Mercy is falling once again

There are classes which are easier to get into in overwatch, but to start saying “this class is skilled, this class is easy, this class is in between” is entirely beside the point and inherently elitist. If they made another pure healing character who was more difficult to get into I’d be thrilled. But for people who like playing cleric mercy is the only game in town, all other support are dps/healer hybrids. The game is about finding the style of play you want, finding the character you like inhabiting and winning the game. That’s it. It’s not about sick skillz, it’s about working as a team and winning and opening loot box scratch offs. There is a large difference between a mercy with three hours and one with a hundred, you’re acting like her skill ceiling is an inch above her skill floor and that’s simply not true.

Before the nerf she was not a pocket healer, alongside another support she could keep the entire team in good health. And instead of killing the mercy to win the game the enemy teams lost the game then complained until blizzard mangled her.

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No im pretty sure you choose support to help your team and you can do that by not playing mercy. Your not forced to play mercy everytime you queue up. As stated before the good supports have the game sense already to play other supports. People who one trick mercy dont have that.

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People who main mercy do so because there’s no other class like her, there is no other cleric and healing people is the most satisfying mechanic for them to engage with. They do so because her character design and personal history appeal to them. And up until the development team crippled her in a quick attempt to make the other supports enticing she was the best healer. They’re invested in her, invested in her skins and mechanics and deeply rewarding play style which is more than the standard point bad guy click shoot. You’re guessing an enormous amount of things about thousands of people you’ve never met or played with and you’re presenting them as fact.

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Fine how about this, remove rez increase healing by a decent amount. Fair trade. The only reason mercy’s healing is so bad right now is to balance rez so pick a side, you want rez or you dont. Cant have both or she will go back to being good

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Let me rephrase “pocket healer”. She was still part of certain comps such as Pharmercy, Pirate Ship, double sniper and ranged play in general.

The nature of her kit was always single target.

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I’d be fine with them removing rez in exchange for better healing but I think it’s so integral to her personal story and what fans expect from her that they won’t. At this point I’ll take any rework or nerf+buff so long as it means the dev team is looking at her and are concerned about the uproar of the fans who sustain their business. They can’t mess her up any worse.


Huh, forgot this was a thing.

Discord + Mercy boost * 125 damage arrow = 210 damage bodyshot on a Pharah.

inb4 “oVeRbUfF iSn’T ReLiAbLe, MeRcY iS fInE”

but seriously, yeah, its not okay that shes only good when theres a pharah or a widow on your team.


yes!!! i fully agree with everything you just said

also good username

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Except it’s not counter-intuitive at all.

A support has the ability to support their team; it doesn’t matter how they do it.

Not prior to the rework.


5% pickrate being the lowest healer pickrate in GM is actually very balanced. That’s the same bracket occupied by Zenyatta, Brigitte, and Genji at this time.

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Except she wasn’t “too good” back in seasons 4 and 5, when she had Resurrect.

Going back even further, she was a troll-pick in season 3… when she had Resurrect.


adjective: counter-intuitive
contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation (but often nevertheless true).

A Mercy telling her team to die so she can rez is quite literally that definition. Not really a debate here.


Mercy is a healer. The traditional healer. A pure healer. You heal your team and do-not-let-them-die. You don’t let them die to bring them back to life. That’s not “supporting” the team at all, especially when half the time the Mercy can’t even get the rez off and effectively bring back the whole team or whoever she’s bringing back. It’s a clunky ability that just doesn’t work.

Everything about it is counter-intuitive.

This just in: if you ever have to use rez as Mercy, you’re playing the game wrong.

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Yeah Brigitte and Doomfist the failures of design. Harhar

their designs are perfect in all seriousness.

However the games design is not, imagine fighting them if there was more anti CC in the game. Boom.

Back then the games meta was different from now, 5% back then was fine because ana was worse, if she wasnt that high as the only other main support id be having an issue.

Not to mention the high popularity of mercy players across every rank.

Pickrates highness doesnt mean anything for mercy.

  1. She is fine, Valk need some attention, the rest of her kit is good.
  2. She is not a troll pick (I’m already getting tired of hearing this on every single thread while current stats says otherwise because she shares the same pick rate/win rate than Tracer a 10 times harder hero to Master than Mercy.

The entire Tank Roster needs a proper setup , same than Healers in order th work. Mercy didn’t need anything she was so broken/OP that she could work on any comp unlike the rest of the hero cast.

  1. Wake up.

Can I just imagine I don’t have to fight them instead? :black_joker:

well unless you wanted to gut all the dive characters, which would have been what was needed otherwise, or insanely buff other characters which wouldve been way worse than brig either way.

Brigs inclusion has balanced the game better overall. They just need more anti cc

So would an Anti-CC hero not have the potential to bring Dive back or something worse as Ana is in the top healing spot again it could be the birth of another tank meta.