Mercy is by far the weakest support

I don’t think she needs any changes really, but, ooo can you imagine if she had a charge shot on her pistol? That’d be cool

You must be delusional to compare exoboost with GA and Rez with immortality field. Immortality field only gets value when every1 is low, and if they are all low, chances are that youve already lost the fight

Mercy’s regen activates 1 sec after out of combat, baptistes is on a 15 sec cooldown

And comparing an ult with mercy’s secondary fire is straight up stupid. Mercys dmg boost gives the same dmg boost as nano and can be used anywhere, not just where you place it, and her rez is invaluable. Its basically the strongest abilty in the game PERIOD.

Not to be mean…

But your sources didn’t support anything of what you said.

The first said nothing about ult influence on fight outcome.

And the second was basically an argument for Mercy getting a rework.


Everyone is a S/A tier, plus who cares what a YT channel says?

Statistically incorrect. Briggite is the worst support.

Mercy is one the most played supports right now, just because you suck at her doesn’t mean she’s weak.

That would be like me saying widowmaker is a weak hero because I can’t aim while playing her.

I really hope that the part about exo boots being better than GA is a joke.

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This. Any buff to mercy will cause her to be a must pick again especially on console.

The first said exactly how much impact flex support has on the outcome of team fights, this included their ultimate’s, done by winston labs with data compiled from pro games in overwatch league.

The second specifically had data compiled by winston labs from pro play games like apex tournaments which were the height of pro overwatch at the time that showcased just how unimpactful mercy’s mass res was, with a nice visual diagram. Your 2% less likely to win team fights couldn’t have possible been true for the simple fact it was already worse when mercy has mass res.

So yes, those sources did support the things I said. You ignoring them doesn’t change that.


Totally agree with everything else, but mass Rez being worse isn’t a case for valk being good.

If I don’t have shelter and you have a box… We both still broke lol

I think she’s in perfect place rn. Do you want to chill and not worry about bad aim? - Play Mercy. Do you wan’t to have gold heals and push farther? - Play Ana. I personally think Moira is way more fun

she was a must pick for YEARS, its okay to sit on the bench for a while.

I disagree.

Mercy ult influence on fight outcome =/= to influence of flex support on fight outcome.

Reasons for Mercy rework =/= Mercy ult influence on fight outcome.

You’re conflating and equivocating.

You ignoring that doesn’t make it any less true.

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Mercy isn’t the weakest support. The weakest support is Brigitte with Baptiste near her. Thing is that Ana has Nanoboost+SleepDart+Antinade+120heal/gam+3-3,5k dame value tied to her kit compared to Mercy who has GA and Rez to compete with those (healing/damage already considered so Valkyrie already considered). If there’s no Ana pick in your team you should probably type WeirdChamp to your supports and politely ask them to consider the better option

u should be on console or low rank,becouse if u use constant the exo boots u will get a clean shot from every hero,ga is x2 times better.And mercy dont need a buff u need to improve your skill is not dev fault becouse u cant abuse her anymore to boost your sr

What kind of poor attempt at a strawman is this?

Literally nobody was comparing flex support ults to mercy’s ults. You made the assertion that flex support hero’s, (ie: lucio, zen) have very impactful ultimates. I said yeah you’re right, with a source that showcases exactly that.

That was the end of that point. Plain and simple, no comparison to Mercy what so ever done by either you or I, and yet here you are trying to change the argument as if it was ever made to begin with.

Then you went on to say that Mercy’s New ult, Valk, has her team losing more times than not. This simply isn’t true.

    1. for the simple fact Mass Res already was that bad, if not worse.
    1. Valk is considerably more useful overall to the general flow of team fights, healing everyone, damage boosting everyone, or taking matters into your own hands and going full Neptuno who probably single handedly pushed Valk into the positives.

I give a source for the first point, and instead of looking at the sentence being pointed too, you decide to look at the title and throw out any substance in the article what so ever? Did you even look at it?

This image, clear as day, showing the impact mass res had on team fights, or rather the lack there of. You cant possibly have missed it had you actually looked, like you didn’t even need to read the article to see it. Either you ignored it completely in order to continue arguing for what ever reason, probably ego, or you’re blind.

So once again, you ignoring these things, does not make them stop existing. They are there, clear as day.

Though N7 made a really good point here. I’m still waiting to see where exactly Azrael got this 2% statistic from. You’re pretty quick to ignore sources that are contrary to your statements… then again you even ignored sources that agree with your statements… but can’t even provide one that backs up your claim, i had do that for you.

And believe me, I’ve looked for statistics that show the impact of Valk for some time now.


I am too.

Personally, a lot of anti rework mercy people say mercy’s ult feels impactful but I don’t ever feel it as mercy but especially with mercy.

Tbh I feel it’s best to just pop it like candy and hope it baits out another ult from the enemy unnecessarily. It’s better than mass Rez because that was so niche. But that’s an issue with Rez wholesale imo.
I would love a breakdown to see if my experiences are statistically backed, as I hate valk from a design issue. But I won’t claim it to be so.

Especially since other ults have felt impactful to me despite others not agreeing.

I quite like brigs and baptistes ults and always get value from them. I think ana Moira and mercys are the only ones I don’t dig. But that’s me.


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I completely agree. Valk isn’t exactly the most impactful ult in the game by far, but compared to mass res, i don’t see how it could possibly be worse.

I’ll reserve judgement until i see some raw data, though, i’m kind of surprised none has surfaced yet, and if it has, well, why is it so hard to find, this is mercy after all.

It is worse, than mass res, simply because mass res was burst of power. Not 15 s of same buffs Mercy usually provides, but without having to switch.

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So the rest of her kit is basically useless is what you’re saying? Because it does all of those things even better than they already are.


It’s inherently not as that’s the only aspect of her kit that changed and since then, mercy has increased in value