"Mercy is fun as she is, no changes needed"

A 75% speed penalty is the equivalent of standing still.

Moving at a speed of 1.375 for 1.75 seconds means that at best you can move 2.4 meters.


How about you specify, if you played with stack, or on your own?

Cause my experience says, that teammates have way too much influence on how far you can get. Since my solo play as Mercy got me into silver at best, while playing with duo got me into platinum.

That statement is made as if it is fact. That is an opinion. I personally do not find Mercy to be fun, and her impact is relegated to her main cooldown ability that contradicts the inital desire from the developers to not encourage Mercy to stop healing for a time and hide addressed in her rework.

I’ve said many times she requires no changes, but the developers change heroes even when they do not.

I talked about this extensively in a post I made here, if you’re interested.


Moving slowly is not the equivalent of standing still

In one, position is changed.

In the other, position remains unchanged

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Well maybe in console where that minute change is position can throw off someones aim, sure. But in PC, that movement is negligable and pretty much standing still. I’m sure you’d notice if you had to play the entire game at 1.375 meters per second as your maximum movement speed.

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Hes never willing to have a genuine conversation about it. I tried in this thread as a counter to his position and all he could say was " I don’t agree". He does it a lot and he can’t put depth to his opinion.

But like he says, an unsubstantiated opinion is one you can have.


are you kidding? it freezes time when you use it!

and her healing! everything instantly dies when i heal as mercy! what can do!

and her mobility, ugh, why does it have to depend on others to use!!! i wish i could just free fly all the time!

except in valk, because when i use valk, it takes all my brains away and i can only fly to the sky box to watch people die from on high!

it isnt me thats bad, it’s mercy! i love her but i hate everything about her! CHANGE IT!


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moving and not moving are two different things

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thank you for making me smile…much appreciated

sadly, many Mercy complainers will make more or less these same statements, and be absolutely serious about it

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Dodo and his straw-man arguments are probably the reason the developers dont even want to touch Mercy.


Eh, I dunno about this one. I feel like few enough heroes introduce DOTs/status effects that it could be pretty situational, or else it would just be a “nope” button that could completely invalidate those few characters and/or make Mercy a must-pick again.

But I am 110% on board for anything that raises her skill ceiling, and I would be delighted if I am proven wrong about the usefulness of a cleanse ability to serve that purpose.

because it’s true! my opinions are fact, backed by the hard proof of things i read on twitter!! but your opinions are just your feelings! dont express your opinions when i am expressing my opinion, i dont want people to know that people have different opinions! opinions are only okay if they are the same as mine!!!



Clarification: Nothing I have stated in this thread is, or can reasonably be described as, a straw man argument

I ask that the personal attacks cease

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The second quote is very much giving approval to a straw man argument.


Arguing that a movement speed reduction of 75% is still moving just not standing still is a straw man argument. But I don’t know if its too difficult to understand but just like how you feel Mercy is fine, many people feel that a 75% movement speed penalty is like standing still, given that you also cannot do anything in that time you have the penalty and what you can do is so strictly limited it might as well not be there.

You ask for a lot of things, I dont particularly care to entertain a response to that last statement, you play the victim when it suits you.


Clarification: I can reasonably come to the conclusion that you have used strawman fallacy tactics in this thread

Clarification: I can reasonably detect an obvious strawman

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This is not a strawman argument, it is a reply to a statement made by another poster


mass rez would be complete chaos in the way the game is played now

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Actually, it isn’t.

A statement was made that moving and not moving are the same thing, when they are not. My statement directly addresses such a statement

the statement above says that you cannot do anything and then proceeds to also say what you can do is limited.

which is it, exactly?

clarification: I have not played the victim in this thread, nor in any thread I have been a part of. I have actually been the victim (quite regularly) of personal attacks, but there is an enormous difference between playing the victim and being the victim


Clarification: I have not used strawman fallacy tactics in this thread