"Mercy is fun as she is, no changes needed"

I stand by my statements

I am attacked and/or harassed by certain individuals on a daily or even multidaily basis. I do not accept apologies from such individuals.

Clarification per request:

Person A made a series of purported “clarifications” in response to an earlier statement, after which Person B replied with a series of their own clarifications. A fragmented/non-functional quote of the previous post could be found at the top of Person B’s post. Person B noted the broken code and requested that reading parties disregard it. Person A stated that this was an intentional mis-attribution on part of Person B, despite Person B’s post not denoting the listed clarifications as spoken by Person A, and insisted that it be removed because they felt it was rude and deceitful. Person B replied stating that this was not the case. After subsequent accusations of misquotation by Person A, Person B removed the broken quote code as a means to placate Person A. Person A continued to insist that the code was included intentionally as a means to misquote them.

As I see it, in this instance, Person A is falsely accusing Person B of actions that they did not commit and attempting to attack them for “painting them (person A) in the villain role” and for doing a “rude and fraudulent thing,” even though Person B immediately noted the error and indicated that it should be ignored even before Person A had responded, and subsequently apologized, clarifying that said error is an accident. I find therefore that these accusations are tantamount to defamation as they attempt to falsely impugn the reputation of Person B, which I would note is disallowed on Blizzard forums per the Code of Conduct.

Okay good for you. Have fun being offended over every little thing, and thinking whenever somebody calls you out on your fallacy fueled arguments that it’s a personal attack.

Inb4 “I have used no fallacy’s” and other empty statements.


It’s not console shaming, there is plenty of info out there that has looked into it that console players will be less accurate compared to the PC players, simply because a mouse allows you to be far more precise because of your ability to control the speed of the movements with the speed of your hand as opposed to relying on the analog speeds rotation.

If you are great at aiming on console, that is amazing and all props to you! But when playing on console you are competing against other console players and some of your strategies and strong heroes may vary:
EG. Pharah is a much stronger pick on Console than on PC.

It’s not console shaming, it’s a truth that has been looked into.


The description provided in the post i am replying to is inaccurate in multiple respects

I wont be replying further to this personal-attack-oriented nontopical side discussion


You purposefully cherry pick my arguments with others when You have no other contributions. You purposefully fight semantics with me. You purposefully pick me out just to argue then you play the victim. Another cop out. If anything you harass me.

inb4 anecdote


Nah it was pretty accurate! Thank you pony for being so honest about what happened. I appreciate it.

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Apparently them claiming that I am painting them as a villain isn’t a personal attack? This poster confuses me sometimes.

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The description provided in the post to which you replied is fully accurate and effectively depicts the situation.

The individual in question has, on numerous occasions, falsely accused others of personal attacks and of quote misattribution and subsequently attemped to defame them for these non-existent crimes. I would advise disregarding any accusations they make against you of making personal attacks or misattributing quotes, unless you actually did these things. That said, I read and re-read the conversation, including prior to the individual in question deleting their posts, and I did not see any personal attacks or quote misattribution on your part.


I have already clarified that the statement i noted as console shaming is indeed console shaming.

I have nothing further to add to this specific item

It was indeed NOT console shaming.

I have more to add but am refraining, due to being at risk of more personal attack


Of course you don’t, because you don’t read anything else people say when it contradicts what you say with valid points, so you just fall back on “I disagree because I said so” and spew a bunch of ignorant crap all over the place.

You truly have to be a troll at this point.


I do not mean to derail but I genuinely wish I was as well spoken and tech as the other posters in this thread. This is not limited to the few posting currently.

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Given the multiple personal attacks contained in the statement quoted above, i will not be continuing this side discussion either

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As a console-only player (well… okay I did a brief stint on PC, but that was a long time ago), I can for certain say that the statements made by hellsqueen and yourself regarding differences in relative hero strength and the mechanical bases for these differences do not constitute console shaming.

I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment that Mercy is relatively more impactful on console due to her locking beam, since aiming on console is generally more difficult which tends to mean that low-aim-intensity heroes are favored while high-aim-intensity heroes are disfavored, and I hold no hard feelings against you or hellsqueen for pointing out this reality :blush:

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On the contrary, I found this to be rather over slow and drawn out, as usual.

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Again, it is important that we recognize that it is okay for things to have differences without being discriminatory towards those different things. An apple is not an orange and a PC is not an XBOX. That’s not to say the apple is bad for not being an orange and vice versa


You’re absolutely right, Valkryie is trash, and she could be more fun, which is exactly what the OP is saying.


Who cares if Mercy is “better” on console? That really doesn’t contribute anything to the general basis of this thread.

Either way, she is still balanced, impactful, and strong on PC.

You guys tried to gang up on and take down Dodo yet you derailed the thread into console vs PC arguments and personal insults in the process, good job. Much maturity. Next time maybe stick to debating the OP’s topic.
