Mercy is falling once again

Crazy how everyone was saying ‘Oh, she’s fine, decent pickrate and winrate in gm’
Look at the past days, Mercy is back to being the same troll pick as she was under a one percent pickrate in GM.

The ONLY reason why her pickrate and winrate previously increased was due to Pharah being buffed as similarly Pharah’s pickrate and winrate both rose.

Can we buff her already?

A hero shouldn’t be picked EXCLUSIVELY with another hero. Wasn’t that the reason why she was buffed originally as she was a troll pick outside of Pharahmercy? Back to being a troll pick again.

Atleast Roadhog (the worst tank) has above a one percent pickrate in gm :slight_smile:


Well, the simplest buff would be 55hps.


back to where we started. Except now mercy mains hate her too


Well, no, but you have to take into accout just how strong she is with a Pharah or a Widow. Mercy enables ranged DPS, the more meta they are the more meta she is.


GM is not the place you should be looking at.
Most players are gold.
And you need to remember that the game is played by people on different platforms as well.

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mercy is the biggest failure in balancing, rein is the biggest failure of coding.

Any other failures im forgetting


McCree. He’s been in a downward spiral since season 3.

And of course…


i mean other failures, mccree and bastion and others go into the balancing failure

Bastion is by far the biggest balancing failure though.


Lore? The writers are given a lot of time inbetween events and many skins aren’t canon, yet they still pump out cliches and stereotypes.
Edit: Getting off topic, a little. I know.


We should look at the highest level. I think balance should be done around what a hero can do, not what we as not as good players can do with them.

Now I didn’t catch that much of Beat (the most recent pro tournament, ended just a few hours ago) but Mercy was a pretty niche selection from what I saw. The data suggests that a small buff is in order.


consistently garbage outside of one week isnt as bad as being garbage, overpowered, garbage, and being hated by the entire community that now includes her own mains.

Mercy is the biggest balancing failure. Hated by everyone, blizz dont know what to do.

i agree, i find the dva cinematic garbage, 8 months and we get that


If we only balance around GM, 99, 9% of players won’t have any fun playing the game…

and if we balance around low ranks specifically, legitimately so many things would be broken that it also wouldnt be fun.

This is the problem, blizzard cannot meet in the middle.


If we balanced around the average then the fabric of the game would shatter. Any character involving precise aim would immediately become broken at the highest level, shattering the professional game’s balance and eventually trickling down into the lower levels.


Which is why you balance for the average.

the average is bad. the average rank is plat and anything below diamond is essentially bad.

You need to meet in the middle, not in the average. What i mean is, they need to take opinions from both sides equally, not take it from the average

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Like hanzo? Widow? Mccree?
Heroes that are much better the higher the rank?


Buff them to meet with the average in plat…or really any hero that requires aim or good positioning…

The game’s balance would become complete trash. Everyone above Mid-Diamond would quit, dooming the games lifespan as a competitive game and ultimately the game as a whole.

8% bronze, 21% silver, 32% gold, 25% plat, 10% diamond, 3% masters, 1% gm.
On pc that is.

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