Mercy is by far the weakest support

considering zen and lucio have lower pick rates than her… i’d say she’s seen as someone who keeps people up…


And 100% less burst than literally every other main healer, if Mercy is allegedly a main healer, so I’d say that’s actually a pretty big thing to be missing.

Team mercy has some of the highest dmg potential of supports

LMFAO source pls? Show me this Mercy whose damage+damageboosted outstrips a good Zenyatta or Moira.

Constant utility that is easy to use

Constant? Lol. She has to stop healing–that is, stop using the primary function of her kit–to damage boost. It’s so “easy to use” that most Mercies are barely able to get any value out of it.

Ana bap have long cooldowns. Mercy had it.

LMAO Ana and Bap have HALF the cooldown that Mercy’s ‘burst utility’ has, with just as much value per use, so let’s not act like they’re comparable in the ‘long cooldown’ department.


It was an article from Winston labs. I don’t have time to dig it up, but you’re free to look if you want.

Regardless, I don’t think it’s too far of a stretch to say that Mercy has little impact on match outcome with her ult and that it could use some work.

Like why does Valk need infinite ammo? Please, redistribute that to something else that actually helps her fulfill her role.

Lets not forget that sometime back in Mass Rez days it was like Mercy didn’t even HAVE an ult because of:

  1. How well she sustained her team (before all the CC and damage creep)
  2. The enemy team staggering the kills in a way that would preven Mercy from getting ANY form of multi-rez/temp rez.
  3. Had no mid fight potential. (Granted Valk really doesn’t either but Valk could easily be tweaked to have it become that)

I’ve started playing a bit again today, picking up Mercy and played her more of an off-healer with a heavy focus on Damage Boost over healing…and to be fair I had more fun with her doing that than playing her as a heal-focus Mercy.


Not when you consider that no main healer can undo when their heals are still burst through.

… I said second to zen for a reason . Mercy not choosing to DPS isn’t the same as it being bad. Her and baptiste have strong chonky dmg

So does Lucio if you want to go there.

Indeed. Considering bapt is chosen at less than half mercys rate…

You want a shorter Cooldown? You need less power.

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Same. But especially for me, playing WITH mercy. I get really sick of her not using dmg boost especially if I’m on guaranteed value like Winston, or reaper.

Dmg boost woman! Lol

Nah I think that would be Brig rn, but I’d be fine with a buff to Mercy as well.

So Neptuno can team wipe enemy’s with it? The one tool Mercy can use to go full offensive and you’re just going to put it down like it’s nothing?

She already excels at her role better than anyone else can. Not one other support can enable dps hero’s like she can. You’re not going to see Ana or Moira in a Phara comp or Widow comp, and those are two of the best team comps that have been viable through nearly every meta.

Mercy’s ult is what you make of it. Plain and simple. If you use it to initiate a fight, giving 30% damage boost to your team mates, your team is going to roll over the enemy. If you use it to sustain through trash damage, you’re team is going to have a lot better chance surviving that. Or, once again, you can go full neptuno and just win the team fight on your own. It’s a legitimate strat she’s actually capable of now.

Well after a bit of digging, i found this, which is once again, to the contrary of your claim.

Source links in the op, taken from Winston labs.


Bap can’t bring an ally back from the dead with his frisbee.

At the end of the day… #BuffMercy :nail_care:

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Mercy would be so much more survivable, and maybe more useful to her teammates, if she could GA to that teammate just over the ledge so I can’t get LoS on her, or just inside the doorway so I can’t get LoS on her. Reading old comments it seems she used to be able to do this?

Survivability is not as much of an issue, as lack of support for teammates.

Sure, you can get away easily via GA/Valkyrie, but you won’t be able to keep teammate alive, if one screwed up. Resurrecting one in same position is also out of question, unless you really want to get to spawn.

WTT Cardboard shield for GA, PST.

Healing per second is not the only thing that MATTER to be considered "TOP-TIER"

Look Zeny his HEALING PER SECOND is only 30 and he is being meta since 2.5 years with a few “breaks”.

Mercy advantajes are HER mobiltity. “GIT GUD” and learn to use GA + SUPER-JUMP every 2 dam seconds.

On a 10 minutes match if you die more than 3 times with MERCY you are doing something HORRIBLY WRONG

Or enemy team made it their life goal to kill you.

Which, curiously, usually makes them lose game. However, not all enemies are that stupid.


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<3 <3

700k+ people do. Not everyone is S tier. There are characters worse in the meta and that’s why people make tiers in the first place.