit both.


I am not referring to using her pistol as trolling. I am referring to only using her pistol as trolling. This means you are not rezing, you are not healing, you are not damage boosting. You are only using your pistol. Jesus I can’t believe I have to spell this out. You also never answered my question.

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Giving out a gold star and your name on the board to anyone who knows where this line of logics leads!

A Mercy player can choose to contribute to her team in whatever manner she wishes

I personally consider it suboptimal for a healer not to heal, but I’ve played with speed only Lucios as well - its suboptimal from my point of view, but permissible

It’d be nice if player who intend to do that announce they will be playing Mercy as a DPS so the team can consider the Mercy player to take a DPS slot, which means she doesnt count (for that team only) as a support - but thats not required either

Sure fun is subjective, but I don’t think anyone likes rezzing people and getting slowed. Self cc isn’t fun

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I also find Mercy fun (much more fun than any other hero in the game), and I also think she could use a bit more healing.

However, when people say that they don’t find her fun they are saying something important. It doesn’t matter at all whether or not it is subjective. In fact, it’s more useful because it’s subjective.

Blizzard has the means to understand almost any objective fact about the game. They don’t, however, always know what players will like or dislike. That’s for the players to tell them. It doesn’t have to be a universally held opinion to be important, just a relatively widely held one.

If many people find Mercy boring, that’s a game design issue that they might reflect on. It might influence Mercy changes and it might influence future heroes.

We’ve seen this time and time again. Some people enjoy CC and one shot kills, but many people don’t. The subjective opinion of those that don’t has been very important both in balance and in future hero design.

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Factually, Mercy does not have a cc ability, whether usable on self or on others

Uhhh yes she does? Have you ever used rezzed? Notice the slow and how you can’t move? That’s CC

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Factually, Mercy has no cc abilties whatsoever

I am a support Main, and I play Mercy frequently. I use rez in almost every game I play, and in most games, I use it multiple times

The slowness is a limitation/restriction for purposes of balancing this immensely powerful ability

It is not cc.

Factually, one can move during rez. A player can choose to have Mercy remain motionless, but I wouldnt recommend it under most circumstances

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You do realize that CC just means crowd control, right? Anti-heal, boops, stuns, poisons, being set on fire, hacked, slows, ect. all count as CC.

When mercy rezzes, she is slowed

Slows are CC

She CCs herself

Also, they slow doesn’t really balance it since it’s not some “insanely op ability”. You could take away the slow and keep the whole “you can’t leave this area or it’s canceled” and there would be virtually no difference outside that she would be harder to headshot


Factually, Mercy does not cc herself, not is this cc

This is a built-in restriction/limitation of the single rez ability that helps balance out its extreme power for use as a cooldown ability

Okay I’ll break it down really slowly:

When she rezzes, she is slowed

CC is slow

By activating rez, there is an after effect of a CC

She CC’s herself

The CC is there to “balance” rez

What’s there to not understand?


I completely agree with OP

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