Mercy is by far the weakest support

No, as stated she’s usually beaten in pickrate and winrate by someone else the listed exceptions are where she is not beaten in pickrate by someone with a higher winrate

Is that why perfectly fine Mercy needs buffs?

I didn’t say that

But ana isn’t winning. Mercy is consistently positive and high. That was my whole argument.

It’s not just about popularity.
I don’t expect brig to ever come close to mercy. She isn’t popular.


Dude… Look where you replied to me.

I wasn’t talking to you. I was originally responding to someone else. You took what I said out of context but I didn’t realize it because you replied to me. Not the other way around.

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I actually agree that she doesn’t need buffs, but I don’t take my OPINION as gospel. I am so tired of the way these forums refuse to acknowledge that their OPINION isn’t the only way to think, and it’s even worse when someone disagrees with you about Mercy. Some people don’t think she’s fine, and that okay too, because it’s their OPINION.

Also, asking for a minor buff, won’t make her OP. TBH, you probably won’t even notice a 5hps buff, which is what most people want.


Brigitte: You all are abominations.

Mercy by far is the easiest character in the game to play. She doesn’t need buffs. You want a stronger healer- you go play a harder to play healer.

It’s true. I’ve played her to the best of my ability, and i can play all supports very well. But i’ve had no good results with her. She just can’t do what the other healers do as well, besides Rez, which is only useful in a handful of situations.

True. Shes the only Tier D hero atm imo. Tier D meaning basically not even worth being situational; she’s underpowered in all scenarios.


Can she burst heal? No.
Does she do have formidable damage? Naw.
Does she have strong utility? Nope.
Does she have a strategically-relevant defensive or offensive ult? lol nope

How you gonna say she does everything when she doesn’t even do half the things that matter?

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Ma, grab the camera! Somebody is being reasonable on the forums!

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Rez: reverse death
Lamp: prevent death
That in and of itself is already different.

Damage boost, a buff that can be applied anywhere and it can also buff beam type character.
I believe you meant Amp Matrix, a wall that amplifies whatever goes in there. However it is stationary, only works at one exact angle and can’t amplified beam. Only half of the supports benefits from this ultimate.

Laughable. A no CD self heal ability is compared to a multi target 15 sec CD. Mercy doesn’t even needs to hide. Just don’t take any damage which Mercy is really good at.

This is a bait right?

I do also want Mercy to be buffed, but making these false claims won’t get her anyway.

But she can heal without being disturbed. She is the best healer for that.

But she has a superior mobility, which allows to keep herself alive.

Unlimited damage boost and rez is not strong apparently.

Valk is irrelevant offensively? Lol.

She’s not a bad hero she’s just underpowered is all. Also the ultimate is lame.


Pretty much. Mercy plays well most of the time if you do it right, as simple as that.

also, I promise I’ll get the rent in this week, don’t worry.

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A good Ana nade can win teamfights for free, with rez you bring back someone at the risk of diying( or even worse, diying and feeding with the rez) and wasting the highest cooldown in the game, with nade you amplify healing for 50% (including health packs), instant 100 healing, 4 secs of -100% healing on enemys for 4 secs and 60 damage. Rez is powerfull but antinade is by far the best ability.

So what you’re saying is… no. She cannot burst heal. And she does not have formidable damage. And since the statement being refuted is “Mercy can do everything,” the fact that she can do some other completely different thing is not pertinent to discussion.

The best Mercies in the game get, what? 2k damage boosted? On most of the ladder it’s not even half of that. And Blizzard has explicitly stated that damage boost is locked at 30% to avoid crossing damage breakpoints, so by design, damage boost rarely makes a substantial difference in how many shots your teammate needs to land. So no, I don’t call damage boost “strong utility.”

Until someone develops a gameplay stategy that involves intentionally being allowed to die and then get rezzed, resurrection is nothing more than healing for dead people. Maybe you could call rez ‘utility’ if you’re using it to counter snipers.

And idk if you can actually read but I said strategically-relevant. There are no offensive or defensive strategies for which Valkyrie is an important component. But nobody in the history of Overwatch has said “we need Valkyrie to achieve our goal.” As it stands, Valkyrie accomplishes virtually nothing on its own–it is used to help other heroes with better abilities do the things that actually matter. Its only saving grace is its versatile, so that its limited usefulness can be applied to most every hero.

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Brig is in a far worse state than Mercy is.

Rez only works on a single character, but is also a lot stronger by virtue of bringing someone back once they’ve already been taken out.

Mercy’s damage boost can benefit the whole party as well as an ult, and she can use it while letting them move about, and even use it outside of ult.

Passive regen is always active, and her healing isn’t dependent on cooldowns. Doesn’t require her to hide, just not be hit for a second.

GA has more general mobility, though it requires a target. Also allows her to stay in the air for prolonged periods of time, and with skillful use, can be used similarly to Exo-boots.

They do similar things, but not in a better/worse way typically, they just handle differently and in better situations/comps. I kinda think you’re trying to skew things to make it seem like Mercy’s kit is really bad, when its pretty decent overall.

you don’t need a gm level support, just be wise about your boosts.

Get in the flow of Reins firestrike, they do it like clockwork every 6 seconds. A damage boost for him means much faster shatter.

Pocket a genji during blade, it has the same break points as Nano for squishies.

Amp your Zenyatta real quick as he’s poking with his alt fire, you’d be surprised how much more likely it allows him to get a cheeky pick + faster trans.

these are just some really easy and effective targets to boost, some of which only require half a second of beam, and net your team great value. You have to make the most of your boost it is YOUR responsibility to get value out of it. There’s a reason even Mercy has top 1% players, they do this stuff.

Jeez I never said nade was worst my god I agree that nade can be better in most situation but that doesnt exclude the fact the rez is really strong omg stop comparing joth skill they do compmetly difrent thing jeez.

Can confirm, as a Rein main with 800 hours, firestrike is NEVER off cooldown. It literally IS like clockwork, because in the 3 seconds leading up to it being off cooldown, I’m already positioning to make a peek and send it in.