"Mercy is fun as she is, no changes needed"

The thing is I can forget about her mobility that is on the cooldown of a spectator camera, I can forget about her beams that need minimal effort to hold a lock, and I can forget her ability to utilize both these things to administer a swift revive. I just think the whole passive regen thing is insult to injury.

Mercy can get swiftly to position for rez, but once it’s in process, she can’t do any of those things, until it’s finished or she is stunned out of it.


Well, she used to have a worse passive regen.
But at the end of the day, all supports are supposed to have a way to heal up. Some have more difficult ways then others, but they get to control it and such and well, if you keep doing damage to Mercy, her passive doesn’t work soooooo??

Zen and Mercy have it nearly the same, it is just that Zen gets his through shielding.

Remove rez, and leave her without a replacement ability. Good change.

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Actually, what incentivized that behaviour was the invulnerability given to resurrect. Before, if you attempted to resurrect your entire team, you would likely die before or very soon after, and thus invulnerability was given to alleviate this.

However, giving invulnerability guarantees its success and therefore promotes the hiding as you can guarantee a successful resurrect of your entire team, prior to this, it was inadvisable.

Single-target resurrect eliminated this, but it was way too strong as a cooldown. Adding a cast-time, promotes the behaviour of hiding or taking cover and also prevents Mercy from healing while casting it.

When given criticism about this, the developers stated that they now intend for it to be used behind cover, but then that just mitigates the change altogether while also encouraging a behaviour they did not like before but are fine with now.

And you wouldnt before either. And even if you did, thats just throwing the game.

For her to guarantee a succesful resurrect without being vulnerable to it being cancelled.

Right, since it would not swing anything in her teams favor, but using it in the middle of a fight isnt advisable either.

Which she also cannot do while casting resurrect.

Its mentioned in her rework video here

At the timestamp 1:35. Of course, you do not have to go and hide, but you also did not need to do this with the ultimate version of resurrect.

Right, but what I am saying is that I would prefer that ability be removed and power distributed elsewhere into her kit. It already has the longest cooldown in the game, coupled with a cast time and movement penalty while doing so.

In comparison, Baptiste’s Immortality field has a 20 seconds cooldown, prevents death in the first place which is objectively better than a resurrect, can affect all teammates including himself and the drone which enables it - while even more stationary than Mercy (being entirely immobile) - is immune to stuns and knockbacks, but still able to be hacked, and lacks a critical hitbox, yet has the same health as Mercy.

Resurrect may be balanced, but it forces the rest of her kit to be lackluster in order to adequately distribute power in that she effectively has 2 ultimates.

I find a lot of Mercy’s kit to be contradictory and having design flaws which I went over in a thread post i made.

If an ability like that can be balanced without compromising the rest of the character, its possible to iterate on that with a character like Mercy.

However, I do not feel like I should reiterate what I have posted and spent several hours writing again, but I addressed a lot of what you claim to be straw-man arguments in this thread here.


You might be interested in reading over this post I made:

It talks a lot about the same issues and problems you have with Mercy, I’m interested to see what you think and if you disagree with anything.


Actually, you’re totally lying because hiding for mass res was always a thing even before the invulnerability buff was given to her. It became more of a glaring issue after the fact.

Res on single target has never been the problem. At all. It’s the fact she had that, and everything else. She was out healing moira and competing with her in death ball comps. She was still the go to in her own respective comps because of damage boost which nobody else can compete with. She had the best survivability at the time with GA on 1.5 and passive healing. The problem with mercy was never one thing no matter how many times you try to scapegoat it.

This has literally never been stated anywhere. But feel free to provide a source if I’m wrong. I already gave you the developer notes from the rework stating otherwise.

That was literally the biggest problem with Mass Res that got trash tier players into high elo’s, because they would do exactly that. You can try and sugar coat it and downplay it as much as you want, that fact remains. That was Mercy’s most popular play style.


I literally just explained why that would be absolutely useless. You’re not hiding the entire team fight to pop out at the end of it after everyones dead to res one person. You did it in the team fight, while the team fights going. You get the aid of your team to res important members of your team and flip the odds in your teams favor. Completely different from the strawman you’re still beating on.

Except it is.

