Mercy is fun, fun is subjective

I dont believe there is any valid evidence to support a claim that either side is a majority


What are you even talking about? The OP is just giving their opinion.


Point is they’re not being condescending. Unless you think the word means something else.

You’re free to disagree with what they say but don’t call someone condescending if they’re not.


That awkward moment when Mercy was completely re-kitted because people found her “unfun” to play against and Overwatch took that as fact.

You are correct. Fun is subjective. I wish Overwatch saw it that way.


Oh! I find a lot of fun in pulling off sneaky rezzes, aka in the enemy backline, in front of the entire enemy team, literally right next to an enemy that isnt paying attention and etc and then getting way. Always such a rush!


I find it annoying because your teammates often assume you must have rez up since it’s on cool down. I swear someone will die aimlessly and I’ll rez them then literally someone else dies two seconds later and demands rez when it’s clearly not up.


fun is subjective but the reason why people find her boring is pretty objective. She has no direct impact and she has no play making potential. She has no oomf to her kit. Lacking a shiny moment makes her bland.


I make an impact with Mercy in every game I play her, and I see others doing so in matches I have watched across all tiers

In terms of playmaking, I see this occurring when Mercy is in the hands of a skillful player, and under such conditions, Mercy can not only carry but sometimes even dominate the game

For me, the shining moments are when I pull off a rez successfully in mid-teamfight, or when I save a teammate from what otherwise would have been death. These both occur in almost every game, sometimes many times per game, in the games I play. Others may have other moments they see as “shining moments”

Mercy has no direct impact. You did not read what I said nor did you read it the last time I made a comment about her having no direct impact. Before you reply again saying you have tons of impact on Mercy, read my post again. Mercy has no DIRECT impact. She does not individually do anything herself.


There should probably be a team notification voiceline added to let everyone on your team know rez is being used, so they know not to expect it to be available again for 30 seconds, something like “Reinhardt has been revived!” – although I think this is also noted in the killfeed even though it is the opposite of a kill


GOATS is fun to watch too, at least for me. Fun is subjective. So people need to stop acting like it’s so black and white. Everyone has opinions.

Fun is subjective that is true, thats why most suggestions coming from that side are dismissed.
However talking about impact, Mercy needs a bit of a boost. Her ultimate is basically a “enhanced” version of what she does, outside the infinite pistol ammo.

Pressing Q should do something, like a Valkyrie scream that heals in LOS 200HP and then … maybe the beam could Heal AND Boost at the same time?

The impact Valkyrie has is not subjective.


I find it interesting that “fun is subjective” is only played when involving Mercy. It never gets stated when talking about any other hero. Especially when a thread states to “nerf X hero because they’re not fun to play against!”.

If the statement applies to one, it should apply to all.


Ironic since the OP is talking about “fun is subjective” but also practically says “oh yeah you’re not allowed to say a character isn’t fun.”


Not to mention one of the reasons for Mercy’s rework was that Mass Rez wasn’t fun to play against and the devs even said it was “disheartening” but if Mercy main say they do not find their hero fun for x reasons, it’s just subjective.


I disagree.

I find she has plenty of direct impact, has shining moments, and can carry a team

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Name her having direct impact. Battle Mercy does not count since it’s a play style that would be trolling.


Blizzard decides what is fun and what isn’t. For them old Mercy wasn’t fun, neither was scatter so they are both gone. It isn’t about the community.

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it does apply to all - equally

I’ve seen it stated about every hero, albeit it comes up more often for Mercy because 1) there are a lot more meery topics than their are for most other characters, and 2) lots of people claim “fun” (or lack thereof) to be their primary reason for wanting a change to Mercy, disregarding as they do so the fact that their fun does not take priority over the fun of many others who are enjoying playing Mercy in her current state

Mercy’s pistol is part of her kit, and using it isn’t trolling or game sabotage or any other label one might assign to it other than permissible

I have already stated some direct impacts