Mercy is actually one of the most fair supports by design

Bella isn’t very bright so I wouldn’t give them too much thought


Unless each and every single detail is constantly and tiredly covered and discussed each time these topics come up, seems like no one will realize what should and shouldn’t be nerfed or buffed.

Rather do a duty so I don’t have to see as many “Nerf Moira” threads and make her primary 10 dps. or “Nerf Mercy” threads where her shift button should be literally pryed off the keyboard. and from what the perception of the dev team has been, I wouldn’t be surprised if they take a chance to even treat it slightly serious of an opinion.

Your argument is invalid on the forums because you’re making sense.

Mercy haters will never acknowledge their problem with Mercy is their own skill issue.


Illari is correct in that, at least.

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If you know they have a mercy, just keep your eye on her. I’m telling you, just start watching her, and you’ll just instinctively know when she’s going to try and rez

(Pro-tip: Wait til one of her team mates dies :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) but seriously, once you start focusing her and picking her off, you become addicted to it. She’s really not that hard to kill (excluding her ult when she’s zipping around)… but when rez’ing? She’s such a sitting duck. Plus, it’s neat as you really start to notice “oh wow, there really are mercys who are really great at movement, and others… not so much” haha

You got this :muscle:

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Positioning skill ain’t mechanical.

Mercy design suffers to have not a very high healing and no way to deal damage while healing.

Her ult is one of the worst of the game, at least when it comes to design.

She’s the perfect example of Kaplan riping off from other games without understanding why it works in the other game and not in OW.

OP is correct. If they revert Mercy’s movement to OW1 GA she insantly becomes a 10x fairer and more healthy hero.

Then they can buff her heals a bit and she’d be super solid and fair.

I don’t think people realize just how badly the Mercy movement rework messed with her kit balance. It made her movement way easier and way stronger. (And less fun IMO). It lowered her skill ceiling HEAVILY and made her way too unpredictable and hard to punish.


Fr and I don’t really see how people could argue AOE heals 2 ults and good damage is more fair :sob:


the most fair design on support roster belongs to my queen moira

Hyper mobility = Sustain

Seen the clips of Tracer keeping overtime going for ages? Or Lucio’s? That is Sustain through mobility. For Mercy it is the ability to quickly get out of almost any sticky situation every 2 seconds. She also still has her passive on top of that:

Sympathetic Recovery - Healing allies with Caduceus Staff heals you. - 40% of healing dealt

The reason more mobility is fine for those other heroes I mentioned is that they are forced to put themselves into dangerous positions to get value. Mercy can stay in the sky or backline with a long to medium ranged DPS not really getting into the fight. Then use her mobility to get to safety if she does somehow get into a dangerous situation. There is no good reason for her to use her mobility to take many risks.

Nah look away, if possible walk around a corner and double back. That will really get them to commit the flight towards it.

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Mercy’s movement is directly tied to her allies being close enough.
Most dps have a ttk of 1.5 seconds or less. One can pretty easily kill a mercy between flights.

Without the dps passive, her self healing is 22hps if her target is injured.
If mercy’s been hit by a dps, her self heals are just 11hps.
Neither amount is big enough to sustain her if you really want her dead.

This is the style she is forced into because of all the insane burst damage in the game. And a support is only valuable if they’re alive.

She’s at her most vulnerable if she never flies, or if she only flies.

It’s also not worth it to fly to a far off teammate to try and save them, as 44hps cannot save anyone. At most it gives the teammate 0.5 seconds to live so it’s not worth the risk.

At best she is zooming between teammates, healing allies, pressuring enemy supports and snipers, finishing off low health enemies, taking high ground.
But the addition of the dps made this more dangerous, her healing less effective in the way that it forces her to heal more of the time instead of actually playing.

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easiest support in the game to kill. No invincibility or self heal like most of the other supports, very predictable movement. The soldiers and McCrees that are solo ulting her in the air will probably beg to differ, though.