Baptiste is Great- Can We Change Mercy Now?

That’s literally not true at all. I do absolutely fine in tank heavy comps with Mercy, she literally thrives because you can farm Valk in 0.2 seconds and spam it as often as a cooldown ability, which allows you to output a max of 4500 healing over the course of 15 seconds (normally she can only heal 750 in that time period). Yes, she’s way better in DPS comps, but she can main heal tank comps perfectly fine.

Um…no. That’s false. Mercy excels in 2-2-2 comps, she’s literally the best main healer in the current bunker meta, with a Zen or Baptiste off healing. She is the best main healer hands down in aggressive dive comps (with Winston Dva or Hammond as the 2 tanks) and her second healer there is often a Zen or Lucio, and she can also main heal Rein Zarya comps effectively too, especially with a Lucio as her secondary healer.

She can if you’re good at her. I beam juggle, prioritize, and it also helps that I never die. I also use damage boost to bolster my team’s ult economy and secure kills, thus reducing the amount of damage I even need to heal in the first place. I main healer with Mercy almost every game and always get gold healing, a card for 35-45% of team damage healer, and my tanks are always the first to compliment me. I can sustain my tanks and enable my DPS, all while peeling for my off support, because I’m good at the hero and know how to milk maximum value from her.

Saying she struggles in a 2-2-2 comp is the most aggravating statement that I see on here and makes me seriously question the Mercy player’s own skill. Mercy isn’t bad, but a lot of Mercy players don’t play her very well and thus they struggle, but then they like to blame it on her being “bad” or “Weak” or “not a main healer” when in reality the biggest issue they are having is their own poor gameplay. And that’s the tea :tea: