Mercy is actually one of the most fair supports by design

Before yall go ahead and type “BUT MERCY TAKES NO MECHANICAL SKILL” yall need to relax. Mercy is a SINGLE target support with no means of fighting back. She has many drawbacks which almost every other support lacks but they get way less hate. It used to take skill to survive as Mercy which allowed her to be a better hero in OW1. To get back to that is just a simple tweak/revert in GA. Also because Mercy had no self healing she was forced to get out of the fight to heal aka DOWNTIME which is something else other supports lack. When a Mercy pockets someone shes only focused on ONE thing vs other supports doing multiple things at once.

As far as rez goes while it’s stupid, she still has to take a risk and has downtime while doing it which allows u to get another pick vs Suzu/Pull/Immort which prevents u from doing the kill in the first place.

Stop hating on the hero


No mercy. Repeat No mercy


What makes her design awesome is that she has 0 intrusive abilities. That alone makes her a super healthy support character


The only hero in the game which can be used to climb just by pocketing your GM+ bestie

I know most didn’t do this

but this type of thing happens often.


Whenever Mercy is meta, she’s a problem. It’s been like that for eight years.


The fact that the meta is Pharah, Echo, Cassidy, and Ashe and Mercy is not should tell you all you need to know.


Which has hilariously been very few times. She was uprooted as a main support pick after Ana’s release very quickly. The next several heroes after their release as well. She got a slight rework which over buffed her for a period of time, then she went back into obscurity until Ashe eventual buffs to the point where you could 1shot with her and Mercy.

We wouldn’t see Mercy in high rank play again as a primary pick until S2’s epic power in OW2. A very non-dominating character for most of OW’s lifecycle.

The only people really complaining about Mercy are the middle rank players since they tend to hyper focus Mercy as well as do generally stupider things which facilitate free rez situations.

its hilarious the number of dumb players who instead of backing out and retreating from a bad situation go all in and suicide for a play with a Mercy in play. That’s not Mercy being good, its a person doing something stupid and giving Mercy free value.


Smurfing Problem Not a Mercy Problem.

No one can stand ball players

Yeah the hero was gutted and the dps passive stacked ontop of that

Mercy was meta consistently like twice. One was when the hero was ridiculously overtuned and the other was the August - October 2020 where people LIKED the meta and said it was the most fun they had in years so pls don’t reach. After that she had a place in OWL but she wasn’t gamebreaking and Ana/Bap/Brig/Lucio/Zen had more playtime then her.

In OW2 she’s never been meta she was just strong that patch where her heals were 70HPS on allies under half or something like that.

  • The major problem was Sojourn because even after Mercy was nerfed, Sojourn REMAINED busted

I wish.

You might be correct. It’s possible they hyper focus her and STILL cannot cancel her necromancy.

That’s why I decide to die. I just need to feel something…

Bro, mercy is the reason why any other support feels completely useless.

Such as?
the only thing she lacks is dmg (which she doesn’t need to begin with with how much value she brings)

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You’re so braindead it’s incredible. I love how you think your unpopular opinion is right when every streamer and pro have said Mercy is useless. What could possibly be good about 44HPS single target healing with weaker damage boost and a rez u can’t get off.


I know, right?

As other supports I feel totally helpless as I negate all healing, render targets immortal, increase an entire team’s firepower and speed, turn tank’s into squishies with a single click, burst heal, dish out consistent damage, etc.

But as Mercy I can…

Switch to one of the better supports.


I love Mercy mains, they are precious and must be protected; however, if Mercy is getting resurrections consistently, she is absolutely providing more value than most support. The issue here is that low ranked players understand the impact of constant revives, especially on a tank… And despite that, they refuse to guard the corpse? It’s strange. Truly. This phenomena is unexplainable. Oh, wait, actually I just thought of the reason: skill issue.



Healing is what wins matches. The rest is just bonus. And mercy can also revert progress with rez as well.

