Can Mercy please have a new ultimate?

This is exactly why I go full DPS mode in valk. My team’s DPS can’t hit a roadhog even if they tried. Might be because I play QP, might be because I’m just unlucky.

Even in gold, it’s not uncommon to find such teammates. Guess having low healing makes them panic.

Can ask second healer, if you have one, to throw in their ult. Helps to calm down your DPS and buys them extra time to aim properly.

If you’re relying on qp for good teammates, you’ll be there for a while.

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I try my best but I’m often the only healer. QP feels good man.

I don’t have one.

Playing QP and expecting good teammates is the definition of insanity.

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just because they are a t500 player doesn’t make everything that they say ultimately true we all have equal say in this and i’m not gonna shut up because you or anyone else wants me to!
also I’ve always praised blizzard for balancing the game around every rank and not just the peak of the ladder so she being okay at gm is somewhat irrelevant and my argument has nothing to do with mercy’s performance as a hero!

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Welcome! We’re happy to have you with us :slight_smile:

More and more folks are choosing to stop listening to the vitriol spewed by the anti-Mercy faction to check out how Mercy plays for themselves, and finding just as you did that she is fine

Thats a player problem, not a Mercy problem

Using a piece of one’s kit (like Mercy’s vastly underrated pistol) is not game sabotage

Fully agree. The game is ever changing and if they reworked her once maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll do it again, this time more balanced from the get go and with an ult more people can like :slight_smile:

No one is misunderstading you. Mercy is fine balance wise. If you want changes to make her more “fun” the those changes can’t make her stronger.

Valkyrie was overpowered when it came out, now its just “fine” but pretty much non impactful. Any tweak done would be a huge improvement at this point.

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Yea lesser and lesser people listening to you.
You are part of the loud minority of anti-Mercy faction that still thinks mercy is fine.

I personally find Valkyrie to be very impactful, both in games I play and in games I watch across multiple tiers of play

I personally see the folks who think Mercy as fine as being Pro-Mercy, and those who want her changed as anti-mercy

I know of no valid evidence to support a claim that either group is a majority or minority

Of course! Im not saying anyone should shutup aboutn opinions! But when it comes to facts like “this hero is too weak” then I have to tell you to be quiet (not that you did that)

Do you even have time to play the game or even watch across multiple tiers with posting 24/7 on the forum ?

And Mercy is still fine on console but a complete different on PC.
How about we buff/change mercy on PC and make no changes for console ?


the forums are a fun meta game and i’ve played this game enough to have a fair understanding of what i should and should not say!

Factually, I dont post 24/7 on the forums

I know, know of, and/or watch the games of many folks who play on the PC, and the vast majority of of them share the opinion that Mercy is fine in her current state

I think I found a great post as a response.

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