Mercy is actually one of the most fair supports by design

Its all relative. Players who only care about killing things will naturally be upset when supports who’s entire existence is to counter them killing things. No surprise players are made when a support does its job.

OW for so long has generally had far more DPS output than sustain, but the problem is many times people not picking the right composition to counter a given thing. WHich leads to sustain between tanks + supports getting too high.

Double tank is one of the problematic things in the game because they mitigate damage or block enough damage total where healing can outpace dmg in the game. If you weren’t running a shield tank you likely had some Zarya or Dva in play mitigating damage as well. Along with some tanks (hammond) being so fast they generally evade much dmg coming their way.

The removal of a tank allows nearly all dmg to go through completely since you can no longer cycle tank defensive abilities to overlap each other to come up with a very impregnable wall to get around.

A problem with all games is that if healing is not high enough, then its worthless to use. Nearly every single game in existence turns into a DPS fest. Healing in OW in general needs to be of a certian level to mitigate, but not outright overcome damage output.

Part of the triage nature of Mercy is that you have a self healing passive and a recovery passive. If Mercy’s not taking dmg with her health bar, then you are literally throwing away free value on your character for not using a resource.

Offering Mercy up as a target for enemies to shoot is part of generating value for your character. One cannot expect to hide behind a wall letting another player take all the pressure and not get 100% focus fired and expect one’s healing to overcome it. Mercy needs to be generally more active in exposing herself to the enemy team to make use of her range + GA + passive talents. Force the enemy team to have to make a choice between shooting support or shooting one’s charge.

When this happens one finds you generally tend to keep up with healing quite well. The other aspect is that Mercy does have resurrection. Between her own healing, a players self preservation, and another support you generally do have enough sustain to keep players up. You will have time to still get dmg bst values in.

The issue with pistol is that the transaction time between shoot heal shoot heal is way more punishing for your total actions per seconds that it will actively hurt you trying to do this too much.

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Wait, so you are telling me that to become a better Mercy… I have to feed?!

:muscle: :scream:

That is what resurrection is for.


Okay, but if it kills them…


Mercy is aproblem since blizzard made the bug, which they should just have fixed, into a feature… i.e. excessive mobility.

She already has a high powerbudget in rez and guardian angle, so the rest of her kit is kept hostage by it.

She should never have as much mobility as it is now. Then the rest of her kit wouldn’t need to be so lackluster and could be more buffed.

But with toxic hypermobilty as is she honestly deserves even some more nerfs.

I know this is the most expected way to play mercy, but i’m happy to tell you that i’m not a passive healbot.
(My best comp game ever had over 10k heals and 22 elims while only playing mercy. Never have i ever seen dps so blindly walking to highgrounds repeatedly)

I like to think that if i’m the only person on my team who died in a teamfight, i did my clay pidgeon impression perfectly. As everyone was busier shooting me down than my team.

Problem with this is that lower ranks tend to ignore the mercy. They keep shooting at my healing target unless i actively bodyblock for them, and that’s too much damage to live through with self heal of 17 hps.

Ah, yes. The do over button. Always lovely when you risk your life in a fight and successfully rez someone, only for them to stand there afk for 10 seconds.

A myth in most low rank games (not all). They don’t even know how to use side routes on lijiang control center. Just keep walking down the main route for the entire match despite how many times i keep shwing them the side route to the point.
Most don’t use cover. They just ult all alone 1v5 at less than 100 hp.

I with mercy’s 100dps will get more value out of shooting an enemy instead of boosting a teammate who has a 20% accuracy.
Mercy is really good at repositioning around shields and highground, so if my entire team is busy shooting at zarya bubbles i’m better off taking out the enemy supports.

I know. But someone needs to shoot the turrets, the shields and to pressure the enemy snipers since my team is busy getting deleted by continuously standing in a choke and not taking cover while absorbing over 300 damage per second.

Mercy’s biggest weakness is being so team dependant in all of her abilities. That’s ultimately what makes her feel either op or like trash.
And sadly in gold 3, she’s trash in most games.
Down here i win more by playing anyone else than mercy.
Even if i play ana with my 20 or so hours of playtime on her compared to mercy’s 300.

Literally no support has downtime in healing :sob:. Boohoo they have to reload for a second


This alone shows that your knowledge on the game is seriously lacking.
Which explains your very limited take on Mercy.

Look not only at the value she gets. But how she gets the value vs what you need to do to deny value. There should be a balance in reward vs effort put in and effort to counter. This balance is non existent in Mercy. So even if you are winning, you are having to work much harder than the Mercy. Which still doesn’t feel great.

Then the times you lose, it feels like the Mercy didn’t really deserve the win. You can argue if this feeling is justified, but this is a feeling that this sort of design will invoke from people.


I’m GM/Top 500 let’s not. It’s not a coincidence that every streamer and pro calls her awful.

This shows you don’t understand Mercy.
44HPS single target isn’t valueable and her damage boost isn’t worth losing the damage of Bap/Illari/Zen or the cooldowns of Brig/Ana/Lucio

Mercy offers nothing to the table

If youre losing to a Mercy u deserved that lost


This is such an ignorant take that I wonder if you even play support at all.

You know pretty well why is that and the fact that you have to gaslight ppl with calling her “fair” in title proves that.

Mercy will always feel unfair to play against,her own skill doesn’t impact the game as much as the other supports do,so it leads to the notion that you were robbed when you get killed by her carry DPS.
Yeah she’s not the best hero right now but I don’t think she should get straight buffs either. Like for example her healing is consistent,has no downtime or aim requirement so it should’t do more.

Imo the hate shes getting is kindof a sheep ish thing to do , i always appreciate a good and careful Mercy on my team tbh

GM on the role and it’s my main try again

Thinking GM/Top 500 means you know how healthy game design works. There are pro’s at the highest tier that have horrible takes in that regard, confirmed by coaches btw.

So equating high rank with knowledge in this regard is just a bull argument.

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If every single Top Player thinks Mercy is awful… Are we just all delusional???

If Jake/Samito/Neptuno and other top players have praised the descion making of mercy and map awareness + her movement being skillful (OW1) are we just all delusional and the low ranks know best

Oh I think she is horrible. You are the one that says she is one of the most fair supports though.

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She is and that’s not really a debate.

Bap can keep his entire team up with aoe heals while doing massive damage with 2 ultimates

Kiriko has 2 get out of jail freecards that aren’t punishable with the strongest ult in the game. Suzu counters ults as well

Illari literally creates a third support that you can’t get rid of on some maps while having great damage

Moira is just massive sustain and easy damage with no real descion making + they made hee ult easier

Brig can literally pocket multiple people at once and punish you for getting onto someone

Lifeweaver pull says enough

Ana is more fair than Mercy
Lucio is mostly more fair than Mercy
Zen is more fair than Mercy when not overtuned.

Go ahead and argue that Mercy having to make a choice on how to damage boost/heal while being single target + can’t just negate u if you get onto her team or her. Oh and she used to be even more fair when her movement was skillful and she couldn’t heal herself with staff

Resurrect says hello.

You are in the meta council, but we do not grant you the rank of skillful.

It’s FAIR. :dove:

“No Mistakes, No Mercys!”

Wait. I remember you. Wasn’t you that one guy who constantly got banned for gaslighting the community with support related threads.