"Mercy is fun as she is, no changes needed"


  1. I am just as able to discern when a comment about console play is console shaming or not

  2. The statement that was noted as console shaming was not console shaming

  3. The game has noticeable differences and there is no refuting that. If you choose to say there are no differences what so ever, then you will lose credibility.


Ignore the text code stuff

Those were my own statements so calm the heck down. Thank you for jumping to conclusions because I messed up and lost the quote of yours.

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They were not attributed to you. GET OVER IT


Don’t worry guys, I edited the post because Dodo kept crying over their own misunderstandings :slight_smile:


The entitlement in this guy is astounding


They are as i type this attributed to me. Please correct this immediately

Awh you poor thing :frowning: I’m sorry my error in coding hurt your feelings.


immediately man the attitude guys. Will Dodo ever have calm discussion? The saga continues…

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Shouldn’t have messed with it lol

I know. But I’d much rather give in to meaningless demands, to avoid hurting another’s feelings. Even if that person is arguing with me, I would rather not resort to purposefully hurting their feelings.

Even if I genuinely did nothing wrong. I’d rather not be berated for hurt feelings, you know? It’s not worth it to me.

For those of you wondering what transpired: statements were made by person A but attributed to person B. The statements attributed to B were the opposite of what B was expressing. When B asked A to remove or unattribute said statements, A initially resisted doing so but eventually did make the correction but then attempted to paint B in the villain role for simply asking for correction or removal, when it was A who had done the rude and fraudulent thing by misattributing the statements in the first place

Easier answer: There was a break in coding that misquoted Dodo. Dodo got incredibly insulted and offended. I gave in because I’d rather not be told the same garbage over and over because I accidentally messed up in coding.

Dodo is making it deeper than it is, as usual.


Puffy Pony, as a third party witness, how about you describe what you saw, since Dodo AS USUAL is spewing a narrative ^3^

Cue dodo saying they’re not in some anecdotal way


Dodo, I’m genuinely sorry you mistook my innocent coding error as an attack. You’re reading way too far into it. You need to calm down, man. It was an accident.

The statement i made accurately describes what transpired, and i have nothing further to add to this personal-attack-oriented side discussion at the moment

No it doesn’t :slight_smile: mines more accurate. Good attempt tho!!



  1. there was no accident.

  2. I am calm, and was calm during the entire incident

It absolutely was an accident! I went to block quote you and accidentally wrote MY statement inside. You can NOT determine what I did was an accident or not. I will NOT allow you to cop out this time. You are NOT capable of determining that. Enough with the games. I even apologized. You are so entitled it’s insane. I don’t owe you crap just because I’m poor at coding.


Nope :slight_smile: you immediately became offended! Not very calm. I guess in your opinion, making demands is calm? Seems a bit off to me!