I wish this was the case, that way i wouldn’t need to feel like i’m throwing if i pick mercy instead of ana, bap or moira.

She has no burst heals, she can’t cleanse allies or debuff enemies, no team wide utility like speed. She has no aoe heals outside of her ult and even then they’re the weakest aoe’s in the game.

She can’t deal damage and heal at the same time, her movement is completely tied to her team.

The only thing she has going for her is the rez. There is literally no other reason to pick a support with no burst heals and basically 0 utility (the dmg boost doesn’t do much when your team can’t aim).

The 44hps is the 4th lowest in the entire support roster (and even lifeweaver goes past her heals with the help of his ult). The 48hps ult is a joke for sustain and is only worth it in a brawl with the team wide dmg boost.


Both supports and tanks started getting out of hand with stacking abilities.

Moira, aoe primary heal AND aoe heal orb. Stacking healing. Burst heals, created slambulance aka quad tank meta in ow1.

Brig, huge aoe primary heal, packs, stacking heals. Antidive, stun on 5 second cd (for 4 years after launch) broken hero. Cornerstone of GOATS.

Bap, primary aoe heals and shift, stacking aoe heals. Add immort and consistent high dmg you have a broken hero. Boon to GOATS and double shield.

Sigma, barrier and grasp. Two mitigation abilities. Broken hero.

Orisa, barrier and fortify, two mitigation abilities. Broken hero.

Its almost like the original heroes didnt have stacking abilities, and were way more balanced. Mercy, heal OR dmg boost. Lucio, heal OR speed boost. Zen, Teeny tiny heal and discord. No mobility, easy dive target. Rein, barrier, thats it. Winston, barrier, thats it. Dva, matrix, thats it. One mitigation ability. One heal ability.

Long winded way to say I wish they stuck with this hero design for all later heroes. I prefer Mercy design over Bap, Kiri, moira any day of the week.


Looking at raw numbers tells only half of the story.

Her healing is consistent… like the most consistent of all others with 0 downtime whatsoever. in practice she can rank up more healing than anyone except maybe ana.

She also doesn’t need dps becuase she has dmg boost too.

Until they remove Rez and Powerboost, I don’t think I’ll ever stop hating the character.

Rez erasing 100% of your value and PB giving players the potential to run the lobby themselves just straight up ruins the game.

She might suck right now because the balancing is all out of wack, but damn, when she’s good, the game is honestly unplayable. :unamused:

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I think you’re being a bit biased here…although your argument actually makes a bit more sense now in OW2. But back in OW1, supports who could fight back weren’t “unfair” heroes. Heroes like ana was as good as dead if she misused her nade since she couldn’t heal herself. Same with zen whos survivability highly dependent on his positioning.

Brig and bap had a bit more survivability and an ability that tended to annoy high ranked players in general. But those were the only potentially “broken” or “unfair” support heroes in OW1.

In OW2 though, they gave 250HP to all supports and gave them all a healing passive. Which messed up the balance within the support roster. Since it removed weakness of some support heroes.

Previous seasons was the worst where moira and lucio became the strongest support due to dive meta. Lucio being strong is fine, but moira outvaluing harder to play supports even in high rank was a bit concerning. Even though the only reason why she was meta was because of her survivability against dive meta. It was concerning because even back in dive meta in OW1, ana and brig were playable. But that was no longer the case in OW2 dive meta.


Scoreboard numbers don’t tell the whole story.

Her heals are so low that the teammate will die regardless of if she heals them or not.
Even while pocketing someone, she can’t save anyone with 250 or lower hp from cassidy’s double headshot.

Meanwhile a single ana bullet will save a 250 teammate from a cassidy double headshot if it hits between the shots.

Pulling out the pistol and shooting is often worth more than using the damage beam. If you can land even a single headshot on an enemy that your teammate’s shooting bodyshots at, it’s more value than boosting those bodyshots for a second.

The value of that beam is so team dependent that it’s only worth using above metal ranks, but at that time you get more value out of any other support than her anyway.