At a high level, Valkyrie>Resurrect

I know, I know, Valkyrie is a terrible ultimate and it’s useless.

I’m sorry, but it just isn’t true.

Now I am not going to be trying to convince you with subjective claims about how Valkyrie makes you semi-invincible for 15 seconds, or how Mass Resurrect was too risky. No. I’m going to be using data.

Remeber that back with Mass Resurrect, Moira was not in the game. Keep that in mind as you read the data.

Ult Win percentages
Resurrect: 51.94%(3rd of healers)
Valkyrie: 53.87%(2nd of healers)

Ult win percentage with more ults used
Resurrect: 61.13%(4th of healers)
Valkyrie: 66.27%(4th of healers)

Ult win percentage with less ults used
Resurrect: 40.32%(1st of healers)
Valkyrie: 32.63%(1st of healers)

This data perfectly suits the idea that Mass Resurrect turned fights, but was overall weaker.

Because Resurrect could essentially reverse ultimates, it preformed well in fights where the enemy used more ultimates.

To the contrary, Valkyrie is much more consistent, winning advantaged fights, and ultimately winning more fights overall.

Mass Resurrect data was for buffed Mercy (invincibility on Resurrect), Valkyrie data was for nerfed Mercy (Valkyrie nerf). Data is linked below:|Mercy|Moira|Zenyatta|Ana|Ana|Moira|Zenyatta|Lucio


And mercy mains care why?


I couldn’t give a flying funk if Valkyrie had a 100% win rate, mass res will always be more fun, more engaging and actually require skill.


The issue for me personally is that Valkyrie is less fun and less satisfying, especially after they removed the short/double rez. Sure its strong, I won’t deny that, but its not fun for anyone, not even the Mercy player.


Because there are a lot of Mercy mains who think Valkyrie is useless.

It isn’t.


Try Saying it to the bastions in uprising legendary


I honestly haven’t played the Uprising mode with new Mercy yet so I have no opinion.

Then you should try it, if you already played legendary uprising last year i’m you’ll see the uselessness of valkyrie compared to mass res on uprising this year.

Honestly tho I’m not really concerned with the balance of last year’s PvE mode :man_shrugging:


“At a high level” Don’t care.
Valkyrie is better than mass rez? Don’t care.
I want my fun support back.


So you’re just going to complain until we all bow down to your personal complaints.



Honestly i’m also not really concerned on the balance in pro level or owl then

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I’ll complain while I’m unhappy with her position. It’s called voicing an opinion, you can look away if it bothers you so much.


It’s called complaining. Personally, I would’ve moved on after everyone else realized Mercy was finally balanced.

Keep complaining I guess. But don’t expect anything to change.

Mercy is a hero who is generally better in lower ranks. Any of these trends are logically exasperated in lower levels of play.

Hiding and pressing a button takes skill. No wonder why they think Mercy is such a skillful hero.


Don’t need your blessing but thanks anyways. :slight_smile:

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And what does she do now? Press a button oh wait then she presses mouse 1!! Shocking!!! The thought process involved in big res is what made it skillful and fun. You could just feed, set up your team for another wipe or save the point, it was the thought process that made her skillful, now what we have now which is braindead.


Yes, maybe she’s a no skill hero. Or maybe not.
But I don’t care lol. I play for fun, and i’ll keep sounding it until blizz do something so the fun factor is back

I have mostly heard that it didn’t feel impactful and that it was boring. Given how little Valkyrie has moved her placement wise, I don’t think it’s actually much better than Resurrect. It certainly doesn’t have the impact moment that makes Mercy feel like she was a good choice, nor is it particularly skill intensive.

Ressurect was balanced before but a majority of people felt that it was unfun to play against, so it was changed.

If a majority of Mercy players don’t find her fun to play (and that is likely true given how non-stop, overwhelmingly negative, and long this has been going on) why is that not a good enough reason to tweak how she plays so she’s roughly in the same position as she is now but more engaging?


Good luck on your journey, wherever it may take you :+1: