To me, this is painting with far too broad a brush, as there are many, many, many players who enjoy Mercy as she is right now and ergo would not want her to cease existing
I dont usually see that stated as the reason
Usually, I see it stated that she is either fun to play as she is, or she is balanced as she is, or she is impactful as she is - or any combination of those three
As I see it, more commonly it is a “if it aint broke, dont fix it” position.
and she isn’t broken
Specifically regarding more skill expression, I think BigMainLittleChains might help without disrupting the game much for those without the desire for more sill expression, but honestly, if one wants a more skill based character one need not change Mercy, rather, play one of the more skill based characters that already exist n the game…and there are several available
I don’t see it that way, personally. Nothing robotic about her as a whole.
Actually, Rez is one of her cooldown abilities, not her ultimate
I dont see the need to make rez be earned like Valkyrie (or any ultimate) is
In my opinion, Valkyrie is one of the strongest and most versatile abilities in the game
There is an issue with adding an ability (even assuming she needs one, which I dont agree with) when console has no remaining buttons to assign said ability to
I save teammates all the time with Mercy’s healing, and find her healing to be quite strong
I as Mercy am heavily involved in teamfights, personally, same as any other support