Lmao, you must not come on the forums very often, I’ve writen many, many, many LONG posts about WHY exactly I love current Mercy and find her fun and strong and impactful. I don’t feel the need to retype up paragraphs to “explain myself” when the Devs are basically already on my side in supporting and keeping the rework. Why do I need to defend something that is going to stay? lol…
But I’ll humour you
Or me explaining why I think Mercy is super strong and impactful (and why I enjoy her)
I love Mercy. I’ve poured almost 1,000 hours of my last 4 years into the hero, because she’s so fun to play (after the rework, she became even more fun to play). The GA changes and buffs added new layers of depth and complexity. E rez brought new power and utility to the table and gave me more decisions, power plays, burst impact, and carry potential, while also raising her skill ceiling and reward signifigantly (contrary to what bad Mercy players will say lol), and Valkyrie is so much more useful, fluid, and fun to me than waiting for my team to die and pressing Q for insta-mass rezz W0oo.
I love Mercy 2.0 and am so glad she is here to stay. I love it much more than 1.0 which had toxic, unhealthy gameplay that promoted hiding to get maximum value from her ult, a less fun GA, and a lack of E ability utility. Not only was Old Mercy was more passive and reactive, she was way less complex/more easy to get value out of. Many of the Mercy players I see complain that current Mercy is “bad” or “useless” are actually just horrible at playing her, and that’s the tea. I’ve gotten to GM on 5 separate accounts playing Mercy exclusively, a good Mercy can carry sooo hard. I even had the enemy DPS streamer Kabaji tell him stream I carried the game as Mercy after we beat them:
h ttps://clips.twitch.tv/EndearingSucculentAxeStinkyCheese
Yet all the RevertMercy people will claim and claim that “current Mercy is useless and has no impact and can’t carry !!” which is so untrue it’s not even funny lol.