Mercy is falling once again

I think her damage nerf was unnecessary. Even so, if her damage hadn’t been nerfed, Mercy would have only needed a minor buff to keep up, if she needed a buff at all.

That’s because the Dive Meta isn’t benefited much by healing after a certain point. Sure, Mercy had a lot of mobility, but in regards to influencing the fight, consistent high-output healing was her main contribution… and in Dive compositions, that slot is better filled with utility or additional damage. That’s why Zenyatta/Lucio were used.

And even with that, the balance between the four healers was still remarkably good at the time. The lowest pickrate in GM among the four healers was Mercy, who had a solid 5% pickrate. That’s a hell of a lot better than the balance between the healers in the game’s current state.

Mercy wasn’t meta, but she was far from unviable.

With heavy modifications to Valkyrie and Resurrect, maybe. Mercy doesn’t need more mobility. I personally hate the idea of Mercy having any independent mobility beyond a double-jump or something. I think it would be better for Valkyrie to reduce the cooldown of GA from 1.5 seconds to 1 second or something instead of granting free flight.

Furthermore, I would prefer that Valkyrie’s chain beams are toned way down or removed entirely. Part of the fun in playing Mercy is the constant need to prioritize targets, which a set of chain beams inconveniently chucks out the window.

And at that point, it doesn’t really resemble what we currently know as “Valkyrie”… which is perfectly fine with me. The new Valkyrie would need to bring something else useful to the fight though, as I’ve just advocated for removing its main contribution.

A single Resurrect on Q could work. Whether or not I would enjoy using it depends upon its specifics and what else Valkyrie offers.


You’re bragging about how you play with a toy, you’re insulting people to pretend the way you play with a toy is “skilled”. There is no skill in this game, there is only practice and experience. You wanna talk skill go get certified as an electrician. You’re parading a toxic insulting opinion based on three hours of play and in the process are revealing to everyone in this thread but yourself how little game sense you’ve got.


You have to specifically go into day by day pickrates for Mercy.
Where the 19th October-today she has under a one percent pickrate and it’s falling even more.

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Check her trends.

There’s a difference between letting your teammates die and not having enough in your kit to prevent those deaths.

50 health/second (or 60, for that matter) isn’t going to cut it when there are ultimates flying.


… We are looking at 1 single day at this point?


No, 3 days, it’s a trend which signifies her fall.

Isnt practice and experience “skill” i think with practice and skill i can become anything i want tbh. I also dont think you even know how to play mercy if your low gold on a 42% winrate with 16 hours. The 3 hours i played on mercy i almost fell asleep why would i want to play her now when i can play a higher skill cap hero that can do more for my team like ana. Hours isnt everything bud

Sombra has an even lower pickrate and winrate than mercy so she should get buffed first.

And just 4 days ago she was at 6%, nothing has changed since then, dont see how this really matters. Maybe the mercy players just havent been playing the past few days, since there isnt all that many ppl in gm anyways.


Point still stands that it’s a counter-intuitive support ability/ultimate no matter how you look at it.

But she was a must pick when she was at 60?

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I don’t play comp. I tried it for the first time this season and stopped because it’s filled with toxic fools who stress out over internet points. In mercy’s current state she sinks teams, that’s why there are threads like this. She’s weak. And it’s not for good balance, it’s because the design team prefer quick fixes to long term game design and that’s why overwatch is bleeding players at an alarming rate.

No, skills are doing something complicated and useful like masonry or welding or woodworking. Skills are doing something that takes thousands of hours to understand and decades to master. You’re playing with a toy and aggrandizing yourself by insulting people. Anyone in this game could play any class provided they gave the time and consideration toward it. There are no magic people who are good at genji, there are only people who put the time into playing him. We play mercy because we want to play the cleric, because there’s no other class like her. And if we put the time into other classes we’d be good at them too because learning a class in this game takes around 10-20 hours. We play mercy because we want to play cleric.


Out of that list, he can only consistently and reliably counter Pharah. If Doomfist lands any part of his combo, McCree’s ttk bumps up. 2 x140 damage hs + 20 - 25 damage (not entirely sure) flashbang is about 285 damage. And that’s just the combo needed to block the rest of his combo because DF landed one hit.

Tracer has way too easy of a time baiting out flashbang and her skill ceiling vs McCree’s means that 9 times out of 10, whoever wins comes down to the skill of the Tracer rather than the skill match up.

Genji’s deflect hitbox + the inconsistencies of flashbang make it roughly a 50/50 match up that depends on player skill. Neither counter each other out, but they can still reliably duel each other if one player is more skilled than the other.

Brig vs McCree will almost always go the way of McCree if he’s not caught off guard. It’s not hard to break her shield and even then, flash fan is enough to eliminate her if she isn’t armoured up.

Hanzo is a much better pick than McCree in almost every situation. Just takes more skill to take out a Pharmercy with Hanzo than Cree, other than that he’s got better survivability, mobility, damage, less damage down time, a better ult and a much smaller hitbox.

Tl;dr He’s a good choice for masochists in it for the style points.

With her current design (rez on E, Valkyrie on Q), Mercy can’t be buffed without sending her back to must-pick status.

Since it’s painfully clear that there’s no middle ground between “troll pick/must pick” in this rework’s design, the only path left to take is to rework Mercy… again.


I’d be thrilled with a rework, even if it’s not perfect. At least then I’d be given the impression the devs care about the concerns of the player base and pay attention to her falling statistics.

she wasnt unviable, wasnt meta, but was not remotely close to balance.

Isnt that…what she always did though? Still dont get what changed to make her so unfun when her kit is largely the same along with the heros shes been notably good with.

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She’s unfun because the balance team has mangled her in a cheap attempt to push people toward styles of they don’t want to engage with. This is a reductive and mean spirited encapsulation of mercy meant to buff the posters sense of ability. It does not take into account many facets of playing her like when to prioritize critting over healing or using her very challenging pistol accurately or communicating with teammates while they charge off into death and blame the mercy for it. Every class in this game can be reduced to three sentences if the writer is willing to overlook that classes nuances to do it.


this is so sad but so true lmao

What people consider “fun” was rezing and then valking for another rez and being un kill able in the process. It was the easiest support to play and the best support to play. I just love how mercy mains are the only people that complain when powercreep happens lol


Then why did you engage with them in the first place? Like I said the core of her kit never really changed.

Still a pocket healer
Still has resurrect
Still has great mobility

What changed aside from mass rez?