Why would she need to damage boost, while she’s already doing something important. She doesn’t have to do everything at once, that was the problem with her in the first place.

You completely missed the point he was making. She stops doing everything. No healing, No damage boosting. During that team fight she’s not doing anything what so ever. Not just healing. She wasn’t even in the team fight to do anything.

Except it was encouraged by the way it was designed to do exactly that.

Then you would be killing a core part of the character all together. At that point you’re not even playing Mercy, which bags the question, why not just pick up a new main all together?

For being as strong as it is, it needs that counter play. And again, these things can be mitigated by working together with your team. In a team based fps, that’s not a bad thing.

It doesn’t. You’re downplaying just how impactful mobility and damage boost are. Damage boost alone has kept her relevant through every meta ever to some degree. Being able to allow team mates to break damage points is incredibly strong.

No, you didn’t, your entire argument for wanting a new redesign is the exact same.

Resurrect in its nature is an out-of-combat tool.
If you are healing someone and another person dies, if you leave the first person to go rez the other, you’ve abandoned a teammate.

This is nothing like Mass Res, in which you told your entire team to go die on point and purposefully stayed out of the fight, not healing at all. Even in your scenario, you were in the fight healing. And then you stopped healing, in the fight, and went to res somebody else, in the same fight. Not once were you just not in that fight.


Stopping healing during fight actually hurts a lot more, since you purposefully leave everyone else to die, except this time, you got nothing to make up for that. And yes, you do leave fight to rez, since you not participating in it in any way, until resurrect is over.


i’m just going to copy and paste this since you’re looking to argue for the sake for arguing. Again.

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Yes, you can keep repeating same, it won’t work. Damage boost isn’t in control of Mercy, it’s up to teammate to make use of it, which usually fails.

And “coordinate with team” usually translates as “do everything you usually do, since you are out to get some kills/resurrect teammate”. Don’t need to say, how horrible it is - you literally tell you team “ok, see you later, try to survive without me” and fly to get some kill. Chances are you will return to dead team.


Except it literally does and no amount of denial will change that fact. You do know GM mercy’s heal less on average than even gold, right? Because breaking damage points is a lot more valuable in a game where people die to one shots anyway so healing really isn’t half as important as you make it out to be.


Which is why it’s still not going to work. I got no GM players in my games.

You can say all you want “In GM, it’s X”, but most of the game have nothing to do with GM.

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It’s a 50/50 die roll. Essentially it comes down to an are you willing to die to bring that guy back decision. With old Rez it was a no brainer. If you don’t you live and if you do X players come back. That gets harder to justify with it being just one guy and you having to be an easy target for every enemy just to try. In a lot of cases you’re better off telling the guy to just walk back; it ain’t worth it.

Unless it’s your carry player, it ain’t worth it.

Do you… reread these things before you post?

“GM mercy’s heal less than average and damage boost more because damage boost is important”

“this doesn’t work”

Meanwhile it works for even the highest of elo’s. Just because you have bad team mates doesn’t mean you can’t correct your game play and make use of damage boost at the right times in order to support those same team mates.

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Already tried, it’s not working. Teammates take too much damage to even bother to boost them in 99% of situations. Fights aren’t about killing fastest, they are about outliving opposition.

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“They’re not hitting shots” It doesn’t matter, neither is the other team 'cause same elo with similar stats. Meanwhile the shots they do hit will count for more because you enabled them.

That’s not what healing should do ever in Overwatch. That is in fact broken, when people don’t die. That makes for a stale game.

Yet that’s what it’s used for. Neither side can swiftly erase other, so it all comes down to who survives longest.

Other team usually hits their shots better, simply because they are focusing one of my teammates. Since there are multiple of them, they got better chances to get that kill.

Like in some RTS games: one unit can’t kill anything, but it doesn’t matter, when you produce thousands of them.

okay what does any of this have to do with mercy at all then then? Like you’re strawmanning this argument that mercy’s bad because you play with bad team mates?

Play your game and get your own stats right. It doesn’t matter what other people do. You’re just making excuses at this point.


My stats? It’s teammate dying, not me, yet it’s still me who will be punished with loss of sr.

It does matter, since my output is always 50 hps without ult and 60 with. It’s up to teammate to survive with that.

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