Mercy is actually one of the most fair supports by design

Didn’t read all that but of course she’s fair, all she does is fly around and heal.

This is a very surface level argument and tries to boil the issue with mercy in to an oversimplified and unrealistic way of thinking.

To illustrate this point I’ll say this. If you gave everyone a “win” button and the first person to press it wins the game. It would be fair because everyone can do it. Would it make Overwatch better. No. So understanding this it doesn’t matter how fair mercy is, if as a whole it make the game worse then it’s a problem.

As for what make a game worse is subjective but if a majority dislike the balance of the hero because of how it forces a meta, or feels to play against there point is 100% valid.

So when you say…

You haven’t given anywhere close to a reason why they shouldn’t and really is terrible because you are asking player to basically not care how the game feels. Well if that’s the case why not nerf mercy into the ground and tell mercy players don’t hate that.

Yea, if you want to “fix” something it’s more about understanding a) what people dislike and b) what people like, mercy and non mercy players and trying to reach an equilibrium.

I personally, think mercy is balanced but enough games vs a pocketed dps dominating the game I will probably just turn Overwatch off because I’m not having fun.

yep they are the worst, more entitled and whiny all while being afk players that have to do nothing but leech and abuse bad ability design(rezzing and healing/boosting around corners), busted movement and ult. could be worse…we could have mass rez back lol

I think most Mercy players agree with that though. I don’t know a single one who wants her gigabuffed because she’s in the same boat as heroes like symmetra or doomfist (kind of) where any large buffs immediately seem to warrant 12 hits with the nerf bat next patch. Most of us just want her to be… less F tier. She was good for like two seasons in ow2 and hadn’t been properly meta in ow1 for like three years before shutdown. We haven’t even really seen a mercy meta, moreso a sojourn/76/cass meta where mercy just happens to be a nice addition.

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To me, that means mercy is underpowered, not fair. I wouldn’t equate hero being underpoewred to fair. So I would consider mercy that, underpowered. As opposed to being a “fair” hero. She only feels fair now because she’s weak (at least in higher ranks).

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Resurrection is the opposite of intrusive

No??? :sob: My threads are usually the most liked then I took like a year break from the forums cause it wasn’t interesting and people were dumb.

Valid points but her kit as a whole has draw backs unlike a decent amount of supports and she’s one of the only ones who doesn’t
have tons of sustain

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somehow it’s never the Mercy players that are doing the whining, weird.


I dont think a hero who does thing differently from the rest would even remotely considered fair. Be it OP or UP.

They dont even play the same game.


Mercy has been really meta like a couple of times.

Her mobility IS her identity. Not like she shoots back. Not like she has utility outside her damage boost. Her kit actually doesn’t work unless a teammate is nearby. Her mobility is what makes her fun but also helps her do her job. If you reduce her APM its just bring back the hide n seek gameplay. Which you guys seem to hate but also encourage by asking for more nerfs to her mobility

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I agree. I lose almost every game when I have a mercy on my team, and win most games when the enemy team has a mercy.

The character is awesome, the movement is awesome.
The real downside is that mercy can break every dps character in the A to S tier category, especially hitscans.
And rezzing a tank to full hp is cringey as well.
No hate to the character, I like playing her myself.

Rather have the hide and seek game play back than a record low death per 10 mins untouchable hypermobile fly.

Mercy had strengths and weaknesses before superjump and hypermobilty.

She had better consistent healing and stronger blue beam.

She had real counter play other then all team go hitscan and hope you hit.

Now she gets nerfed in every aspect because of her out of whack mobility and survivability.

And I played her more then I like to remember in S1. Even once thought the nerf to her ga was to harsh, but honestly?
Not anymore. It’s rather not enough.
Since ~S6/7 I didn’t actively pick her anymore because winning with her was disgustingly boring (despite hypermobility) and easy. I regularly felt bad for the enemy because they were completely shut down hunting me and not getting anywhere.

Hypermobility and surviablity is cancer. Same for every other one (Genji Ball Tracer…)

In your playstyle . For me Mercy can turn perspective from fps to rts so you can see battlefield from above and be where you needed most

You’re jealous because you don’t have a fabulous pink skin.

Outside of Valk, Mercy has no Area-Of-Effect heals, she can only attach her beam to one teammate at a time. That’s what’s meant by “single target support” and it can’t be negated through playstyle.


i don’t even play hammond, i just like him because i love roddents

Girl they simply can’t aim :sob:. If I go Dva/Echo/Tracer/Genji/Hitscan you arent surviving as Mercy unless you’re staying in a corner if I’m on hitscan which FORCES u to respect the hitscan

Consistent doesn’t mean reliable.
In a firefight, what Hps matters is what keeps a hero from dying. 44hps isn’t great in helping you tank damage and it’s not as life saving as abilities with higher hps or utility abilities that just will straight up save your life.

Couple that with anti-heal, and everyone has to ask what “consistent” healing is going to do against “consistent” damage/anti-heal. And the objective answer is not alot.