Mercy is by far the weakest support

As a big rein player I feel ya lol. And when a rare mercy boosts me for the half second I need to fling it, and it goes through a few people and nets me a ton of charge, I really wonder why others dont do this obvious and easy timing to get value.

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Since they changed how it’s applied it’s been more common for me to get that momentary boost, because it applies when you send it rather than when it hits a target like it used to, meaning you just tap the boost when it leaves reins hammer and it’s 130 damage all the way home :smiley:

My favorite thing is getting 45% ult charge the moment their spawn doors open, SINGLE FILE BOIS ITS TIME FOR YOUR BAPTISM OF FIRE.

It’s moments like that you play hard to get ult as quick as possible, and drop it on them as soon as you get it like 30 seconds into a match just to flex on them xD

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Mercy is not BY FAR the weakest support tho. I mean. Brigitte is a support hero.

However I will say that support meta is once again separating into “always a good pick” supports and “always a bad pick” supports… and Mercy ain’t one of the good picks.

OH yes, those spawn door fire strikes now that isnt everywhere, so satisfying. You bet I instantly hit Z to let my team share in the greatness.

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We are basically the same person, if I get literally ANY ult charge from my spawn strike “Z” MY ULTIMATE IS CHARGING.

I’m glad to know it’s not just me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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We’re hardty people :grinning:

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since the release of 222 role lock, youroverwatch has put mercy in S tier, meaning she will be the most played by pros and will probably be most picked by everyone.

Even if this was true which I don’t think it is based on the games i’ve played since role queue , She’s also the easiest healer to play which would make the effort and reward about equal as far as i’m concerned.

Putting Mercy and Zen together is typically throwing, primarily because of Mercy herself’s low healing nowadays. Both are instead primarily used with Ana, for her burst healing. Mercy is used for her own mobility, and the potential of rez, zenyatta is used for his defensive ult, high dps, and much stronger damage boost.

Also, Rein is currently outclassed to the point that having him could also oftentimes be considered throwing. You are correct on this point however, Rein’s strikes are among the most predictable things any Mercy might have the opportunity to boost.

I highly doubt Genjis at that level are ulting much, if at all, without nano to go with it, and if they are, it is still a massive risk to pocket a melee character.

The reason Mercy is currently picked at high ranks has to do with how overbearing snipers currently are. They have always been the most useful characters for her. Damage boost is best used to either reach a breakpoint and make a character oneshot, or it is used on characters that already can do that, so that they may do so faster.

—With 30% boost:—
-Ashe’s headshots now oneshot squishies, as does her dynamite if it isn’t mitigated.

-Widow requires 30% less charge to kill a squishy, can oneshot Tracer with a fully charged bodyshot, and deals 390 damage on full charge, allowing her to kill several 400 health characters if they’ve taken a small amount of damage, or she can simply follow up with a minimal amount of charge for the kill.

-Hanzo also can kill Tracer with a bodyshot (both of these being a contributing factor to her falling out of favor), and his storm arrows now each deal 182 on headshot.

-Pharah also benefits heavily of course, but the others here make her life hell

I cant say it with certainty, but given the knowledge we have of previous metas, I would venture that they also funnel the majority of the healing into Ana as well. One of the most crippling things about this pair has always been that they stole each others ult charge. In the past if you had Ana, Mercy was quite often reserved to pocket a dps, instead.

That’s more burst than the off supports

Team mercy has some of the highest dmg potential of supports

Yes. Constant utility that is easy to use and a burst. Ana bap have long cooldowns. Mercy had it. Lucio zen and brig have near none
As does mercy.

Swiss army support.

Take away dmg boost and maybe she can heal better. Take away rez maybe she can have better utility. But until something gives, she does a whole lot. So no, she can’t be the best

Edit: typo

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Still prefer Mercy to anything else. In your comparison with Baptiste her mobility blows his out of the water. Her team wide damage amp while not nearly as high is not limited in direction (tho I think his ult is wat better tbh). Res is still huge. Immortality field is great in certain niches (against DVA bomb, used around a corner to keep a bastion alive) but otherwise is basically a transcendence or sound barrier that can be broken. Res is res. There isn’t a substitute a lot of the time. And her healing is way more consistent on lots of difficult to heal targets. Good luck healing far off snipers or Pharah consistently with Bap.

Mercy Bap is actually pretty great. Especially with cheese comps. They compliment each other well.

Mercy aint bad. She’s good. Please play more Mercy everyone <3

She can keep Orisa Hog Sig Zarya alive just fine

Only Ana has true burst healing and Bap has pseudo-burst healing (extremely fast intermittent HoT)

You have a source for that?

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If you really think Mercy and Moira play the same supporting roles in the game, then play Moira 4head.

This couldn’t be more true.

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I’d have to do some digging, but I assure you it’s a thing.

OWL has enabled a lot of stats tracking. One of the things that was noted by commentators and article writers is how much the use of an ultimate influenced the outcome of a teamfight.

Good ultimates raised that value quite a bit. It’s been awhile since I looked at the numbers, but Zen and Lucio ults were among the highest, increasing the likelihood of a teamfight win by roughly 60%.

Mercy, had the lowest impact on outcome. And in fact they found the use of Valk actually reduced the likelihood of a teamfight win by like 2%.

This data was pooled from hundreds of teamfights where heroes were being played at or near their skill cap.

If someone could optimize Valk, it should be a professional player in OWL.

This data was also gathered last year when Mercy was used a lot, so the sample size for Valk would have been substantial.

Since then, Valk has been significantly nerfed. If old Valk was struggling to have positive outcomes, I can only imagine how relatively useless it is now.

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no lol she is the ultimate dps enabler. brig, lucio, moira and baptiste are considered worse than her

Mercy mains are silly like this.

They post that mercy is so weak especially in HPS.

Yet, due to the change in 2-2-2 this actually makes her stronger since there is less damage going around without 3, 4, 5, man DPS teams.

baptiste boots needs charging by crouching and while doing so he’s pretty vulnerable as he moves slower, also jumping straight up can be pretty risky too.
mercy has guardian angel which is an instant fly ability on a 2 second cooldown.

baptiste self heal is on a cooldown, mercy’s is an out of battle regen, you can allways rely on out of combat regen to be there where as you could be out of a self heal cooldown as baps.

mercy has lock on heal which helps healing very mobile characters.
baps heals is a projectile with an arc that explodes in an aoe, great for clustered allies but not so much otherwise.

baps immortality field can save lives, but mercys rez can bring a tank back from the dead.

baptiste amp matrix increases peoples healing projectiles including his own or damage through a narrow window that is immovable.
mercy can fly freely and aoe heal or aoe damage boost or pew pew herself if she wants to giving a lot more options and flexibility allthough being a bit less potent in some cases but for mobility and extreme positioning it’s just a lot better overall.

also mercy may not be able to shoot and heal as freely at the same time, she does heal and damage boost very quickly, also she gets to damage boost freely as much as she wants to, baptiste can’t do that, baptiste way of damage boosting is by shooting the same target as your allies are.

honestly i think if anything, both baps and mercy can pair pretty well up as a support duo.

You were right about these.

However, this just isn’t true.

Valk increased the impact she had on a team fight with her ultimate by a considerable amount. Especially when you consider the impact mass res had was far worse than anything else. Often leading to pro teams just gaining free ult charge after the res.


Mercy has the lowest average deaths of any support. She is one of the hardest heroes in the game to kill.