Mercy is fun, fun is subjective

oh no, you didnt just drop that emoticon…

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It was literally all about the community.

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Fun was not the reason Mercy was reworked

In a statement released in accompaniement to the rework, the devs explained in some detail how Mercy players were observed intentionally withholding healing from their teammates and encouraging them to die. The devs stated that they felt that this sort of behavior was undesirable in the game, and to prevent it from occurring, they removed mass rez from the game.

In my opinion, a Mercy bringing back a teammate during a teamfight is participating in said teamfight, not removing herself from it.

Said Mercy is in my opinion making the judgement call that rezzing said teammate will bring more value to her team in said teamfight than any other action she could have chosen instead, including but not limited to healing, which was stated earlier as (gist, not a quote) what she should have been doing instead of rezzing

I love posts like these

Some dude: “Fun is subjective! I find Mercy fun and yall not the only ones playing OW”

Forums: Wow stop being condescending your fun isnt the only one that matters sweaty stop silencing us

Some dude: “Fun is subjective! But I find Mercy unfun to play”

Forums: 50+ likes, Blizz cant continue to ignore our pleas! they need to rework Mercy, they just cant ignore OUR fun!

I love how these people get up in arms when someone says that Mercy is fun but also acknowledges that fun is subjective but when your typical forum Mercy main says Mercy is unfun then is taken as fact bEcAuSe We’Re ThE mAjOrItY hErE


And for the record, do you think I care? You might as well be a flat earther, considering how you argue. Also, for the record, AngelRoar was still kind to you, considering your answers to her.


participant ≠ everyone

people stop playing what they don’t find fun and interesting

the devs mostly don’t decide who speaks on the forums… but you’re making a good point i’ll keep that in mind thank you

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lol idk how to quote yet but thanks for saying you like my name! Honestly this is the name Blizzard gave me for the forums? I do have my Xbox Live linked of course but that doesn’t link my name

IMO OP, I would change this out. I know what you mean but don’t forget that the people you’re talking to like to take things literally and out of context to fit their narrative for a hobby.

You should be more specific and say “dont say any character is boring and unfun as an argument if you’re not gonna acknowledge as an counter-argument that others find the same character entertaining and fun” or something.

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I did not claim that anyone who disagrees with me is toxic and entitled

In the statement quoted above, I referred to the revertmercy/reworkmercy deals as toxic and entitled, as they have always fit this description and remain so at present, tho spoken of less of late

I personally think of the pro-mercy side of things as the good guys.

The anti-Mercy faction members might well think of themselves as the good guys.

Point of view, and all that

Factually, I dont visit (or even post on) every Mercy-related thread, and the threads I do post on are threads wish to post on voluntarily, not as a job

I don’t “plug a thread” for a rework idea. I wrote up a rework myself that I felt might serve as a compromise position between those who like Mercy as she is and those who have certain complaints about her.

Personally, I believe fostering discussion about compromising between the sides is a good thing - nothing like "disgusting " in the least about it.

I have been considering cc cleanse strongly as the alternate “use on living” option for rez in the v2 of the Dodo Compromise Mercy Rework - in combination with some additional healing as well

Given that a lot of folks are happy with single rez, would you as a compromise consider cleanse as an option effect (the effect when used on a living target) as opposed to a replacement?

Factually, you cared enough about it that you made a statement that indicated that I am a flat-earther

Here is the exact quote:

As a point of clarification, I am not a flat-earther

No, I made an off-the-cuff statement that is meant to be humorous. Only an idiot wouldn’t see that sort of context in that statement.

This time, more seriously, why should I care whether you are a flat earther or not? I actually do not, and it’s your business whether you are a flat earther or not.


I can’t speak to why you (or anyone) would care about such a thing, but you’ve cared enough to remark on it more than once…this despite the fact that I have stated more than once that I am not a flat-earther.

I don’t. At all. It’s actually you who care about it. I do not have anything against flat earthers because it’s not germane in our discussion, because we’re not discussing whether the earth is flat or not. All you care about is being noticed, I guess, because you keep caring about it so much.

To be absolutely clear, if there’s a flat earther here who makes a positive contribution to this thread, I will upvote it. That is how irrelevant it is.


Just like how not everyone finds mercy fun or needs to

that has nothing to do with our discussion

Our discussion is about how fun is subjective, stating ‘every participants needs to have fun’ is contradicting it.
I play MMORPGS, the one I actively play has a big PVP scene. I do not enjoy PVP so I simply avoid and play the part of the game I find fun.

If Mercy isn’t fun, simply play another hero.